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what is the point of the new mastery?

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It's quite possibly the most useless mastery I have ever seen..


Your mount dies instantly still to mobs + you down right after leaving you in a dump to get back up on top of the usual get out of combat to get back on your mount... + it puts your healing skill in a huge cool down.


No thanks.. get rid of you downing when your mount dies.. and maybe it might have some use

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There are a few rare instances where your pet gets enough damage to dismount you.

But these occurrences are few and rare inbetween.

So i agree this is a bit of wasted use of the mastery system.

I'd rather have seen something like hacking inquest systems, to activate golems, or deactivate turrets/inquest-traps


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Well, there's some cases where you're going through a patch with lots of ranged mobs, you can use the skill to get a heal in the mount and avoid getting dismounted.

Of course there's a chance you die if you take too much damage. It's one of those things where you have to weigh the pros and cons. As far as masteries go it isn't the best, but it's nice to get more mount skills regardless.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > When I saw the mastery description I thought my mount's HP would be scaled to my character's HP (passively and permanently)... I was quite disappointed when I unlocked it. :c


> That’s what I thought it did. So what does it do?


You temporarily give your HP to the mount, basically. The effect lasts for a few seconds (10 I think?) but if the mount's HP reaches 0 during this time, you get downed.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> Well, there's some cases where you're going through a patch with lots of ranged mobs, you can use the skill to get a heal in the mount and avoid getting dismounted.

> Of course there's a chance you die if you take too much damage. It's one of those things where you have to weigh the pros and cons. As far as masteries go it isn't the best, but it's nice to get more mount skills regardless.


Yes stay away from those kitten harpies. You will get downed within 2-3 shots.

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I've not been impressed with it, but I haven't had a chance to try it in long-run, hostile zones or areas with a lot of DoT (sulfurous terrain, the lab we first entered and subsequently caused to self destruct, etc.). I think it will have it's uses, but they'll be quite limited. The potential downed state on dismount is a heavy price to pay. Perhaps being knocked off the mount and starting with a count or two of [Downed Penalty](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Downed_penalty "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Downed_penalty") would be a good compromise.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > When I saw the mastery description I thought my mount's HP would be scaled to my character's HP (passively and permanently)... I was quite disappointed when I unlocked it. :c

> >

> > That’s what I thought it did. So what does it do?


> You temporarily give your HP to the mount, basically. The effect lasts for a few seconds (10 I think?) but if the mount's HP reaches 0 during this time, you get downed.


Hmmm. I guess maybe the player can avoid getting downed as long as he’s not one shot and manages to dismount before the mount’s health reaches zero. Other than that it might be better to not use it to avoid getting downed in a mob heavy area.

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There are toxic areas in the new content, where your mount can only survive for maybe 10 seconds, so the mastery lets you live twice as long. It essentially acts as a heal and temporarily increases your mount's maximum health to that of your own, but if it dies within the next 10 seconds, you're downed. It doesn't actually use your own health pool, so if you dismount, your health is back to full even if your health infused mount was just about to die. It's only useful for these types of moments, where you need your mount just a little longer, though the 3 minute cooldown shows how useless it's intended to be.

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This mastery would only make sense if we had some kind of battle mount with better offensive and/or defensive capabilities then our base character which brings me to the question: what's the hold up? It's not like you would be able to use them in any area of the game where having them would actually make a difference. But yeah, as it stands right now: quite useless mastery, I would have taken something like "the ability dismount in midair" over it any day of the week.

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> So is it activated passively or is there a button? If its passive then we are forced to have a different mount mechanic just to progress with the masteries?


It basically becomes a heal skill for your mount. So it's button 6 by default.


I don't find it all that useful myself. Then again I kinda forgot I have it.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > When I saw the mastery description I thought my mount's HP would be scaled to my character's HP (passively and permanently)... I was quite disappointed when I unlocked it. :c

> >

> > That’s what I thought it did. So what does it do?


> You temporarily give your HP to the mount, basically. The effect lasts for a few seconds (10 I think?) but if the mount's HP reaches 0 during this time, you get downed.


Is there a button or something to do it or does the mount just take it whenever? I can not think of any time I would EVER want to get downed because my mount needed my health.


edit: Ah, saw that was answered, great that there is a button.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Never used it never will its useless like first mastery


Hopefully the next one will be REALLY good to make up for wasting all these MPs on useless masteries. Level 1 tracked with LS3 but by that pattern we should have gotten something equivalent to map travel. All of this is supposed to bring us closer to Aurene so level 3 better be a basic Aurene mount now!

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I sometimes pass bigger mob groups fast and getting kicked from mount in that situation is very anoying. With the new skill i have 20k hp on Mount wich reduces the possibility significantly.. So the mastery is not as useless as you bois wanna have it to be..

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I've found it useful on several occasions already to get past groups of mobs without dismounting.


I don't know how people call this the 'most useless' mastery, when we have masteries that don't give you any gameplay changes, like the volatile magic collection mastery (wow a mastery to be able to collect orbs whose sole purpose is to be collected).

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I was wondering about the mastery as well, still have not unlocked it yet. However I found the intended use of it in the final story instance due to normal exploration and quickly realized that this is task was either designed for the mastery, or the mastery was designed for the task - the 2nd option would be a lot worse. To add insult to injury, I found a way to get the job done even without the mastery, so it is ... questionable. If we really jump on the train of masteries with huge disadvantages, I want an ultimate-attack: pulsing 10 second aoe with every hit 10x power but if you get hit once you die without getting downed. This would be cool and would be used more frequently than that mount-hp-sharing xD.

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