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What ONE thing could the game have that would satisfy you?

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My number 1 thing would just be to just remove stats and have a base set of balanced stats for each profession and then balance the game from there. To think Guild Wars 1 had the opposite problem of too many combinations of skills, Guild Wars 2's issue is too many combinations of stats working with skills. Its a balance nightmare all over again. I know this is an almighty ask since everything in the reward system of GW2 is 'stats' pretty much.


But I'd prefer that extra stats were replaced by some more traits (and not just damage/defense increasing traits but ones that can change the way a profession is played), for example an extra set of traits for each trait line (an Ascended trait tier above grandmaster maybe?) and they could also bring back some kind of weapon traits (I believe these were planned early in development but were dropped like many other great ideas, polymock and the other activities, home instance housing, sweeping dynamic event chains over huge areas which would interact with each other, AI that could actually dodge, need I say more?) and these would be slotted perhaps in their own weapon trait panel for each weapon and change how a skill works such as giving Swirling Winds projectile reflection or turning Fireball into a beam attack hitting foes along the beam instead of aoe, that sort of thing.


When I read the blogs during development of the game stats were not a thing I was hyped about at all compared to the rest of what was said about build craft and I know this post is beating a dead horse but this 'is' something that would satisfy me and make me feel better about this game. I am not a fan of the range threshhold as it is between super tank and super damage and think it needs reducing substantiallly.

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#1 More classes

#2 Better classes

#3 better wvw mechanic

#4 Be more like DAOC pvp and EQ 1 pvE

#5 usefull ranger pets / better pathing / movement

#6 New/bigger wvw maps..new stuff to do

#7 Monthly payment to get rid of some of the kids

#8 Actual healers

#9 Actual decent buffs (like DAOC / EQ1)

#10 Decent CC

#11 A bard class

#12 Make ALL ranger traps condi / elite trap

#13 Give WAR elite shout...again

#14 (wvw) Class what can climb walls (DAOC Vampire/war and such)

#15 Make engy turrets usefull /fun. NOBODY uses them (Warhammer engy was fun)

#16 Make ranger pets/necro minions take more then ONE hit..and turrets

#17 For gods sake..deal with hackers. I know a few that have been hacking NON STOP for months and months/years and get away with it

Speed hack and midnight hack,zoom hack

#18 Again, more classes. Gw1 had more ,no less dual class system.

DAOC has what? like 90 total classes? ALL diff?

#19 heal >tough> vit gearset

#20 Worse of all : TERRIBLE shield mechanic. A shield is 180 armor? really?

You give up an off hand/serious dps for 1% damage reduction

LONG CD block and other useless skill

Shield should be major armor boost 1000-2500? depending on size

shield should have BASE block rate ( based on size)


GW2 has turning into 99% zerk builds and ply style

Some of us LIKE to heal/support/tank


How about some support mechanic love?


The day Camelot Unchained and Pantheon come out...Gw2 loses 75-90% of it pop


it seems, ALL Anet cares about it catering to the Spvp people.


Semper Fi


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Even more armor styles, the last two outfits left from the concept art, (herald of Balthazar and the herald of grenth), templates for wvw/pve gear, a proper GvG system, a reduction in the cost of gems for a single gem store mount skin to 800 gems instead of 2000. Oh and redesigned alpine borderlands. The graphics on the old borderlands need the kind of rework that the desert borderlands already has...just not as huge as the borderlands is.

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- More human male beard choices

- Option to alter ears - pointy ears for the humans

- better auburn/red hair colors - they either look like dye colors from Hot Topic or bleached out light orange currently - as a ginger my hair matches none of the colors

- ability to add make up

- tribal looking armor like animal skin masks - Owls, Lions, wolf

- tribal looking ranger weapons

- very long dreadlocks hair style for human females

- darker skin colors that don't create odd graphic colors...such as yellow spots when you choose darker skin colors

- tattoos for non-Norns

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> @"Firedash.4570" said:

> REPLACE THE CHARR WITH A BETTER RACE. Dear god I don't know why ANet made those horrible looking things. Really just look at the Asura and Sylvari and ANet has already proven that you can make non human races that look great. I just really dislike seeing those half dog/rodent looking things running around, sometimes I mistake them as an NPC attacking me (kappa). And have you had a good long look at their... necks... Looks disfigured sometimes to me. Just very unpleasant to look at.


> So yeah that would be what would make me happy personally.


Boo. Charr is my favorite race both in appearance and lore. I love the fur patterns, horn styles, etc. but I’d like to see better fitting armor for them. Something designed more for charr physiology. (And I wish their foot claws actually flexed like toes would.)

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1. Modding capability to make or edit equipment skins similar to Skyrim. (I know it will never happen, but that would solve so much for me)

2. Barring #1, at least make a chest and leggings I actually find appealing. (None currently available in the game meet this criteria.)

3. Remove or greatly increase the 250 upper limit on stackable items everywhere , and without needing to buy expander upgrades. (For technical reasons, a new upper limit of ~ 2^16 would suffice.)

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-Additional dye panels for armor skins and outfits (max of 4 is pretty low for outfits all together and some armor pieces); dye panels added to back pieces and weapons

-Modernized character creation to be on par with recent MMORPGs

-Allowing gear to be transmuted to any armor type regardless of class

-Option to hide weapons when out of combat


-Personal housing with modern social features associated with them for friends/guilds

-Some sort of relationship/friendship system


-Update the game's coding/engine to modern standards; this would be the absolute one thing I would like, higher fps, high visual quality, flexibility for content and future updates, etc

-Better network, after the move the game is unplayable for some even within North America

-Continue to balance classes independent of "mode"; pve, pvp, wvw


-Tweaks to Black Lion Chests

--Remove the possibility of getting items you can't use or would be wasted (i.e hair style kit when a permanent version is bound to your account)

-Mount adoption split up into categories for each mount


-Material storage stack expansions applying to inventory and normal bank

-When clicking use all on bags/boxes/etc it will open up until there is 1 inventory slot left, rather than overfilling

-Being able to label lower level sigils as junk


These are just a few quick things, tried to keep it mostly doable things.

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> No idea why its so big I typed normally


It's the `#` in front of your numbers. _Vanilla_ forums uses markup that converts that into a Header style. So you can fix it by:

* Remove all the `#` (plus numbers), select your entire list, and then use the numbered-bullets converted from the drop down.

* Or, as the OP requested, only mentioning just "**ONE** thing ... the game [could] have that would satisfy you." ;)


_(obligatory side note: yes, I'm just teasing Fastcar.7831; it's absolutely not required to fix the formatting issue)_

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > A $15/month sub fee, but that's probably "too broad".

> >

> I think 15 is too much; 5 is better considering the player base. You'd generate 180 million a year plus the extra you'd get on the gem store.




Yeah but then all the people who are suddenly now paying $5 a month would start demanding more of the stuff in the gemstore being ingame when truth is $5 a month probably barely or doesn't cover the server costs used by those people.

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~ Guild commendation use and NEW Guild missions

~ To be able to customize dye for weapons

~ Name my mini so they are unique.

~ A house to decorate not home instance

~ better and user-friendly LFG system with option to auto detect qualification of players in search and match party members. Allowed players with fit qualification to join such party search and find. Similar to that in ff14

~ bring back dungeon farm improve rewards new dungeons.

~ Race transformation so I get to keep their bday


LAST but not least...

VR for gw2 :)

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