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Permafrost Dye

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > Fingers crossed for 6th birthday gift I guess. /shrug

> >

> > This

> > Even though i already have dyes, the price is something related to their earlier aviability.

> >

> > You want the new dye soon? You buy it or gamble with the gem store.

> > Or else you simply wait 2 years ( i guess. we'll see ).

> Not 2 years. As soon as the first people will get it in their birthday gifts (so, half a year from now), the price will crash. It has happened to all the previous costly dyes. They may still cost a lot (if the gifts will be the only source), but it will still be much, much cheaper than it is now.


> So, just wait and buy then.




Shadow abyss didnt crash because of birthday gifts.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > Fingers crossed for 6th birthday gift I guess. /shrug

> >

> > This

> > Even though i already have dyes, the price is something related to their earlier aviability.

> >

> > You want the new dye soon? You buy it or gamble with the gem store.

> > Or else you simply wait 2 years ( i guess. we'll see ).

> Not 2 years. As soon as the first people will get it in their birthday gifts (so, half a year from now), the price will crash. It has happened to all the previous costly dyes. They may still cost a lot (if the gifts will be the only source), but it will still be much, much cheaper than it is now.


> So, just wait and buy then.




I just meant that after a new dye is released, over 1 year has to pass before we can see it as birthday gift.

Permafrost was released months ago, so probably could be on the next birthday dye.


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What you should be asking is: what is the closest approximation that doesn't cost a fortune? There are several almost-white dyes that range from a few gold to 1500. What I'd like to know is, which is the cheapest one that is a proper white (i.e., doesn't look grey when applied)?

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Honestly, i don't know how people bother buying gemstore dyes.

Seriously there's a higher chance of getting a common dye (which i've unlocked all of them back in 2014 when they made the wardrobe a thing) than getting the actual dyes you want.

I mean if it was a random dye within the specific "Jormag set" in this case, it would still be kinda meh. But having only a 24% chance of just getting a unique dye, and 76% chance of getting a "regular dye", a 60% chance of getting a dye that's worth 25 silver or less (for that specific dye set).

Seriously who does that to themselves?


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> @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"gimmick.1845" said:

> > > I would think game would better regulate stuff . I dont understand how they would allow a player to actually price them that high. I am guess could be just some players with lot money selling it for that much to profit them self I don't know. I just know be nice to have access to with out saving year and years

> >

> > The TP is not regulated at all. People can put anything up at any price. Just because someone puts something up at this price doesn't mean that people are going to buy it.

> >

> > I would guess that a lot of the people with buy orders are TP flippers. Either way it's the whitest white dye and that's why some people really want it; it looks great on the raptor, I believe.


> tp actually is regulated with max price at 10k. that'S why people that get choya pinata infusion try to trade it outside of trading post ( just take a look at reddit.)


Its power level is over 9000!

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Shadow abyss didnt crash because of birthday gifts.

The price did drop significantly due to them. Of course later it crashed even further due to being included in the black lion chests.

The price drops due to being included in black lion chests are way bigger, of course, but the ones due to birthday gifts can be also significant for the more pricey dyes and shouldn't be underestimated. I'm pretty sure that the price of permafrost will at least get halved.


> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> Ikr.

> I just meant that after a new dye is released, over 1 year has to pass before we can see it as birthday gift.

> Permafrost was released months ago, so probably could be on the next birthday dye.


Can actually be even shorter than a year, and never is significantly longer, as the gift dye pack includes (with some small modifications) "dyes that were released since the previous birthday dye pack".


Permafrost was released shortly before the last game birthday, and up to the last moment people were not sure whether it'd be included in the 5th year gifts. Eventually it wasn't (probably because it was _too_ recent), but it will certainly be in the 6th year one. Alongside any dye kits released later on up until now. Some of the yet-to-be-released ones might be included as well (and those that won't, will be in the next gift).


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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> This is such a cancerous colour to the eye and it's horrible no matter what kind of armor piece you're using it on. Looks really awful.

Yeah I think permafrost is an eyesore.


I mean something that bright should glow like the glow effect on Radiant Armour, but as a flat dye that drowns out detail on armour in an unnatural whiteness it's kind of ugly.


Much prefer celestial dye.


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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > This is such a cancerous colour to the eye and it's horrible no matter what kind of armor piece you're using it on. Looks really awful.

> Yeah I think permafrost is an eyesore.


> I mean something that bright should glow like the glow effect on Radiant Armour, but as a flat dye that drowns out detail on armour in an unnatural whiteness it's kind of ugly.


> Much prefer celestial dye.



Agreed. Celestial dye was and still is the most beautiful white dye that looks normal on most weight armor parts.

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> @"gimmick.1845" said:

> Why is there a dye worth 1,500gold it looks really nice I wanted to try get it but I mean for the price?! I know there are other dyes but they are no where near the price of it.


I want this dye so badly. I won't fall for it this time though.


Paid 600g for shadow abyss dye ages ago.


I quit the game for a while and when I came back I got a shadow dye drop from a pack of keys I bought, looked on the TP and its only worth 70g or smth now.


Please bring jormag dye kit back so I can get permafrost!!

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> Much prefer celestial dye.



I have and use celestial, and what I've noticed is that particularly when applied to a mount skin it just looks dull white. It's almost grey half the time. I think they deliberately made the skins so that without extreme brightness you can't see anything.. I don't know if there's a brightness setting I could be changing or something, but next to someone with permafrost my toon looks like a colourless smudge.

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