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People "jumping"/no-clip flying, glitching, exploiting into Fire/Air keep. Anyone else seen this?


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This is speculation since I've only heard of it happening so far, but I have reason to believe it's possible since 1) I know that serious game-breaking hacks have existed for this game for a while and anet has done next to nothing about it from what I can see and 2) I've seen people get into air keep without there being any siege present anywhere.


I'm wondering if anyone has _seen_ people do this, or knows for sure that it's going on.

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I was called a hacker once for using spectral walk, when i managed to juke a 50 man zerg with it. So with that said, before people jump to "OH YES ITS HAX" I suggest for people to investigate all the different possibilities before making any wild claims , about things they might not know about or understand.


with that said, I've been able to spectral walk back into an enemy tower, that had already been flipped , by using spectral walk while inside, jumping out and then porting back in. i'm sure someone could find that useful with [sand Swell](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell") albeit very limited.


Now, do teleport hacks exist? Most certainly they do, and I've seen them in action. It's pretty hard to identify when people hack in WvW simply because of all the possible broken-esque build, food and utilities that are out there, and the lack of any proper tools to keep track of an enemy unlike spvp; where I've seen teleport hacks, speed hacks, and evasion hacks.

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I've seen someone walk straight through SM's outer wall several times. A few times walked into the wall and started destroying siege on top wall. I was able to target them, but of course not get to them. They walked back out of the wall with the target on their head then walked through the wall then consequently got killed near the supply depot. They then came back and proceed to go inside the wall again while destroying all the siege while they couldn't be touched. Not sure what type of hack you call that, but i've only seen it on one server and it's always the same guild that does it.

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> I was called a hacker once for using spectral walk, when i managed to juke a 50 man zerg with it. So with that said, before people jump to "OH YES ITS HAX" I suggest for people to investigate all the different possibilities before making any wild claims , about things they might not know about or understand.


> with that said, I've been able to spectral walk back into an enemy tower, that had already been flipped , by using spectral walk while inside, jumping out and then porting back in. i'm sure someone could find that useful with [sand Swell](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell") albeit very limited.


> Now, do teleport hacks exist? Most certainly they do, and I've seen them in action. It's pretty hard to identify when people hack in WvW simply because of all the possible broken-esque build, food and utilities that are out there, and the lack of any proper tools to keep track of an enemy unlike spvp; where I've seen teleport hacks, speed hacks, and evasion hacks.

Spectral Walk is an easy spot... teleport hax , flying, no clip etc are and have been present in wvw/gw2 for quite a while. The stand at doors or corners and dodge/glitch thro were supposedly fixed but lately they have been seen again... I am just waiting for those under surface invisible godmode attackers to reappear.


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> @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

> This is speculation since I've only heard of it happening so far, but I have reason to believe it's possible since 1) I know that serious game-breaking hacks have existed for this game for a while and anet has done next to nothing about it from what I can see and 2) I've seen people get into air keep without there being any siege present anywhere.


> I'm wondering if anyone has _seen_ people do this, or knows for sure that it's going on.


One thing to keep in mind is mesmers, and how many people don't sweep for them as they should because they feel the reveal mechanic is fine and will do the job for them. Air keep in particular has a way of avoiding it if you stand way on the outside. For example one time me and my guildies lost air keep and the majority of our group got wiped except for a total of 4 of us. We hid and waited and eventually got spotted by one guy but said "hey, maybe he's stupid" and stayed after he ran off and sure enough no one ever came. We waited until the RI was up, came out of hiding, and built siege on inner then took air back with our 4 man group. With a good mesmer hiding inside you can get your whole zerg back in, no siege required.


Now on to getting into Air/Fire keep in more illegitimate ways. There used to be a way to get into fire keep if you could land a few tricky jumps and then you'd be inside outer, but if I'm not mistaken Anet has fixed that little spot already so I believe its clear now. Air keep had a spot as well that, if you were using fall dmg traits and snowfall runes and had good aim you could get to, but since the change to snowfall runes I believe that spot should be fixed as well so from what I know currently I believe both spots should have been fixed.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> yes it exists. yesterday fought an ele that teleported around in downstate. mist formed. died, then telepoeted around still. :/ there is a youtube video out there


You gotta be careful on something like this because it could simply be someone playing with very high ping, like an OCX player. The fact that he died probably means he wasn't using any hacks.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > yes it exists. yesterday fought an ele that teleported around in downstate. mist formed. died, then telepoeted around still. :/ there is a youtube video out there


> You gotta be careful on something like this because it could simply be someone playing with very high ping, like an OCX player. The fact that he died probably means he wasn't using any hacks.


u.u most of the hackers we encountered died though.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> yes it exists. yesterday fought an ele that teleported around in downstate. mist formed. died, then telepoeted around still. :/ there is a youtube video out there


I've seen 2 players doing this recently. Overcommit, get downed, then basically walk away while in downed state the whole time. And no, it wasn't the necro trait, they were pretty much isolated from their zerg. Could this possibly be a lag thing? Or is this just a hack?

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> @"SWI.4127" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > yes it exists. yesterday fought an ele that teleported around in downstate. mist formed. died, then telepoeted around still. :/ there is a youtube video out there


> I've seen 2 players doing this recently. Overcommit, get downed, then basically walk away while in downed state the whole time. And no, it wasn't the necro trait, they were pretty much isolated from their zerg. Could this possibly be a lag thing? Or is this just a hack?


not sure. best record it next time. most i encounter is teleporting players, flying to mountain unreachable areas and thru walls players


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> @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

> This is speculation since I've only heard of it happening so far, but I have reason to believe it's possible since 1) I know that serious game-breaking hacks have existed for this game for a while and anet has done next to nothing about it from what I can see and 2) I've seen people get into air keep without there being any siege present anywhere.


> I'm wondering if anyone has _seen_ people do this, or knows for sure that it's going on.


2. The glitch/ exploit for air still exist. But y will get only in the outer-ring of air with it. If they are at the lord they are most likely hacking. Most likely bc there is still a loading error in WvW that makes walls invisible for that player and he can walk through all of it. The exploit for fire is fixed as far as I know.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Best I've got is I was on map when a T3 air keep flipped without any walls or gates going down. The scout running around kept thinking it was a tap because all the guards were in place and walls/gates were all at 100%, until the keep capture bar started moving. TBH I'd almost like a "your lord is under attack" like SPvP has on the Legacy of the Foefire map. I'd say just for keeps and maybe SMC, towers having that might get a little annoying.

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