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What ONE thing could the game have that would satisfy you?

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> @"Firedash.4570" said:

> > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > > @"Firedash.4570" said:

> > > REPLACE THE CHARR WITH A BETTER RACE. Dear god I don't know why ANet made those horrible looking things. Really just look at the Asura and Sylvari and ANet has already proven that you can make non human races that look great. I just really dislike seeing those half dog/rodent looking things running around, sometimes I mistake them as an NPC attacking me (kappa). And have you had a good long look at their... necks... Looks disfigured sometimes to me. Just very unpleasant to look at.

> > >

> > > So yeah that would be what would make me happy personally.

> >

> > So because you don't like something it must be removed? Why not just add a new race without removing a current one that people enjoy playing? Lol.


> This post is about what change you would like personally right?


Indeed, but the criteria given by the OP was also that it wouldn't be too broad of a change, as in something on a smaller or more achievable scale that would make people happy. I think taking out an entire race and replacing it with another doesn't quite qualify. Maybe an option to hide charr characters would be a more suitable alternative (and one that doesn't harm charr players :P).

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> What one thing could be added, removed, or changed in the game that would make you happy? It wouldn't fix everything in the game, but it would satisfy you personally for a long time.


> It can't be something too broad like: "For PvP to be balanced!"


> But it can be something like: "Guild Capes" or "Braham killed off" or "A certain class or weapon being more viable in PvP".


> ----------


> The ONE thing that would satisfy me is to finally have an Elemental/Arcane **Longbow** on Ele!


1) penalties for death.

2) gear progression.


This is a meaningless, bubblegum mmo because it costs nothing to die; and there's no good gear to reward you for pushing yourself.


inb4 all the salty "play another game" comments.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > @"Firedash.4570" said:

> > > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > > > @"Firedash.4570" said:

> > > > REPLACE THE CHARR WITH A BETTER RACE. Dear god I don't know why ANet made those horrible looking things. Really just look at the Asura and Sylvari and ANet has already proven that you can make non human races that look great. I just really dislike seeing those half dog/rodent looking things running around, sometimes I mistake them as an NPC attacking me (kappa). And have you had a good long look at their... necks... Looks disfigured sometimes to me. Just very unpleasant to look at.

> > > >

> > > > So yeah that would be what would make me happy personally.

> > >

> > > So because you don't like something it must be removed? Why not just add a new race without removing a current one that people enjoy playing? Lol.

> >

> > This post is about what change you would like personally right?


> Indeed, but the criteria given by the OP was also that it wouldn't be too broad of a change, as in something on a smaller or more achievable scale that would make people happy. I think taking out an entire race and replacing it with another doesn't quite qualify. Maybe an option to hide charr characters would be a more suitable alternative (and one that doesn't harm charr players :P).


Ah true.

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Swappable Sigils and Infusions on Legendary weapons. They cost a whole lot of time/gold/effort to make and should be on par with Lgendary Armor and Trinkets when it comes to functionality. I paid 2k gold on a legendary weapon, why do I have to carry ascended duplicates around if I want to switch builds?

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Bats. Either as a playable race or as ranger pets. Or both! A bat ranger with a bat pet... /swoon


Bats. Or maybe giant asura...


On a lighter note, I'd be much mollified by future non-use of hokey pokey boss fights in living story missions in which you must put your left foot in then take your left foot out then put your left foot in and shake it all about before you can do damage to the boss for a handful of attacks, if you're lucky, then rinse and repeat over and over and over again with repetitiously repetitious repetition. I mean, sure, it was fun the first 9000 times or so, give or take, but it's starting to get a little... repetitive. I repeat: repetitive.

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Attribute Balance!

Certain attributes are much more useful than others! The defensive/supportive attributes see mostly situational use in raids and SPVP (where hunting for gear doesn't matter). I have a suggestion to fix this, but it a page long, so it'll have to wait.


Second biggest gripe?


Giving ascended trinkets for free was a bad idea and I called it from the very beginning! Now the Jeweling profession is pretty much useless, and people don't know what to do with all that gold and silver ores.

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A revamp of dodge and conditions/boons to bring a reasonable amount of buildcraft to the game.


Dodge (and other defensive skills, but primarily dodge) need to be a part of the stat/build system instead of a poor excuse of a catch-all mechanic that nullifies nearly all of the games defensive buildcrafting choices, including a third of available stat choices in most game content.


Conditions/boons (and to a lesser degree stealth) need to have real buildcraft answers to their mechanics, allowing to build for varying degrees of defense and counterplay against these mechanics instead of the binary ill-thought choice of carrying or not carrying clears/corruption.


EDIT: I feel like me and Kite.2510 are scratching the same itch here.

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The one thing that I truly want inbtuis game right know is a monk-like (kung fu) elite specialization. Preferable given to thief, warrior, or guardian classes.


After seeing LW S4e2 I have a feeling something like that may be in the works for rangers and or eles given the certain clan that we are introduced to.

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> @"Firedash.4570" said:

> REPLACE THE CHARR WITH A BETTER RACE. Dear god I don't know why ANet made those horrible looking things. Really just look at the Asura and Sylvarí


You mean the one race that is shaped and moves like 3-year-old toddlers, and then the other one that is cheesier (a.k.a. pure kitsch) in design than anything elven-related has ever been in all known fantasy realms? I guess it is all a question of taste after all. ;)


> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> What ONE thing could the game have that would satisfy you?


In this order of preference:

1. Continuous personal story paths related to my character's choices, race and/or profession.

2. An engine overhaul that boosts my FPS by at least 100.

3. New playable races.



If you were asking about _items_, however, all I want is:

* A **horse** mount!

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