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Things that should stay and things be removed from the Black Lion Chests period!

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This is *probably* asking too much, but it'd be nice if the chests could optimize for the player/character somehow. As this thread illustrates we all have preferences for what we'd like to drop. Hair Kits are useless to me. Trading Post Expresses are useless to me. I have at least 1400 transmutation charges, I'm good on those. You can never have enough teleport to friends. I'd like the mini eggs if they had a wider selection. Dye kits are meh. I eventually run out of Hero Boosters.


Undoubtedly many of you disagree on my preferences, the point being some way to customize our experience on these would be nice, or get some sort of trade-in/second shot on stuff that is particularly useless for you. Let's face it, these keys are rare/expensive and getting "yet another X" isn't fun after a certain point.

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1. Utility Primer---I never use them, but someone probably does.

2. Metabolic Primer---I never use them, but someone probably does.

3. Season 1 Memory Box - Scarlet vs. Lion's Arch --Love these, I consider them a win.

4. Season 1 Memory Box - Flame and Festivals.png Season 1 Memory Box - Flame and Festivals--Love these, I consider them a win.

5. Self-Style Hair Kit--Nice to have a few of these around.

6. Upgrade Extractor--Don't usually need, but when you do, they're good to have.

7. Transmutation Charge  ----Not exciting, but I can use them.

8. Revive Orb-- I use these. No, actually, I rarely use them because I hoard them in fear of not having one when I really need it.

9. All Dye Kits--- These are a fun in a lottery scratch-off kind of way. Now and then I get something I don't have or can sell for gold, more often I can share unwanted dyes with guild members, which is also fun.

10. Toy Miniature Egg-- These are okay.


So, um....I don't think I agree with your dump list. The must-keep list is all good, though.

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They're not going to take everything away but the most valuable items. If they did, expect the price and the availability to get keys to be adjusted to compensate. Or no changes are made and there will just be times that you get nothing. Not everyone finds those items as useless either.

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Or not? Because your opinion doesn't speak for everyone. I would love having a stash of self style kits when I make new characters. And since I wasn't here for season 1, I love those boxes. The chests need a variety of things in them because everyone is different and likes different things. So many people forget that.

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> What do you appreciate about the Tyrian exchange voucher though? I for example have an abundance of all currencies that are offered by it.

> On the other hand, those memory boxes and dye kits are fine imo. Cant please everyone...


I have actually opened 55 chests trying to get just one voucher :) I want the Arah currency so i can finish Bifrost... But I did get a lot of cool stuff out of those chests.

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> @"Greener.6204" said:

> Your words would come across as more honest if you say that these are changes _you_ would appreciate, and not try to speak for players in general. It would also help if you back up your statements with reasons for why you like some items and not others, rather than leaving a list with no context.


Well I honestly disagree with your statement. This thread was made by me so of course I am speaking for myself. That is the reason I also this at the end "In any case let me know what you guys think in the comments below" and if I would add a reason why for each specific one I mentions my post would have been too long.


The list I made is subjective to me and a lot of my friends who also share my thoughts on what they want in the chest and is what me and them consider as disappointing and should be either gemstore items or just be available through the Black Lion Statuets.


This is why I started this thread to start a discussion on what all players think on the topic.

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> @"Sombra.3246" said:

> > @"Greener.6204" said:

> > Your words would come across as more honest if you say that these are changes _you_ would appreciate, and not try to speak for players in general. It would also help if you back up your statements with reasons for why you like some items and not others, rather than leaving a list with no context.


> Well I honestly disagree with your statement. This thread was made by me so of course I am speaking for myself. That is the reason I also this at the end "In any case let me know what you guys think in the comments below" and if I would add a reason why for each specific one I mentions my post would have been too long.


> The list I made is subjective to me and a lot of my friends who also share my thoughts on what they want in the chest and is what me and them consider as disappointing and should be either gemstore items or just be available through the Black Lion Statuets.


> This is why I started this thread to start a discussion on what all players think on the topic.


Yet both the denotation and connotation of your words are that you speak for the entire player base. Since this is not your intent, I would advise you to change your OP. There is a big difference between saying "players" (an all encompassing term), "some players" (referring to a non-specific subset), "my friends" (referring to a specific subset), and "I" (referring to just you). Choosing your words carefully will better express what you truly mean.


Also, while brevity has its accolades, statements without details or support won't help Anet _understand_ the problem, and potentially address it. I would encourage you to go back and explain _why_ you feel the way you do, so that any future change has the potential to fix the actual problem(s) that you see.

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> The problem with the OPs post is that it doesnt clarify what happens to the odds of getting something that you want.

> If items are to be removed from the chest then they either have to be replaced with something else of little value or replaced with nothing, so now an option is when you open a chest is that you get nothing, otherwise all thats happening is that the chest simply now gives better stuff all the time.

> This would then require that either , BLC keys became much harder to find , or were much more expensive to buy in the Gem store otherwise it simply devalues the better items in the chest.




Yes, I would like them to be replaced with nothing, so that we simply get better stuff all the time. BLC are already harder to find and expensive to buy so they should be worth it.

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The OP is the same person who made that other thread complaining about how stuff is cheaper nowadays thanks to old stuff being reintroduced, that's the _real_ reason for this thread (and, specifically, why they included the LS1 boxes and dye kits on there, since they've driven the TP price of their contents way down).


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > The Season 1 Memory Boxes are fantastic and should always be available on the Gem Store to compensate for the fact Season 1 is not replayable like the subsequent seasons.

> They are horrible. Season 1 items are worth less now than when Season 1 was active. And that with 5 years worth of inflation..

And this is bad for people who aren't robber barons... how, exactly? Not everyone values skins based entirely on how much they're worth, the way you apparently do.

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