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Green. I miss green.

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I like dyes. I don't have them all, but I like to collect them, and the fact that you can test dye colors on armor and mounts even if you don't have them unlocked... well, I've probably put 200gold or so into dyes after finding one that I wanted to have for a certain look.

That being said, the one color I have the most difficult time with is a good solid saturated green.

For red we have Ruby, Imperial Red, Magma, Scorched, etc. Heck, even Spitfire and Strawberry are decent colorful reds

For Yellow we have Incandescent, Flare, Electro Lemon and a couple others.

Orange: Destroyer orange, Sunfire Lava, Golden Lion, etc.

Blue.. wow.. blue. So many beautiful blues to choose from. Phthalo, Zaffre, Sapphire, and so on.

Purple has it's own as well.


But... green? Not so much. We have some *great* green colors, but there's just something missing.

The best greens I can find are Crisp Mint, Sprig, Green, and perhaps Limette, but none of them seem to approach something like a genuine Chartreuse (#ADFF2F), Harlequin (#3FFF00), Pure green (#00FF00), or Malachite (#0BDA51).


I realize that the material they are used on comes into play, but there just doesn't seem to be the saturation within the available greens that you can get with the other colors.

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I've been thinking the exact same thing. One of my characters main colours are green and brown, another is blue and green and for both I struggle to find a really rich green colour.


It's been even more frustrating for me in the last few days because I'm trying to dye my branded mounts to look like elemental constructs (not strictly like the elementals we see in-game but like something an elementalist might have created rather than a branded monster) and I need a strong green colour for the base of the spikes. All the greens we have are either too light and end up too pale and washed out or too dark and get overwhelmed by the other dye channel which affects the spikes.

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I think what I want is something that looks like Enameled Longevity does on cloth, but when it's applied to leather, metal or the darker parts of mounts.


Not a bright green like Jalapeno or Cucumber, but not so dark that it's hard to see it's green when applied to naturally dark materials.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Slime Green sounds awful, but it's really a nice, bright, saturated yellow/green. Put it on a glowy part of your mount and it will knock your eyes out.


^This. I usually dont like green colors but slime green in combination with some purple/yellow/pink is awesome.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> I like dyes. I don't have them all, but I like to collect them, and the fact that you can test dye colors on armor and mounts even if you don't have them unlocked... well, I've probably put 200gold or so into dyes after finding one that I wanted to have for a certain look.

> That being said, the one color I have the most difficult time with is a good solid saturated green.

> For red we have Ruby, Imperial Red, Magma, Scorched, etc. Heck, even Spitfire and Strawberry are decent colorful reds

> For Yellow we have Incandescent, Flare, Electro Lemon and a couple others.

> Orange: Destroyer orange, Sunfire Lava, Golden Lion, etc.

> Blue.. wow.. blue. So many beautiful blues to choose from. Phthalo, Zaffre, Sapphire, and so on.

> Purple has it's own as well.


> But... green? Not so much. We have some *great* green colors, but there's just something missing.

> The best greens I can find are Crisp Mint, Sprig, Green, and perhaps Limette, but none of them seem to approach something like a genuine Chartreuse (#ADFF2F), Harlequin (#3FFF00), Pure green (#00FF00), or Malachite (#0BDA51).


> I realize that the material they are used on comes into play, but there just doesn't seem to be the saturation within the available greens that you can get with the other colors.


Right there with you OP. Green is my favorite color. It hope it's done justice.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Slime Green sounds awful, but it's really a nice, bright, saturated yellow/green. Put it on a glowy part of your mount and it will knock your eyes out.


For glowing items, it is the best we have for a Chartreuse. Oddly enough, it's almost too yellow.


> @"lokh.2695lokh.2695" said:

>There's an Emerald one that looks good and Cucumber, Leprechaun, Jalapeno, Green Apple, Viridian, Wasabi or Fresh Green are solid basic greens imho. Then there's also dyes like Toxic, Algae, Lemonite, Enameled Jungle if gold doesn't matter.


Several of the ones you listed are saturated, but darker overall. Others are similar to the issue you pointed out with Enameled Jungle, in that they contain a darker yellow, or darker blue tone.

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I also love me some green. It's not just a problem in the game dyes -- for some reason green is not a popular color (or at least not widely used) in clothing, cars, bath mats, etc. When you do find green it's bright neon, pale pastel, or sickly yellow. I have a beautiful deep olive blazer I bought many years ago; these days I cannot find a hue like that anywhere. Where are the deep mosses, emeralds, kellies, malachites? Where are the vibrant new-leaf-in-springs? You want blues, you can drown in them. But green? It's a desert out there.


Each of my alts has a different preferred color palate. My main, Donari Mal Di Bette, loves green, gold, and black. Somehow the green part almost always feels lacking on any gear.

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Now I'm home and I've been able to check out some of the dyes people recommended I've realised I seem to have a very different idea of what makes a nice green to a lot of people. I'm not looking for blindingly bright flourescent green/yellow, which seems to be the majority of the suggestions.


I want something closer to a blue/green, but more green than blue. The ones I like best in-game are Enameled Longevity, Evening Grass, Kelly and sometimes Jalapeno. I want something like that but a bit brighter (not paler), so it holds it's colour when applied to naturally dark materials.

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I put this together as an example. There are two versions of blue, because even within the dark and lighter parts of blue, there are hues that are really rich and beautiful. While there is color to the green, I think it shows pretty much how there is an overall level of saturation and brightness that is missing.


![](https://i.imgur.com/GbQK53l.jpg "")


For reference, on the green one, the lighter yellow tint is the Slime Green. The other dyes were the best, to my eye, from among Viridian, sprig, green, leprechaun, etc.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Please consider human eyes are capable of distinguishing way more tones of green than any other color. We will ALWAYS be lacking green tones, unless they make two or three times more green dyes than any other color.


All the more reason to introduce a green-themed dye kit with lots of vibrant greens.

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I usually combine Jalapeno, Cucumber and Viridian and contrast with Limette for details. But those are very saturated greens, and everything varies wildly depending on the item you are dyeing.

Also consider most people don't have their monitor adjusted to show colors similar to pantone standards. Many apple monitors by default show everything with lots of extra intensity and saturation. Most win compatible ones aren't adjusted at all.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > Please consider human eyes are capable of distinguishing way more tones of green than any other color. We will ALWAYS be lacking green tones, unless they make two or three times more green dyes than any other color.


> All the more reason to introduce a green-themed dye kit with lots of vibrant greens.


The thing is, though I admit I have not logged in to count, I think we *do* have a larger number of green dyes than other colors.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> I usually combine Jalapeno, Cucumber and Viridian and contrast with Limette for details. But those are very saturated greens, and everything varies wildly depending on the item you are dyeing.


They are saturated, yes, but, for lack of better example, Phthalo Blue is *really* saturated. But it's also darker. The colors I mentioned in my original post are not only saturated, but have a higher level of intensity as well.


There may be an issue with green involving the environmental lighting as well, though most of what I've been looking at is in the preview window. A green may be brighter, but then lose that brightness due to other surface/material settings for a given armor skin.


I'm not really a big fan of green personally, but I came across this oddity while trying to find a good Chartreuse for the crystal tips on a branded mount skin.



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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> The best greens I can find are Crisp Mint, Sprig, Green, and perhaps Limette, but none of them seem to approach something like a genuine Chartreuse (#ADFF2F), Harlequin (#3FFF00), Pure green (#00FF00), or Malachite (#0BDA51).

I did a little tinkering with GW2Efficiency dyes (on leather), and I have to agree you have a strong case for a strong green.


Given the Crisp Mint, Sprig, and Green dyes as a base, (Limette proved to be a bit of an outlier) I found the following had similar brightness, but more saturation:

Avocado, Fresh Green, Green Apple, Limette, Limonite, Olive Oil, Sour, Spring Leaf, Spring Moss, Toxin, Wasabi


To shorten the list a bit, the following have similar contrast as well:

Avocado, Fresh Green, Limette, Olive Oil, Sour, Spring Leaf, Spring Moss, Wasabi


However, *no* dyes had a similar brightness, greater saturation, and a similar hue to the three target dyes you listed originally. Those are as good as you'll find.


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  • 1 year later...

I'm bringing this back to alert those who are interested that we do now have some very bright greens which are truly green. They all come from the [Fine Black Lion Dye Canister ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fine_Black_Lion_Dye_Canister%E2%80%94Green)which is currently a guaranteed drop from black lion chests but both the canisters and the dyes themselves are tradable.


The colours are Canopy, Growth, Underworld and Green Lion. Underworld is my personal favourite because it shows the texture of the underlying material, like the enamelled dyes and some others. I'm still experimenting with using them but I think they'll work for at least some of the things I mentioned above, especially details on mounts.

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Thanks, Danikat! I got two of the new greens. I'm not sure if Underworld is one, if not, I'll have to work on that.


(Side note -- I kvetched earlier in this thread about not being able to find green garments RL. Just these past few months I'm seeing that change, so maybe we green lovers will get more options outside of game as well as in :) ).

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