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Scourge should be deleted


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Not only does it turn every conquest match into a total unfun AOE spam fiesta, but now that the season ended I decided to do some unranked stronghold mode and it also totally unfun borderline unplayable because a single scourge just melts away all the NPCs and even the heroes with little you can do about it. Because even if you kill it will be back in time before the NPCs get anywhere since they are pretty slow even without any condis on them.

I would say Scourge is the single worst addition to the game since HoT.

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While the title here is a bit emotional (and unreasonable), I completely agree with the sentiment. It's a poorly designed class and a mistake (even if you can say that at the higher levels of PvP they aren't that great).


They don't need nerfs. They just need massive overhauls to be more in line with what I THINK Anet wanted them to be... support.

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i am necro main and i dont consider scourge as a necro

cuz scourge dont have the immunity to conventional healing and he can use utility skills when entering shroud that what make the scourge different and op from reaper or core necro so dont nerf scourge and make scourge immune to heal , remove his utility and only use f skills when he use shroud

if that happened we can say good bye to firebrand scourge duel and that make PVP less toxic

and remove cripple from sand shads

BTW immune to barrier also when he use shroud

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> Simply remove slowing down conditions ( crippling, cold) so at least you can have a chance of running away from a fight going bad. This would be a good start.


Scourges would happily trade anti-mobility for...mobility. But hey ho anet design gave necromancer some of the lowest relative mobility in the game but some of the largest amount of slowing conditions.

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I main Mesmer and do not play Scourge at all; I honestly think Scourge is in a pretty good spot right now. The only problem is the combination of FB/Scourge is just really really strong at the moment. They can be dealt with at range pretty easily without FB support.

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> @"Habitax.8124" said:

> I main Mesmer and do not play Scourge at all; I honestly think Scourge is in a pretty good spot right now. The only problem is the combination of FB/Scourge is just really really strong at the moment. They can be dealt with at range pretty easily without FB support.


from range, there are plenty of builds that use melee. There should not be a spec that hardcounters a whole playstyle

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Scourges are mostly fine. Mostly. They've never been as problematic as the player base believes them to be. Firebrand are way too good of a support class and is the more problematic aspect of Scourge's overpowered nature.


The real problem with Scourge is the instant nature to their shade abilities. All scourge shade abilities need to have clear anticipation frames added to their shade skills so they can be read, predicted, and avoided by skilled players. A clear windup before the punch. And certainly not just having hideous red circles everywhere. This would also solve another problematic aspect of scourge which is their extremely high skill floor. If players actually had to think about how to set up their attacks and not just dump a shade and instantly pop their F2-5 skills and still see a good amount of success I think I'd be okay with Scourge at the moment.


And Enfeebling Blood should probably get looked at.

And might shouldn't be corrupted into weakness.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > all classes should be deleted, then we have balance ;).


> I would be pretty ok with going back to pre HoT for sure. delete all those elite specs from PvP and WvW


Oh yes, 3-4 D/D eles per team rolling open palms across the keyboard, those were the good times indeed.


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> @"FyzE.3472" said:

> Inb4 scrooge mains appear and start telling everyone that it is very balanced and in fact underpowered...




For spvp and wvw scourge is strong, but for pve necros in general are underperforming compared to other classes.Necros are relegated to small targets and are vastly underpowered compared to every other class, and guess who dominates? Weaver and mirage for small targets, and weaver and warrior for large targets.Warriors also can bring good support with banners and stuff.


So inb4 you spew out nonsense.


Every class has its role, cept i'm not seeing tempest at all on the list, which probably means that tempest needs to be buffed for support to actually count.Either way:Every class has a role and it actually excells.Just look at revenant, even that succeds in both support large box and small box.



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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"FyzE.3472" said:

> > Inb4 scrooge mains appear and start telling everyone that it is very balanced and in fact underpowered...


> https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/


> For spvp and wvw scourge is strong, but for pve necros in general are underperforming compared to other classes.Necros are relegated to small targets and are vastly underpowered compared to every other class, and guess who dominates? Weaver and mirage for small targets, and weaver and warrior for large targets, and who also have superior support.


> So inb4 you spew out nonsense.


> Every class has its role, cept i'm not seeing tempest at all on the list, which probably means that tempest needs to be buffed for support to actually count.Either way:Every class has a role and it actually excells.Just look at revenant, even that succeds in both support large box and small box.


Oh excuse my nonsense then! I thought we were talking about PvP in the "PvP" section of this forum! I will not make the same mistake again, I promise!

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> i was hoping scourge would be a support elite. guess i'll have to wait till next xpac


Scourge is kind of a support, it just does way better as a condi since the way it supports is mostly unwanted. The barrier concept was unique but without healing it just delays the inevitable. And since the amount of supportive boons and the healing of scourge are not as good as on other classes you might as well go for condi or roflpower as those at least manage to get shit done. Scourge needs mayor buffs in the support traits to be considered support but anet has yet to discover trade-off traits for necro (as in trade damage for support/utility or vice versa) so we are all stuck with that poor abomination of a class that whispers "kill me" when you run into it.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"FyzE.3472" said:

> > Inb4 scrooge mains appear and start telling everyone that it is very balanced and in fact underpowered...


> https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/


> For spvp and wvw scourge is strong, but for pve necros in general are underperforming compared to other classes.Necros are relegated to small targets and are vastly underpowered compared to every other class, and guess who dominates? Weaver and mirage for small targets, and weaver and warrior for large targets.Warriors also can bring good support with banners and stuff.


> So inb4 you spew out nonsense.


> Every class has its role, cept i'm not seeing tempest at all on the list, which probably means that tempest needs to be buffed for support to actually count.Either way:Every class has a role and it actually excells.Just look at revenant, even that succeds in both support large box and small box.




Epi makes scourges very strong in PVE, especially at encounters like Desmina and Dhuum CM

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"FyzE.3472" said:

> > Inb4 scrooge mains appear and start telling everyone that it is very balanced and in fact underpowered...


> https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/


> For spvp and wvw scourge is strong, but for pve necros in general are underperforming compared to other classes.Necros are relegated to small targets and are vastly underpowered compared to every other class, and guess who dominates? Weaver and mirage for small targets, and weaver and warrior for large targets.Warriors also can bring good support with banners and stuff.


> So inb4 you spew out nonsense.


> Every class has its role, cept i'm not seeing tempest at all on the list, which probably means that tempest needs to be buffed for support to actually count.Either way:Every class has a role and it actually excells.Just look at revenant, even that succeds in both support large box and small box.




and why are you making a point about PvE necros on the PvP subforum? the only nonsense I see being spewed here is yours buddy.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"FyzE.3472" said:

> > > Inb4 scrooge mains appear and start telling everyone that it is very balanced and in fact underpowered...

> >

> > https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/

> >

> > For spvp and wvw scourge is strong, but for pve necros in general are underperforming compared to other classes.Necros are relegated to small targets and are vastly underpowered compared to every other class, and guess who dominates? Weaver and mirage for small targets, and weaver and warrior for large targets.Warriors also can bring good support with banners and stuff.

> >

> > So inb4 you spew out nonsense.

> >

> > Every class has its role, cept i'm not seeing tempest at all on the list, which probably means that tempest needs to be buffed for support to actually count.Either way:Every class has a role and it actually excells.Just look at revenant, even that succeds in both support large box and small box.

> >

> >


> Epi makes scourges very strong in PVE, especially at encounters like Desmina and Dhuum CM


Thats a niche ability that is useful in some encounters, but its hard to use due to several possible things:Short duration enemies and needing to build up condis enough to bounce it around to make the damage worthwild.On targets that are short living, it would be less useful.Its a good ability, but only vs mass targets.Also:Why should 1 class be less useful than every other class in every type of job? thats plain bias.


By no means am i saying there isn't a problem in spvp and wvw, but fyze sounds like a hater who just wants to nerf scourge into the ground and necros in general.


And also:The nerfs that others have said in some instances, like getting rid of sand and adding cd is kind of unrealistic as well, as it would leave necro in a empty void in spvp.


There are a few i can agree on, like:


Making the shades stunnable or:Lowering the radius.Those are some good changes you could do that could help in spvp.Things like gutting the f buttons and all that will just make scourge easy kills.


If they make the shades stunnable or lower the radius, i can agree with those nerfs happening as long as something is given back.

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