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Fishing Event (Redeeming IG-6417) bugged [merged]

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> @"gemgenie.4560" said:

> Im not bothered about being able to complete the achi if the event causes crashes thats fine but please please please can we get a workaround sooner than the patch so we can at least hand in the 9 other recordings that are stuck taking up inventory space.


Exactly my thoughts as well. Im not even going to use the skin , I'm doing this strictly for completeness and boredom and now I have these recordings in my bag which is by far the most annoying part of this debacle. The whole turn in, in groups thing is what makes no sense. Maybe its a story/lore thing idk im too a.d.d to follow storylines in video games but it just seems so unnecessary, and then to have a bug like this cause an event mid way through to be disabled for what looks like will be 2 weeks is kinda lame for the folks that didnt get the fishing event done, which I assume is in the thousands.

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i just want this done so i cant finaly get my back this is the last one and no word on anet when the fix is comeing or if they will have a alternet salution for this. one of the easy ways for posibly fix this is to have us just kill like 10 fish in the new map and give us the record that way. but im just thinking out loud. if any i would love to turn in my other records so i can get some space that i need in my bags becouse its takeing up like 9 slots for me right now.

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I'm sorry ArenaNet. This is totally unacceptable. Its nice that you chimed in, but its too late and as usual, very vague as to what to expect.

We don't mind that at times there will be bugs. We get it.

All we ask is transparency. If there is s a problem, let us know......my God how many hours were wasted by us poor folks that had no Idea it was bugged.

Report these things quickly, and give us an estimated time for fix. Its ok if your estimate is wrong. Just be truthful with us.

This whole thing can be so simple, yet you choose to be secretive and piss everyone off.



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> @"Tom.6478" said:

> I'm sorry ArenaNet. This is totally unacceptable. Its nice that you chimed in, but its too late and as usual, very vague as to what to expect.

> We don't mind that at times there will be bugs. We get it.

> All we ask is transparency. If there is s a problem, let us know......my God how many hours were wasted by us poor folks that had no Idea it was bugged.

> Report these things quickly, and give us an estimated time for fix. Its ok if your estimate is wrong. Just be truthful with us.

> This whole thing can be so simple, yet you choose to be secretive and kitten everyone off.



No it dont work like that mate estimated times people dont (want to) know what that its.

Anet said it would be fixed now why isent it waa waaa waaa is what we will hear on the forum.

Its our previous behavior that made them secretive as kitten.



(the stuff in brackets )

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> @"Tom.6478" said:

> I'm sorry ArenaNet. This is totally unacceptable. Its nice that you chimed in, but its too late and as usual, very vague as to what to expect.

> We don't mind that at times there will be bugs. We get it.

> All we ask is transparency. If there is s a problem, let us know......my God how many hours were wasted by us poor folks that had no Idea it was bugged.

> Report these things quickly, and give us an estimated time for fix.


First of all, ANet wasn't aware of the issue, players detected it and reported it. Secondly, you can't give an estimated time when you don't even know what's causing the issue, and figuring that out can take from a few hours to several weeks. There is no saying when this will be fixed.


Therefore, the best workaround for now would be to allow players to hand in all other recordings, and for those who have only that one recording left, to send out the final recording via in-game mail. Then again, re-programming all that would take a lot of time as well, time that they probably prefer spending working on the issue, so I suppose there is nothing left for us to do but patiently wait*.


*) I did the PoF alliance back items in the meantime, which provide you with the same stat options. That was actually fun to do, plus it provided me with AP as well.If you really desperately need a PoF stats back item, I suggest you do the same.

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This is crap that you can't give an estimate for time for a fix. Sure at first, maybe not. But when they take look at it, any IT guy worth his salt could say this will take awhile or I can fix it shortly.

Remember, these guys.....well at least they should know this game and mechanics inside out. Don't tell me they have no clue.


While I'm no IT guy, I have worked with and known many of them. If they told their boss....geees, I got no idea how long this will take.....they would soon be looking for another job.


Believe me, overall I think ArenaNet does a fine job......But by far, the lack of fair and reliable communication is terrible.

At the very least, they should have sent us a in game mail saying its bugged. It may be a quick fix or not. If its long, we will let you know, and update it at least once a week via mail.


Very simple, very easy to do.......


I'll be dammed if I'm gonna check here everyday just to see what's bugged or not.



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Agreed, people sitting around the event spot but still nothing happens. Why can't the responsibles just announce: Sorry guys, we could not find the bug, it will stay disabled until we found the problem. But... nothing. No communication. If we would do it at work and not tell our customers that we try to fix the issue and give them status updates, we would loose a hell lot of money and reputation. But hey, the people already paid for the game, why bother anyway.... This really makes me sad. Even the slightest bit of information would be nice. That is all most of your players want.

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