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Do you like PoF over HoT launch?


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So when I first got into hot I personally hated the terrain, I hated the mobs, I hated the jungle. Gliding was great but other then that I was not a hot fan and did not last long.


Getting right into PoF I must admit I am having a blast. First map has been so easy to understand and get around. I am not constantly getting ganked and the fights feel more balanced.


Just curious if others are having a much better experience with this over HoT


Can't edit poll forgot a did not like either

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> I've enjoyed the PoF content more so far however I've run into more problems trying to play PoF than I did when HoT was first released.


What do you mean? Glitches and bugs?


I personally only ran into a couple one being a major one of losing my wp and having to redo the story again ha.

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My intro to HOT: Walk down hill from first WP, get killed by 20 little raptors. Respawn, go down waterfall, land. Get killed by 5 mushroom charging things. Repeat this 100 times. There was nothing good or fun about HOT. Thats why so many people left.


POF: I get to look around and smell the roses. Enjoy the scenery. EXPLORE without getting attacked by 300 things every 2 feet!


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HoT is better. The maps are more complex, intricate, and nothing beats the first time I entered Auric Basin--true feeling of fantasy world. Also HoT came with raids... and that was so exciting.


PoF wins over other players I guess, but for me, HoT is the better expansion, unless they release somethign good with PoF.

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HoT was fairly broken at launch: maps closed despite having a healthy population, DS meta crashing due to insufficient memory, the prohibitively high cost of scribing, meta events require a lot of time investment, progression was too slow, some of the legendary collections were poorly designed. Anet did eventually resolve most of the problems but man, the first 6 months of HoT (vanilla HoT) was rough.


PoF is a way more pleasant experience, and i am impressed with its' quality thus far. Mounts are fun, some of the set pieces are beautiful, story mode is high quality. Keep up the gd work, anet. B)


And oh, fix mirage pls, that spec is fundamentally broken. :s

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I played vanilla launch and this launch. Vanilla launch ofc can't compare to anything, it was epic even though we who had early access couldn't play first day :P

However, since I second day of expansion went back to AB and TD to do meta events, as well as many other people, it says something about the expansion, unfortunately

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> @Necrid.9601 said:

> Large, horizontal map design is significantly better than vertical design in essentially every way. PoF is way more fun to go through, and I haven't encountered a map that made me nearly hate the game like Tangled Depths did, and I've been through all of them now.


Awesome! I've only been through the first 2 personally glad to hear the others are good as well

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Technically, I'm 'enjoying this one better at launch', but only because my head and attitude were not in a very good place when HoT launched. Returning last December and playing HoT through, it was very enjoyable to me, and I wish I hadn't taken a break. So thinking of the HoT release being this past December (for me), and PoF now, I really enjoy them both. I suppose if my big HoT play through were 2 years ago, I might say I enjoy this one more?


I think the HoT lands ended up being great. They were intimidating at first, and TD can still be tricky to get around in, but overall, they are great. VB's overall flow and meta. AB's meta. Dragon Stand. I had a lot of fun with it. The good news is, because HoT -n- PoF (H.R. Pufnstuf?) are so different, I think it will help with HoT's replayability, because that's the place to go do that sort of thing. The big vertical zones and zone wide meta events. It might also be interesting to go back with some of the new Specs and try them against some of the mobs that might have given us grief at the time and see if some of them fair better than the Specs we had at the time.

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I have never in my life start an expansion, and within an hour or two thought "Wow, I'm bored" like I am now. There isn't anything new. I haven't gotten passed the first map, and I seriously hope it gets significantly better. But the events done really chain, there isn't any giant meta event or bosses, and there isn't anything exciting.


I look around and go "Oh look, desert". There isn't anything worthwhile exploring, it is boring as hell. I did the race hoping to see some neat sites, you know what I saw? Desert and some crappy huts.


I feel like they put all their eggs into the mounts, which are neat, but they definitely aren't expansion worthy.


0 of my friends picked up PoF, because it didn't look interesting. And I wish I followed suit to be honest. As the most exciting thing I've done, is a super short event where a ton of lil cactus guys tried to plow through a gate.




ANet, please make stuff more explorable. Add event chains (As hopping from one event to another that are unrelated gets boring, and has little impact value). Put some sort of meta event, doesn't have to be HoT tier, but SOMETHING. And for future expansions, add something a bit more than mounts, and elite specs, not worthy.

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PoF by a significant margin. Like others have said, PoF feels much more open and encourages you to explore. HoT to me felt dark, gloomy and stuffy, which is odd given that so much emphasis was put on the vertical axis. As a casual player who spends the vast majority of my time in open-world PvE, PoFis a huge win. Oh, and the mounts' animations are excellent, particularly when idle.


I didn't play until approximately 14 hours after launch but did so without any issue whatsoever. And that was with the 64 bit Mac client.

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> @calb.3128 said:

> PoF by a significant margin. Like others have said, PoF feels much more open and encourages you to explore. HoT to me felt dark, gloomy and stuffy, which is odd given that so much emphasis was put on the vertical axis. As a casual player who spends the vast majority of my time in open-world PvE, PoFis a huge win. Oh, and the mounts' animations are excellent, particularly when idle.


> I didn't play until approximately 14 hours after launch but did so without any issue whatsoever. And that was with the 64 bit Mac client.


See, I get the encourages to explore. It is by far easier to navigate with HoT. Wish some of the mobs were more forgiving in HoT.


But, with that said. I also don't feel like there is anything to explore in PoF. To me, it is just an empty desert. HoT had a ton of stuff to check out, especialy with gliding around the remains of ships, and trying to figure out how to get to specific areas. PoF is just "This area is locked to you till you get your mount, period", as HoT had some interesting ways you could still get around.

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