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The future for wintrades


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The action taken against wintrading was definetly a good step in the right direction, especially felt rewarding because a player that actually deserved it got God of PvP instead, but that’s not the end of this matter.


Not all of them were caught, pretty certain there are quite a few more peeps than just 9 how wintraded this season. It was very widespread.

If you don’t have proof against the others, it’s reasonable they’re not banned. I can accept that.


But the point of this thread is that the taken action despite being good is not enough in a few ways.

First is that they get to keep the rewards from previous seasons they did it. Not gonna mention names, but most of those you banned already had illegitimate titles they were seeking to just upgrade, again illegitimately. These should be removed imo.


Second and most importantly is that if this does not get repeated then in the long run it doesn’t matter, because the bans are temporary.

I can understand a second chance to some degree (though they broke the rules on so many levels I also kinda don’t) but after they return (and to those uncaught) there needs to be monitoring snd punishments in the future so they don’t repeat these behaviours.


I’m pretty hopeful maybe s11 would be relatively wintrade free and worth tryharding for, if there’s gonna be monitoring for these actions.


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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> There needs to be a 3 month ban of people who actually use speed hacks in Pvp.


> And I agree this should be a regular 1 month screening that's Anet conducts. Some randomly and some based on players who report hackers or win traders.


Um, for speed hacks it should be perma ban. You think they did not know that cheating is now allowed?

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