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whats your main based off of something in your life??


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Interesting question! :)


Personally, I like to create 'unique' characters and choose their own personality, their own background, and of course a name that fits their story. From that perspective, I don't like to 'mirror' myself in a character.


My main is a male Norn Mesmer. I think I created him the way I would like a partner of mine to be, someone that would 'complete me' and help me overcome my difficulties :)

Choosing the race was easy, I have always loved the Norn and everything about them. The class was to challenge myself. I used to think I wouldn't enjoy playing Mesmer, that it didn't fit me at all, but now I'm really liking it :)


Like I said, I tend to prefer unique characters that have nothing to do with my person, however, my second main is a female Human Warrior and she's very much like me -short, ferocious and a 'little' stubborn :)

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I originally mained necro because I love dark, scary, and creepy things and also like to write short horror stories and draw creepy pictures occasionally. I switched to elementalist because I was curious about it and ended up sticking with it because my boyfriend chose to main necro and he got attached to my ele lol.

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I’ve done sword based martial arts since I was 12, and have had a massive fascination with the occult since before then even. In every RPG ever I roll a caster if available so I knew I was going to be light from the start. If possible I will always try for spellsword, even better if I could dual wield though that’s not a requirement.

I like all forms of magic, neutral/spiritual, psionics, elemental, dark types were my fav. Less so light, rarely do I roll typical Clerics or Pally.


Way back pre release I was going to be an Ele.

At the time only had daggers but it’s okay I had 4 flavours of magic lots of cooldowns to cycle through. I had staff for aoe Nuke options, even had a great sword as an elite was gonna be good...



And I GOT PORTALS, and Blinks and I could summon copies of myself!!! And not only did I get my sword BUT I GET ONE IN MY OFFHAND AS A LIGHT ARMOR GUY! I also got a GS, which I shoot beams from! Kinda weird but okay, that’s still awesome! Literally a two sword wielding psionic! Needless to say I was sold, and Pre release my hype grew.

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I could say that I main necromancer because I'm crippled IRL, I bleed myself for stupid things and I like to curse at politicians.


I could say that I main ranger because I have a cat. Thought he tend to do exactly what I don't want him to do... Well That make it even more realistic...


I main mesmer just because I fell in love with the gameplay of this profession at launch.

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Heya Cjam.


Always had cats living with me, from when I was born. Grew up learning to appreciate nature. Started to grow on me even more when I grew into adulthood. Love long walks in the forest.

As for my irl profession, I work in psychiatry.


So when I started playing guild wars prophecies, ranger was definitely going to be it, nature and the love for animals.

Same for guild wars 2, though pre-release I was still in doubt with guardian (the mending people part of me), but since it was a soldier profession, packed in heavy armour and too sturdy for my liking, ranger was my first choice again. Druid being a supportive spec made it complete again.


Mesmer is my first alt, maybe reflecting the mysteriousness it embodies, people not really knowing what to think of it/her/him. I hear that sometimes as well about myself, sometimes being a compliment, sometimes not lol.


Second alt is guardian, explained that already, and then I had all 3 armour classes.


Then comes elementalist. Because it’s bound to nature as well.

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Well I work as an Engineer in RL so when I started playing I was naturally drawn to making an Engi my main. I played the core game and when HoT released I played Scrapper through that. My friend then joined the game and I made a thief alongside his new character to level up with him. Been a thief main since then. Didn't know I didn't like playing Engi until I played thief. Can't say this has anything to do with influences in my life, never stolen anything before.

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I always liked Magic, but I hated the Stereotype of the "Staff Mage that stays away and just spams spells". But Guild Wars 2 gave me the Conjured Weapons, Daggers and just recently Swords (Jesus Christ, how much I waited to have Swords for a mage) to the Elementalists. It became my main after that, cause I simply loved the Conjured Weapons, specially the bow and hammer, perfect for my pitch. And when they added swords that simply settled the deal.


My main was gonna be Mesmer before that, but lets say I am more into colorful, x3. My second main would be Engineer, cause I have to face it, he is and was the closest to the "colorful" love I have before I knew I loved Elementalists. x3

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As kid I hid myself a lot, observing people or trick them. That happened A LOT in different fashions.

At the playground for example me and my friend hid in really deep bushes and made smaller kids nearby cry or run away by making stupid voices and stuff about "being the worst nightmare" and all that. So the power of "stealth" was introduced early in my life. Since I was always the smallest and skinniest of all, direct confrontation was never a thing, more diplomacy when face to face or guerilla tactics when "on the field".


I once had mad beef with a female class mate in elemantary school and me and my friend Richard 'Richie' were yelling her name, suddenly her two buff brothers searched for the origin of the voice, and these guys were super awkward. We both hid _under_ cars, robbing through mud to avoid our heads being seen over the bushes, squeezing ourselves into super narrow places and other Vietcong shit it was crazy and beautiful when they walked by so close.


At my grandparents appartment, I would try to avoid my grandparents and parents watching TV while sneaking in Mission: Impossible manner from side to side (closet, bathroom, kitchen,...) whenever there were action scenes on TV and I just sat there for minutes in a dark bathroom because of quiet scenes on TV that would make my own walking noises audible. I fondly remember kneeling on the bathrooms bathrug to wait until they action scenes start again - which means distraction. I was syncing my movements to the audio and light (bright scenes) on the TV. A rustling noise of the couch could mean some of them on their way to the toilet, but nope, just changed position. Phew. My goal was the cabinet with the sweets - late after bedtime, so I'd be busted² if caught. The thrill of the hunt or escape is something that always was a part of my life for some reason. At my other grandparents I would often yell randomly "Dude, wait!" from random positions to strangers walking or cycling by and watch their reactions while they try to see me while scanning the neighbourhood with their eyes, being kinda nervous or annoyed.


Distraction also helped a lot: Throwing rocks and branches far away would make my playground friends search there instead of my actual location so I could escape safely.


Today I still gotta do that. In our company, there are two big departments divided by HACCP regulations. Because their restrooms are cleaner (no lies) and their storage room is usually stocked (while our's plundered by selfish collegues), I really have to sneak in there. I am basically not allowed there because I have no hygiene clothing but I carefully and slowly open doors, try not to activate those snitches on the wall (a.k.a. sensors that turn on the light) and snatch their equipment (it's company property after all and not restricted to either department). I can hear the collegues there talking or chairs moving and I am freezing as if it's life or death.


And that's basically my playstyle as well. I started with Splinter Cell, then Splinter Cell 3, THIEF, Dishonored 1 and 2 and right now I playing Styx, the Master of Shadows and have a blast. In GW2 I do often walk on top of roofs (thanks to the Springer) and shoot enemies from afar, which are often totally oblivious or stuck because the pathfinding can't get to me. I am always the safe guy, the "NOW OR NEVER GO-IN-FOR-THE-KILL" sort of the but after that, you won't hear or see me again...


This is consistent since my childhood until now, so I think it's somewhere deep inside my attitude - and thus affecting my playstyles in video games.



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Bumped, more than a month laters, since that's exactly the reason I can't seem to pick a main for the love of me (and I just bought both expansions).


At launch I rolled a Charr Engineer, since I was studying engineering and was quite a team player (warbands and stuff). A bit later rerolled to Sylvari engineer, to showcase me relative inexperience and lust for new experiences.

Later on, when I started realising that designing/fixing stuff isn't my thing and I was a glorified operator, I switched to human thief, since I am kinda sneaky and try to avoid conflict as much as possible, plus I like my fair share of stealth games, since you can choose non-lethal paths (as for example in Deus Ex).

Meanwhile, I was trying to settle on Mesmer a various amount of times, since they have a kinda-mental-psionic theme going on, but I could never make it to 80

Even later on, I decided to roll an Elementalist since my favorite color in Magic: The Gathering was red by a far margin, and I loved quick solutions (aka rushing as fast as possible to victory).

Then, I realised that red is a color that characterises not only elementalists, but also engineers (of which I already had 2), and warriors (which I rolled).


But now I'm torn between various options:

Engineer due to academic studies, which cannot be unlearned, though I'm mostly aiming for operator positions, not actual engineer.

Thief due to sneakiness, but my actual real life reflexes are kitten.

Elementalist, since Red Deck Wins, but I'd like a simpler playstyle, focusing on one attunement at a time (i.e. pyro/aero/geo/aqua-mancer instead of trying to _Weave_ them like a pianist.

Warrior since it's a very simple class and most akin to an everyday man (plus I do have my fair share of tantrums at times), but my physical aptitude is low.

Mesmer, as it's the most aesthetic and mysterious class (I've started getting an aptitude for modern art and trying to figure out meanings of my own the last 2 years), plus it fits the INFJ stereotype somewhat well. It seems too complicated and dependent on a group to do well, aka rather insufficient in levelling and solo play, though.


Any suggestions?

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> @"Arraphyn.2417" said:

> Bumped, more than a month laters, since that's exactly the reason I can't seem to pick a main for the love of me (and I just bought both expansions).


> At launch I rolled a Charr Engineer, since I was studying engineering and was quite a team player (warbands and stuff). A bit later rerolled to Sylvari engineer, to showcase me relative inexperience and lust for new experiences.

> Later on, when I started realising that designing/fixing stuff isn't my thing and I was a glorified operator, I switched to human thief, since I am kinda sneaky and try to avoid conflict as much as possible, plus I like my fair share of stealth games, since you can choose non-lethal paths (as for example in Deus Ex).

> Meanwhile, I was trying to settle on Mesmer a various amount of times, since they have a kinda-mental-psionic theme going on, but I could never make it to 80

> Even later on, I decided to roll an Elementalist since my favorite color in Magic: The Gathering was red by a far margin, and I loved quick solutions (aka rushing as fast as possible to victory).

> Then, I realised that red is a color that characterises not only elementalists, but also engineers (of which I already had 2), and warriors (which I rolled).


> But now I'm torn between various options:

> Engineer due to academic studies, which cannot be unlearned, though I'm mostly aiming for operator positions, not actual engineer.

> Thief due to sneakiness, but my actual real life reflexes are kitten.

> Elementalist, since Red Deck Wins, but I'd like a simpler playstyle, focusing on one attunement at a time (i.e. pyro/aero/geo/aqua-mancer instead of trying to _Weave_ them like a pianist.

> Warrior since it's a very simple class and most akin to an everyday man (plus I do have my fair share of tantrums at times), but my physical aptitude is low.

> Mesmer, as it's the most aesthetic and mysterious class (I've started getting an aptitude for modern art and trying to figure out meanings of my own the last 2 years), plus it fits the INFJ stereotype somewhat well. It seems too complicated and dependent on a group to do well, aka rather insufficient in levelling and solo play, though.


> Any suggestions?


Wow I’m in somewhat the same boat as you referring to relating each class somehow to your personal life. I can think of something for each class pretty much and then sometimes I stare at my character screen thinking “I have no idea who I want to main” but since I started this thread a month or so ago, I kind of have come to realize that since I can relate to almost each class, that I should pick one that I relate to the most and that I have the most fun playing...have I a main yet? Absolutely not lol but it’s progress.


Maybe what I said ^^^ will help you decide as well! Or at least get closer to deciding

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My main is an Engineer- Holosmith, I haven't anything in particular related to engineering... I picked this class 5 years ago due to my love of rifles and pistols in MMOs. Since holosmith have been add I think finally that I chosen this class because she is futuristic: Have an holographic sword and rifle isn't it epic? But something in my life should have influenced my choice: When I was a child, in primary scholl whereas every other child just draw persons or their families, I used to draw gears and machines. And I love inventions, so when I saw that Engineer have turrets I jumped on the occasion.

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Mesmer, because I’m fabulous.


I kid, of course.


Whenever I’ve played multiplayer games, either computer, D&D or whatever, I naturally gravitate to supportive or healer classes so Mesmer seemed like an obvious choice.


I’m tech support in RL, so maybe that’s way?

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In terms of design I've always been a fan of Lucy Lawless. In Xena she was so cool! I also loved wonder woman growing up so I'll often make taller powerful dark haired ladies. Primarily because I envy them and wanted to be like them! But alas I'm not. I'm the shortest in my nuclear family although I'm not short at all. I've got long blonde hair, pale skin and green eyes. Nothing like the sharp blue and silver eyes and black hair of the women I grew up admiring. So in terms of design, I base my main on the sexy appearance of wonder woman and Lucy Lawless. My main's name is even Lucia!


As for play style that differs a bit from design for me. I don't enjoy playing a warrior. I was fairly frail and sickly growing up and couldn't do things like sports because of my health concerns. I'd be rushed into the hospital on multiple occasions. I was terrified of death at a young age, always suspecting that when I lay my head down to sleep I'd suffocate while sleeping. My fears became my curse and fueled my insomnia. I began to take interest in gods, angels, demons, superstition, mythology and the after life. My fears lead to an obsession with death as a means of coping with my mortality. I began playing MMOs but didn't link my obsession with death until later. Necromancer of GW1 wasn't afraid of death. She was it's master! And it has helped me over come my some of my fears and cope with my own mortality.

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First and foremost, sorry for my english and mobile to-forum speech.


I have severe problems choosing a main.It's not that I like all of them, its that picking a specific playstyle or theme for me is incredibly difficult.One thing is for sure, if I had to base my character off my real life, he would have commited suicide long ago.


I was born with both elbows dislocated and a weak back that causes me constant chronical pain. That is but a small fraction of my mental/spiritual pain however. From youth I have been told that I was truly special, intelligent and cunning, charismatic and down-to-earth, and that I would make great things. This was no cheap school conselour talk mind you, as this is something that I'm still being told today in my early adulthood. Thing is, other than academically (and even that is in peril) anything I have ever tried has been a complete failure, every project, small or large, destroyed, from being the leader of a small game community that ended up destroying itself in some kind of civil war, to personal relationships.


That part in particular has been the harshest, with my first, young S.O. being another crippled person that died after a car accident at age 15, having no social interactions for 3 years after that, my second gf being a depressed, yet malicious person who turned our relationship into a toxic, abusive nightmare that burned my resolve as I finished it, with her cheating on me and destroying what little was left of my dreams and my father dying of cancer at age 50 leaving me in the middle of my college courses and my mother alone with a goverment payment for widows and half-orphans. My new SO is the kindest ,sweetest person I have ever met and things go well with her but wisdom and life experience tells me that It wont last, surely because of her getting tired of a young yet old and broken man.


As far as personal skills go, I'm studying a degree in enviromental sciences, as I love studying the natural world, but I'm not a rough rugged wild survivor or anything. Back issues and allergies would kill me fast. I'm told by others to be intelligent, to know my way with words and convincing others, to be helpful and philosophic, although a bit stubborn. I'm also told to be stealthy and quite wise/experience/mature for my age, to work really well with machines in both hardware and software, although all people agrees that luck has never been on my side.


I'm neither strong or agile, although after many scars I have developed quite a phisical pain tolerance.


Not much to say I guess, ended up rambling about my life to vent out stuff. Most people won't read the wall of text anyways so doesn't matter that much anyways


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