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Compounding Power gives away the real mesmer


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I kind of feel like PvP and WvW should properly hide those types of buffs. (same with the general area buffs that just affect everyone)


There are a ton of tells that already exist and I guess that is fine, wish illusions auto attack was at the same rate as ours but oh well.


I do find these type of easy marker tells kind of makes things like Illusionary Ambush a bit more useless. What's the point of dropping target if they can just tab until they go "oh yeah that's the right one for sure!" it's a pointless handicap on functionality, and maybe not as extreme but it'd be like thief having little foot print falls while in stealth.


This may be a very minor thing since in majority of combat you'll always know and play as if they know. But there have been instances where even legendary players have been temporarily fooled with illusionary ambush with a turned off auto prior to the most recent mesmer changes. Sure that's a 1/4 chance for a few seconds if spread enough apart, but sometimes those precious seconds are what you need for a cooldown.

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> @"Lumpy.8760" said:

> This trait is a big give away that only procs when clones are made, making it easy to just tab to the mesmer with the unique buff icon. It's also not that fun of a trait in PvE, compared to Chaos that gets a ton of condition duration and damage passively


In what situation other than custom-made duals are you **tabbing** through your enemy? You'll just pick up tons of other enemies and their pets.


Nevermind that the mesmer has **always** been 100% obvious. Clones are not for defense or confusing people, they're a shatter resource.

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> @"Lumpy.8760" said:

> This trait is a big give away that only procs when clones are made, making it easy to just tab to the mesmer with the unique buff icon. It's also not that fun of a trait in PvE, compared to Chaos that gets a ton of condition duration and damage passively


So does moving and attacking, but I don't see you complaining about those now do I?

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"Lumpy.8760" said:

> > This trait is a big give away that only procs when clones are made, making it easy to just tab to the mesmer with the unique buff icon. It's also not that fun of a trait in PvE, compared to Chaos that gets a ton of condition duration and damage passively


> So does moving and attacking, but I don't see you complaining about those now do I?


They should remove the Mesmer's ability to move and attack.

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> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > > @"Lumpy.8760" said:

> > > This trait is a big give away that only procs when clones are made, making it easy to just tab to the mesmer with the unique buff icon. It's also not that fun of a trait in PvE, compared to Chaos that gets a ton of condition duration and damage passively

> >

> > So does moving and attacking, but I don't see you complaining about those now do I?


> They should remove the Mesmer's ability to move and attack.


The real buff we deserve.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Lumpy.8760" said:

> > This trait is a big give away that only procs when clones are made, making it easy to just tab to the mesmer with the unique buff icon. It's also not that fun of a trait in PvE, compared to Chaos that gets a ton of condition duration and damage passively


> In what situation other than custom-made duals are you **tabbing** through your enemy? You'll just pick up tons of other enemies and their pets.


> Nevermind that the mesmer has **always** been 100% obvious. Clones are not for defense or confusing people, they're a shatter resource.


To be fair, IA usually buys a moment up to a few seconds (depending on the opponent(s)) in wvw, especially on staff if you get good position and stand still for a bit which is often a lifesaver when outnumbered, and axe 3 similarly helps with forcing a moment to retarget. So while full on pretending to be a clone gameplay sadly isn't possible, short moments of real confusion through detarget is possible and very handy in a fight for breathing room and skill cooldowns.


If the buff bar was copied to clones and their auto attack frequency was increased to the same as the player, it may be possible to buy upwards of a few seconds following IA, depending on situation.

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> @"Lumpy.8760" said:

> no one wants to talk about how underpowered it is compared to chaos?


> i guess the consensus is that it's okay there are so many buffs that give the mesmer away? not seeing much more of any point being made


What you're missing is that it's not that buffs give the mesmer away. Literally any player that isn't a 500 ap noob will spot the real mesmer in <1 second from any number of things. That could be buffs, movement, attacks, attack rate, unstealthing priority, location, or just good game sense. Every now and then somebody like you comes and complains about 'oh this is giving away the real mesmer' and what you never get is that a good mesmer doesn't try to hide in clones because they know that it never works against anyone worth fighting.

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less than a second is still an amount of time, time that can be repeated with use of "Breaks targeting" skills, but are unfortunately unused because 1. CTRL + T targeting follows the mesmer through it, and 2. tabbing and looking for buffs can be used to find them


yes, i understand you're all Gods and Goddesses of PvP who subconsiously block out clones from your vision, but the point is for an idealist like me, it's contradictory to the nature of the mesmer that the ILLUSIONS TRAIT LINE has a buff that can give them away


oh yea, and in PvE, the entire illusions trait line is completely inferior to a single minor trait in the chaos tree

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> @"Lumpy.8760" said:

> less than a second is still an amount of time, time that can be repeated with use of "Breaks targeting" skills, but are unfortunately unused because 1. CTRL + T targeting follows the mesmer through it, and 2. tabbing and looking for buffs can be used to find them


> yes, i understand you're all Gods and Goddesses of PvP who subconsiously block out clones from your vision, but the point is it's contradictory to the nature of the mesmer that the ILLUSIONS TRAIT LINE has a buff that can give them away


*shrug*. Play as though the enemy knows where you are, it'll make you better.

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> @"Lumpy.8760" said:

> less than a second is still an amount of time, time that can be repeated with use of "Breaks targeting" skills, but are unfortunately unused because 1. CTRL + T targeting follows the mesmer through it, and 2. tabbing and looking for buffs can be used to find them


> yes, i understand you're all Gods and Goddesses of PvP who subconsiously block out clones from your vision, but the point is for an idealist like me, it's contradictory to the nature of the mesmer that the ILLUSIONS TRAIT LINE has a buff that can give them away


If you think its the trait that gives your position... maybe you have to reevaluate how to play pvp.



> oh yea, and in PvE, the entire illusions trait line is completely inferior to a single minor trait in the chaos tree


Eh sure when you're playing Condi Mirage.



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> @"Lumpy.8760" said:

> less than a second is still an amount of time, time that can be repeated with use of "Breaks targeting" skills, but are unfortunately unused because 1. CTRL + T targeting follows the mesmer through it, and 2. tabbing and looking for buffs can be used to find them


> yes, i understand you're all Gods and Goddesses of PvP who subconsiously block out clones from your vision, but the point is for an idealist like me, it's contradictory to the nature of the mesmer that the ILLUSIONS TRAIT LINE has a buff that can give them away


> oh yea, and in PvE, the entire illusions trait line is completely inferior to a single minor trait in the chaos tree


You're mixing up two arguments.


First one is there has always been giveaways on the buff bar - eg food, signets, karma/xp boosts and so on. Mantras got removed since the ammunition change iirc. Anyway, the point is your issue with Compounding Power stacks is nothing new because there have always been giveaway icons on the buff bar, that's what we're trying to say.


Second one is regarding the potential of confusing players through pretending to be a clone. While this is not fully possible in practice vs good players due to being able to pick out the mesmer very quickly through their movement (nevermind the buff bar) or simply kill all the clones with aoe, it is possible in small amounts with detargeting skills like Illusionary Ambush.

As I mentioned in a previous post, it *is* possible to confuse players for a moment up to a few seconds with IA when using a suitable ranged weapon such as staff (melee weapons will cause clones to run to the target), by simply standing still for a bit after using it. Even vs good opponents I have encountered in wvw, or when outnumbered against groups - and particularly because ranged weapons protect your clones from being instantly killed as IA spreads them out. It has saved me on many occasions and allowed me to handle outnumbered situations where I would have otherwise been killed.


So the bottom line is yes it would be nice if the entire buff bar could be copied on clones, along with other changes that could allow more play like this to be possible. In some ways it is more possible now than it has been in the past thanks to things like IA, however it is still only a tiny sprinking of a few seconds - sure can be the difference between life and death, but I doubt it's never going to be to the extent that "prentending to be a clone" for long periods of time will ever be possible.

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> @"Lumpy.8760" said:

> without giving up illusions


Then you need to deal with it. We’ve had buffs like this since the beginning of the game. While it would be nice for clones to Mirror our bar that’s not going to happen so if you have a problem with it then you need to learn to play around it. Otherwise don’t run the trait. But you don’t want to run Illusionary Defense either because it’ll show up too. There’s a couple others I think but can’t remember them.

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This is true. However, what is also true, is you can't see said buffs on a bar unless you target either the mesmer or their clone. So knowing the buff is on the real one almost serves no purpose, because if you target the wrong one, chances are you might be hurt or dead in the next second or two anyways.

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