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Fractal exotic gearing!

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I've been playing a fairly long while now and have quite a few level 80 professions. However I'm only just starting to get into fractals and as such I really don't want to be stuck with only one profession to play them (weaver, who completed most of 1-25 and has most ascended kit and AR).

I understand the concept of AR and most of the fractals and I realise there are two main ways to play, as support or all out damage. But with the weaver already gearing for damage I want to take a second class through as some form of support class. So far I've looked into the following:


* Firebrand support/hybrid build - based on the meditations increasing quickness, ferocity and precision allowing good dps with boon generation

* Chronomancer - this is all theory as there is no way to start at present till I farm stupid amounts of DS events or mother of pearls which will take a lifetime as a part time player

* GS mirage - this is my own playstyle build at present, its not really a support build but I like the AOE provided from the ambush attack on greatsword

* Druid - again because of lack of boon duration gear easily available I doubt this will ever happen either.


Personally I prefer the support style of play from the Mesmer, Ranger and Guardian class and would like some suggestions on gear and builds to use specifically for fractals but based on new starters exotic gear (everyone builds for full ascended which I'm miles away from getting). Preferably something that doesn't require days of farming or endless amounts of cash to create too would be nice.

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Chrono or Druid would be a great investment of your time/energy/gold since they're in high demand everywhere. And, if it was me, I would go with druid because I have no taste for highly complicated play/rotations. Here's a build you could do almost completely with exotic gear that is meta (or slightly off-meta) for fractals.




Here's another meta druid build that would be hard to do with exotic gear.




But don't hamstring yourself by feeling like you need all the perfect stuff right out of the gate. Just make your support character (whatever you choose), and let it be a work in progress. The gear comes together a lot sooner/easier than you expect.

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> This ~~games~~ **community** is absolutely fixated on both Chrono and Druid, so those are probably your best choices.


Fixed that.

(The game is entirely agnostic on the topic. Plus, there's a healthy fraction of players who don't really care about what the speed-clearing or meta-PUG tactics are.)



PS for the OP

If you own HoT and any of the LS3 maps, be sure to take advantage of the relatively cheap (in time & resource) costs of the ascended trinkets/back items offered.


As soon as you can, try to do the T4 dailies as often as practical. The drop rate of ascended boxes is better there than for any other place in the game.



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Besides the Greatsword Mirage, which I don't see the "support" angle you were aiming for, both the support Chronomancer and Firebrand rely on having a decent amount of Boon Duration, and none of them have relatively cheap exotic alternatives. The same can be said about Druid, but you can probably make a Power hybrid with Runes of Strength, providing primarily Might while having mediocre healing. The biggest issue you'll have with that is the standard PUG mentality of seeing a Druid and expecting them more healing than you can provide, which leads to them tanking more hits than they need to...

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Well, if you have access to S2E1-6, you could use exotic Nomad's gear as a healing Druid, or use Zealot's as a hammer Guardian. I'll also second Illconceived Was Na's advice about getting ascended trinkets from S3.


Sadly, anything off-meta or non-ascended still has a good chance of being derided, even in lower-level fractals.

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> Well, if you have access to S2E1-6, you could use exotic Nomad's gear as a healing Druid, or use Zealot's as a hammer Guardian. I'll also second Illconceived Was Na's advice about getting ascended trinkets from S3.


> Sadly, anything off-meta or non-ascended still has a good chance of being derided, even in lower-level fractals.


In lower level fractals I have never seen anyone care about gear or builds since they were implemented and I only do t1/t2

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > Well, if you have access to S2E1-6, you could use exotic Nomad's gear as a healing Druid, or use Zealot's as a hammer Guardian. I'll also second Illconceived Was Na's advice about getting ascended trinkets from S3.

> >

> > Sadly, anything off-meta or non-ascended still has a good chance of being derided, even in lower-level fractals.


> In lower level fractals I have never seen anyone care about gear or builds since they were implemented and I only do t1/t2


I've seen it in upper T2 several times, but I haven't PUGed Fractals in a long time. My memory probably chased after a Dodo bird.

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > Well, if you have access to S2E1-6, you could use exotic Nomad's gear as a healing Druid, or use Zealot's as a hammer Guardian. I'll also second Illconceived Was Na's advice about getting ascended trinkets from S3.

> > >

> > > Sadly, anything off-meta or non-ascended still has a good chance of being derided, even in lower-level fractals.

> >

> > In lower level fractals I have never seen anyone care about gear or builds since they were implemented and I only do t1/t2


> I've seen it in upper T2 several times, but I haven't PUGed Fractals in a long time. My memory probably chased after a Dodo bird.


Ill concede to upper t2, that’s where observatory and oasis are and i hate both of those enough to avoid them

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Since chaos is rly good traitline for chrono now, you dont need leadership runes. You get 24+% boon duration from chaos. Only reasons to play domination over chaos is aegis share, even more Quickness alacrity uptime and distortion for you. Thats why its better for beginers. On the other hand chaos offers much more boons (vigor fury resistance stability protection and decent might) and more toughness.


Or if you are starting in fractals and dont gave enough ascended pieces you can go full berserker with leadership sigil of concentration and chaos for close to 100 boon duratiob

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Thank you all for such a positive round of feedback, I've re-built my hunter into the support power fractal builds and have to say it's quite enjoyable. I'll upgrade and get healing items as I go. The only down side to that build is the main hand sword. I get its probably there to help keep me out of harm but to be honest I kill my self more evading back off cliffs and platforms lol. Is there something else I could use with that build to get the same group support or damage (from anyone who has experience).


Also as a note I would like to keep this post going if possible to look for a build anyone is using for low fractals for a guardian or chrono support build without heavy concentration gear.

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Editor will not display correct boon duration (and neither will hero panel) so i will just explain.


Make sure you put runes on stuff you can salvageso you get them back when you want to swap to ascended. (Sigil of concentration and rune of leadership are expensive)


You pick chaos 1/3/3 inapiration and chronomancer.


In chaos you get trait +3% boon and condi duration for each boon on you. And also each time you shatter or you use heal spell you get some boons. You have 63 percent boon duration without it so you need to have as many boons as possible.


So at the start of boss fight (u start on shield) you shatter F1-F4 to get boons:

-might vigor fury regen for specific shatters

-Stability quickness and alacrity because you shattered something

-Protection because you gained regen.


Now you cast sword 3 to get clone swap phantasm and in the middle of the cast continuum split then signet of inspiration, well of action and recall (if you are fast then you get all 4 before cs ends)

This give you swiftness from SOI and lesser SOI from phantasm and cs give you resistance which you also shared

Then you cast heal to get aegis, retaliation and one other

you share all 11 boons with SOI and lesser SOI from phantasm

Then you pop your wor and woa before swaping and cating tides of time.


After that you are swaping whenever signet of inspiration is up and after swap you cast it and phantasm for 2 SOI procs.

And then wells before swap and ToT.


Edit: corrected my mistakes

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> @"Ziffel.1703" said:

> Thank you all for such a positive round of feedback, I've re-built my hunter into the support power fractal builds and have to say it's quite enjoyable. I'll upgrade and get healing items as I go. The only down side to that build is the main hand sword. I get its probably there to help keep me out of harm but to be honest I kill my self more evading back off cliffs and platforms lol. Is there something else I could use with that build to get the same group support or damage (from anyone who has experience).


> Also as a note I would like to keep this post going if possible to look for a build anyone is using for low fractals for a guardian or chrono support build without heavy concentration gear.


You could use mainhand axe, the sword is a slight dps increase but the axe gives weakness uptime with is useful for weavers in you're party.

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"Ziffel.1703" said:

> > Thank you all for such a positive round of feedback, I've re-built my hunter into the support power fractal builds and have to say it's quite enjoyable. I'll upgrade and get healing items as I go. The only down side to that build is the main hand sword. I get its probably there to help keep me out of harm but to be honest I kill my self more evading back off cliffs and platforms lol. Is there something else I could use with that build to get the same group support or damage (from anyone who has experience).

> >

> > Also as a note I would like to keep this post going if possible to look for a build anyone is using for low fractals for a guardian or chrono support build without heavy concentration gear.


> You could use mainhand axe, the sword is a slight dps increase but the axe gives weakness uptime with is useful for weavers in you're party.


You can also use nature magic to get weakness. Also swkrd is supperior if you dont have weavers. Snowcrows have nice build for power druid (with some explanation bellow)

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > @"Ziffel.1703" said:

> > > Thank you all for such a positive round of feedback, I've re-built my hunter into the support power fractal builds and have to say it's quite enjoyable. I'll upgrade and get healing items as I go. The only down side to that build is the main hand sword. I get its probably there to help keep me out of harm but to be honest I kill my self more evading back off cliffs and platforms lol. Is there something else I could use with that build to get the same group support or damage (from anyone who has experience).

> > >

> > > Also as a note I would like to keep this post going if possible to look for a build anyone is using for low fractals for a guardian or chrono support build without heavy concentration gear.

> >

> > You could use mainhand axe, the sword is a slight dps increase but the axe gives weakness uptime with is useful for weavers in you're party.


> You can also use nature magic to get weakness. Also swkrd is supperior if you dont have weavers. Snowcrows have nice build for power druid (with some explanation bellow)


True but i was just giving an option for people not liking sword. ;)

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Also its important to remember that power druid is similar in playstyle to old ps warrior. You folow your rotation to give might and provide passive buffs (spirits = banners, spotter= ea). CA is needed whenever ready to give might (might -> more damage -> quicker kill -> less damage taken). When you have healing gear you get more boon duration and your heals became more powerfull -> you dont have to save your CA for might because your might last longer. That changes playstyle because you can save CA and go in when healing is needed

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> @"Ziffel.1703" said:

> Thank you all for such a positive round of feedback, I've re-built my hunter into the support power fractal builds and have to say it's quite enjoyable. I'll upgrade and get healing items as I go. The only down side to that build is the main hand sword. I get its probably there to help keep me out of harm but to be honest I kill my self more evading back off cliffs and platforms lol. Is there something else I could use with that build to get the same group support or damage (from anyone who has experience).


> Also as a note I would like to keep this post going if possible to look for a build anyone is using for low fractals for a guardian or chrono support build without heavy concentration gear.


A Hammer Guardian would be a nice support build. You can generate Protection, Might, and healing just off the autoattack; and it can do some very good damage if you gear for it. Running shouts alongside the hammer chain would provide even more boons.

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Ziffel.1703" said:

> > Thank you all for such a positive round of feedback, I've re-built my hunter into the support power fractal builds and have to say it's quite enjoyable. I'll upgrade and get healing items as I go. The only down side to that build is the main hand sword. I get its probably there to help keep me out of harm but to be honest I kill my self more evading back off cliffs and platforms lol. Is there something else I could use with that build to get the same group support or damage (from anyone who has experience).

> >

> > Also as a note I would like to keep this post going if possible to look for a build anyone is using for low fractals for a guardian or chrono support build without heavy concentration gear.


> A Hammer Guardian would be a nice support build. You can generate Protection, Might, and healing just off the autoattack; and it can do some very good damage if you gear for it. Running shouts alongside the hammer chain would provide even more boons.


Its true, hamner guard has very begginer friendly playstyle and brovides safer clears compared to speed once + it can teach you stuff like cc.


It is similar to herald. They work great for begginer parties and generaly lower tier fractals because tgey bring cc, protection and ither boons your party may lack but once you get to higher fractals, party members tend to kniw what to fo and your ultility will not be relevant.


Xou.can zhen swap to condi renegade/ power dragonhunter but you would have to learn from begining


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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > @"Ziffel.1703" said:

> > > Thank you all for such a positive round of feedback, I've re-built my hunter into the support power fractal builds and have to say it's quite enjoyable. I'll upgrade and get healing items as I go. The only down side to that build is the main hand sword. I get its probably there to help keep me out of harm but to be honest I kill my self more evading back off cliffs and platforms lol. Is there something else I could use with that build to get the same group support or damage (from anyone who has experience).

> > >

> > > Also as a note I would like to keep this post going if possible to look for a build anyone is using for low fractals for a guardian or chrono support build without heavy concentration gear.

> >

> > A Hammer Guardian would be a nice support build. You can generate Protection, Might, and healing just off the autoattack; and it can do some very good damage if you gear for it. Running shouts alongside the hammer chain would provide even more boons.


> Its true, hamner guard has very begginer friendly playstyle and brovides safer clears compared to speed once + it can teach you stuff like cc.


> It is similar to herald. They work great for begginer parties and generaly lower tier fractals because tgey bring cc, protection and ither boons your party may lack but once you get to higher fractals, party members tend to kniw what to fo and your ultility will not be relevant.


> Xou.can zhen swap to condi renegade/ power dragonhunter but you would have to learn from begining



...The OP was asking for a support build for lower tier Fractals.


I also fail to see how a Berserker's Hammer Guardian is irrelevant in higher tier Fractals, but ok. Whatever you say.


Edit: I truely must ask, though: Do you abide by the Dictate of Erebos while making Grave Pacts?

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > > @"Ziffel.1703" said:

> > > > Thank you all for such a positive round of feedback, I've re-built my hunter into the support power fractal builds and have to say it's quite enjoyable. I'll upgrade and get healing items as I go. The only down side to that build is the main hand sword. I get its probably there to help keep me out of harm but to be honest I kill my self more evading back off cliffs and platforms lol. Is there something else I could use with that build to get the same group support or damage (from anyone who has experience).

> > > >

> > > > Also as a note I would like to keep this post going if possible to look for a build anyone is using for low fractals for a guardian or chrono support build without heavy concentration gear.

> > >

> > > A Hammer Guardian would be a nice support build. You can generate Protection, Might, and healing just off the autoattack; and it can do some very good damage if you gear for it. Running shouts alongside the hammer chain would provide even more boons.

> >

> > Its true, hamner guard has very begginer friendly playstyle and brovides safer clears compared to speed once + it can teach you stuff like cc.

> >

> > It is similar to herald. They work great for begginer parties and generaly lower tier fractals because tgey bring cc, protection and ither boons your party may lack but once you get to higher fractals, party members tend to kniw what to fo and your ultility will not be relevant.

> >

> > Xou.can zhen swap to condi renegade/ power dragonhunter but you would have to learn from begining

> >


> ...The OP was asking for a support build for lower tier Fractals.


> I also fail to see how a Berserker's Hammer Guardian is irrelevant in higher tier Fractals, but ok. Whatever you say.


> Edit: I truely must ask, though: Do you abide by the Dictate of Erebos while making Grave Pacts?


I am not saying that it is irrelevant. Just that the main advantages are usualy coverd by another player or defensive boons are nit needed that much. If your team dodges everything, then your protection is not as useful. I am not against hamner guard (ir herald) in tier 4 fractals but when they both are amazing at lower tier, they are not that great at higher where mobs have more hp so you can see diference in dps.


Dont understand your second question (aside from the fact that those are similar mtg cards as the one in my name :D

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Carrion Burn Guard = Cheapest trash spec possible that competes with the DPS of meta builds.

* Radiance - Take 1-hand strength and burn trait

* Honor - Take might for party on crits and shout CD reduction "Valor for meditations is less team support, more personal survivability & fury"

* Virtues - Take 20% DPS with Aegis & burn trait


Sword/Torch - Smoldering & Fire

Scepter/Torch - Smoldering & Corruption

Carrion with Balthazar Runes


6 - Shelter "burn things when you block"

7 - Shouts "team support" or Medis

8 - Shouts "team support" or Medis

9 - Shouts "team support" or Medis

0 - Renewed Focus


Your critical hit rate will still be around 40% to 50% due to 1-hand strength, constant fury buff and others in the party with precision raising class features.


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