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Question about a "ty" chat command on a single button press

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I've been curious if there is a way to incorporate the "/say ty" into a single button press on a hotkey. So many times I am in combat and get downed, another player comes by and rezes me but by the time I've managed to type it out using the normal "hit enter, type /say hit enter then type out ty to convey my thanks for the help, that player has already run off or zoned out, therefore, missing my appreciation for their action.


Is there some way to set this simple "ty" on a single key press (macro-type message) so that I can just hit a specific hot key on my keyboard to do this action? I noticed that this emote is actually included in the wiki [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emote](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emote "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emote") so thought to ask here to see if it could be done....or even if it would be permitted.

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I use a Logitech G105 keyboard and it has 6 programmable macro keys which can store multiple keystrokes.

While a 3rd party program is needed to load the keyboard with the keystrokes, its not needed to send the keystrokes, so technically no 3rd party program needs to be running whilst playing the game.

I use one to send ty or tnx when people res me.

Note that if you die too often and send ty too often, the game thinks you are a spammer and will refuse to send the ty for a while, so you need to alternate what you send .

Using ty or tnx alternatively seems to be fine.


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If ANet were compelled to answer officially, they'd have to say, "no, it's a single keystroke generating more than one command. It's not a music macro, so it's disallowed."


The reason they won't answer officially, if they can help it is that, on a practical basis, they aren't going to go after anyone using a macro to make it easier to say "ty" (or jeeze, if you're going to macro it, why not go full hog on it, and write, "thank you"?). They recognize it's not game breaking, that someone doing so isn't trying to gain an advantage over others.


But they won't be able to tell you it's okay, because then they'd put themselves in the position of having to explain their policy for every possible interpretation of that exception. They don't want people constantly pushing the envelope because they said, "it's okay to macro `thanks`".


In short, it's extremely unlike that ANet is going to care. But don't push them into a corner and create a situation in which they'd have to say, "no."

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There is lazy and there is "a "ty" chat command on a single button press" lazy.


While chat macroes isn't falling into category of unfair advantage, I'd still be careful. Your account may be flagged for investigation because of this. It's highly unlikely they would care, but even though, I'd not risk my account for this.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> So instead of hitting the five keys for “/s ty” you want to be able to do it in one?


That would increase his/her efficiency by 400%!

If a person lying on the ground, tossing scrap/stones/chickens at foes does have efficiency, that is.

Surely, that's the same person who requested a bound button to hide/unhide your helmet. We had some good laughs on the topic =)


Trying to facetank Caudecus and all his minions at once? /helmetup

Sadly, it didn't become a meme *sigh*

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> @"Gemnaid.4219" said:

> You must die a lot. Stop dying.


lol.............thanks for giving me a good laugh. Yea...I die, but mostly in the middle of a bounty fight (you know those that spawn tornadoes?) and sometimes a lot during wvw runs (I'm not good at pvp). But I have fun with this game combat system. Its just a nice feature to be able to say "thanks" for your help whenever I can. :3

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > So instead of hitting the five keys for “/s ty” you want to be able to do it in one?


> That would increase his/her efficiency by 400%!

> If a person lying on the ground, tossing scrap/stones/chickens at foes does have efficiency, that is.

> Surely, that's the same person who requested a bound button to hide/unhide your helmet. We had some good laughs on the topic =)


> Trying to facetank Caudecus and all his minions at once? /helmetup

> Sadly, it didn't become a meme *sigh*


"Her" is the proper pronoun, but my son thinks I should wear a grandma tag. Games like these were not around when I was younger....heck the internet wasn't even around nor were cell phones. I'm a young thinking 73 year old female that my son got into gaming. I've had so much fun running my avatars all over the place and keeping my mind sharp...its inevitable that I would face a down/die situation since I tend to jump into things all the time.


Gaming should be a requirement for senior citizens. :3

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The problem with typing stuff into the chat line is that while you are doing it you cant do anything else like healing yourself, running away from mobs who are beating on you, or trying to fight back.

Like most MMOs GW2 redefines the keyboard for typing into the chat line which effectively locks out all your abilities.

If you can type ty in 50 ms or less, which the game will allow you to do , you stand a much better chance of staying alive.


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Being able to type stuff fast is not just useful for thanking players.

Being able to type "stop" fast and multiple times is needed in the AB meta when you have a bunch of players who cant read and are beating the vine down to zero whilst not bothering to look at the other lanes.


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> @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > So instead of hitting the five keys for “/s ty” you want to be able to do it in one?

> >

> > That would increase his/her efficiency by 400%!

> > If a person lying on the ground, tossing scrap/stones/chickens at foes does have efficiency, that is.

> > Surely, that's the same person who requested a bound button to hide/unhide your helmet. We had some good laughs on the topic =)

> >

> > Trying to facetank Caudecus and all his minions at once? /helmetup

> > Sadly, it didn't become a meme *sigh*


> "Her" is the proper pronoun, but my son thinks I should wear a grandma tag. Games like these were not around when I was younger....heck the internet wasn't even around nor were cell phones. I'm a young thinking 73 year old female that my son got into gaming. I've had so much fun running my avatars all over the place and keeping my mind sharp...its inevitable that I would face a down/die situation since I tend to jump into things all the time.


> Gaming should be a requirement for senior citizens. :3


Oh my GOOOOOD, how I love your attitude! I wish my grandma/mother was that cool <3

It's nice to have some experienced and wizened people around for a change among all those young hot-heads.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > So instead of hitting the five keys for “/s ty” you want to be able to do it in one?

> > >

> > > That would increase his/her efficiency by 400%!

> > > If a person lying on the ground, tossing scrap/stones/chickens at foes does have efficiency, that is.

> > > Surely, that's the same person who requested a bound button to hide/unhide your helmet. We had some good laughs on the topic =)

> > >

> > > Trying to facetank Caudecus and all his minions at once? /helmetup

> > > Sadly, it didn't become a meme *sigh*

> >

> > "Her" is the proper pronoun, but my son thinks I should wear a grandma tag. Games like these were not around when I was younger....heck the internet wasn't even around nor were cell phones. I'm a young thinking 73 year old female that my son got into gaming. I've had so much fun running my avatars all over the place and keeping my mind sharp...its inevitable that I would face a down/die situation since I tend to jump into things all the time.

> >

> > Gaming should be a requirement for senior citizens. :3


> Oh my GOOOOOD, how I love your attitude! I wish my grandma/mother was that cool <3

> It's nice to have some experienced and wizened people around for a change among all those young hot-heads.


heheheh, thanks for the accolades, but I am far from experienced. I just try my best, but with age comes some slowing down of reflexes. Those darned reflexes tend to get me into trouble more often than not. :3


P.S. I belong to the Old Timers Guild [https://oldtimersguild.com/](https://www.oldtimersguild.com/ "https://oldtimersguild.com/")

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I was just thinking, that if ANet added a mappable command just to say "ty" or the more typed out "Thank You!" etc, wouldn't it be just as well to also have it automated ? If the first spend the time making that option, they could just as well just set it so you auto said that whenever rezzed (with 1 minute cool-down to save on the spam). That way it wouldn't take any time at all out of combat/survival.


But then, we would end up with a "ty" that didn't mean anything, because everything would be automated, no one would have to do it. I guess that would cheapen it a lot.


On the other hand, I'm going to guess that there are some that doesn't *want* to say "ty" when rezzed, and would like an option to turn the automated ty off, hmm.




Personally I prefer to not say anything while in combat, and rather say a "thank you for rezzes during combat!" afterwards. I've seen enough people rezzed, only to get killed again while typing a "ty". And when I rez people, I'd rather prefer to see them try to stay alive, than worry about my "hurt feelings" :)




Edited in:


I don't think ANet can say they are for macro'ing this, because that would more than 1 key press bound to 1 button ("/s ty" would be 5). I know they made an exception for music instruments, but this could for example open up for binding a single button to Guild Recruitment, spam messages, and possible other things that some people might find annoying. It also opens up for some "justification" for macroing other things like combat rotations, which is really wrong. "I was just making a macro for saying "/s ty" honest, what, that just happens to be the same keys as my best damage rotation that is all!"

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> The problem with typing stuff into the chat line is that while you are doing it you cant do anything else like healing yourself, running away from mobs who are beating on you, or trying to fight back.

> Like most MMOs GW2 redefines the keyboard for typing into the chat line which effectively locks out all your abilities.

> If you can type ty in 50 ms or less, which the game will allow you to do , you stand a much better chance of staying alive.


I agree. While I'm not looking to macro it, if we're mid combat I'm keeping my right hand on my mouse (which I use to move) and my left hand using downed skills or ready to fire off my heal or block or dodge the moment I'm up. Typing out even a short line can mean I am downed right away again. I try to convey my thanks by instantly diving back into the action so my rezzer knows I was paying attention and worth their time. If we're not in combat, I generally type out "My thanks." while the rez channel proceeds. So I understand the urge to make it easier to thank those helping, but yeah, any macro is a risk in this game.


@"lynspottery.6529" I've got a ways to go to match you -- I'm just 52 so far -- but it is my great hope that I will still be gaming in twenty years and that any retirement living I move to will have high speed internet. The community my mom is in right now, just 12 minutes from me, frustrates her with its behind-the-times internet, and she's not even a gamer, just a career computer programmer.


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> @"videll.9531" said:

> Is it really that hard to push three keys on the keyboard? All you have to press is "T", "Y", then "Enter".


Difficult if you are in a reviving stance with a mob trying to take you down again. I normally do the ty as normal while I am in the dead state so that as soon as I type it the player sees it. But when you are in a mob of folks or a zerg where you really need to get out of there quickly, you sometimes don't have that option because you are still pressing recovery skills to help get your heath back. If I slack on that even a little, I end up dead as a door-nail and I just port.


However, this has happened more often than I like because in the process of trying to help the player helping you, and you take your time to type out the ty, more often than not that player gets downed by the same mob pounding on you.

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