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Possibility to introduce Spirit Watch to ranked next season?


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Absofuckinglutelynot. PvP is already in the barely playable and boderline unenjoyable field, no need to tip the scales with another garbage map. I hate everything about that map and would rather not have Anet spend more resources on it either, but that's just an opinion.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Absofuckinglutelynot. PvP is already in the barely playable and boderline unenjoyable field, no need to tip the scales with another garbage map. I hate everything about that map and would rather not have Anet spend more resources on it either, but that's just an opinion.


Wow!!!!!! Such hate for this map. Worse than the old skyhammer? I find absolutely nothing wrong with Spirit Watch. I'd like to see it in ranked.


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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > Absofuckinglutelynot. PvP is already in the barely playable and boderline unenjoyable field, no need to tip the scales with another garbage map. I hate everything about that map and would rather not have Anet spend more resources on it either, but that's just an opinion.


> Wow!!!!!! Such hate for this map. Worse than the old skyhammer? I find absolutely nothing wrong with Spirit Watch. I'd like to see it in ranked.



I actually liked the old skyhammer more than spiritwatch, I just didn't like that it was in ranked.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The hope is that we'll get it there some day. But it's going to need changes before that happens. You would have the opportunity to see and give feedback in unranked before we pushed the map to ranked.


> It's on our backlog, but not something were likely to look at in the next few months.


dont you dare add that map to rank, reworked or not lol.



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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The hope is that we'll get it there some day. But it's going to need changes before that happens. You would have the opportunity to see and give feedback in unranked before we pushed the map to ranked.


> It's on our backlog, but not something were likely to look at in the next few months.


Definitely cool to hear. I like the way spirit watch is designed. Its the only vertical designed conquest map.

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i would like see the orb scrapped and something unique based around the capture point spirits. like gaining a 30 second team buff when capturing a point from the enemy (excluding capping from neutral) .

wolf granting 150 ferocity, bear granting 150 toughness and raven granting 150 precision

maybe throw a 4th point in the middle where orb was for leopard that appears from stealth half way through the game to tip the tides a bit

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The hope is that we'll get it there some day. But it's going to need changes before that happens. You would have the opportunity to see and give feedback in unranked before we pushed the map to ranked.


> It's on our backlog, but not something were likely to look at in the next few months.


Wait. This map is years old and still not considered ready for ranked?

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As of yet literally no one here who has both commented and is against it in ranked has yet to give a single reason why not. Yeah it has differences from the other maps like more verticality and the spawns are closer together, and orb running **USED TO** be massively imbalanced between the different classes. But different doesn't mean bad or non competitive, it just means a lot of people here are like a bunch of old cats with "change is the devil!" mentalities. If the map is imbalanced make an argument as to why so that it can be fixed rather than deeming every single new map released as unplayable because it is not just a re skin of forest. I personally only have one major concern being that the orb goes through mesmer portals, and a minor concern that outside of portaling the orb mechanic is too risky for what it gives and is best ignored unless the enemy team goes for it in which case you can smash them since they have a useless slow guy with the orb unless he drops it.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> As of yet literally no one here who has both commented and is against it in ranked has yet to give a single reason why not. Yeah it has differences from the other maps like more verticality and the spawns are closer together, and orb running **USED TO** be massively imbalanced between the different classes. But different doesn't mean bad or non competitive, it just means a lot of people here are like a bunch of old cats with "change is the devil!" mentalities. If the map is imbalanced make an argument as to why so that it can be fixed rather than deeming every single new map released as unplayable because it is not just a re skin of forest. I personally only have one major concern being that the orb goes through mesmer portals, and a minor concern that outside of portaling the orb mechanic is too risky for what it gives and is best ignored unless the enemy team goes for it in which case you can smash them since they have a useless slow guy with the orb unless he drops it.


This, but you know people argued back in time in order to have " easy gameplay " . Skyhammer change, khylo treb change and map simplified, Orb running out of ranked. People asked for maps where you simply fight and hold points. Unfortunately, these maps would have been good nowadays where you are forced to face scourge/spellbreaker/firebrand setups

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The spirit mechanic is still rather wonky. Too wonky for ranked. It just doesn't feel right. It can be subject to many gimmicks, and few things are as annoying as losing one's skills.


I would like to see some iterations of possible changes to the spirit mechanic until I can see one that I like for ranked.


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The hope is that we'll get it there some day. But it's going to need changes before that happens. You would have the opportunity to see and give feedback in unranked before we pushed the map to ranked.


> It's on our backlog, but not something were likely to look at in the next few months.


For example, I would replace having to hold onto the spirit with the spirit being a neutral untargetable NPC with no HP bar but having a nameplate.

This NPC would 'tether' to the player who captures it with visual effect like the ones that go from you to your dream allies in Hearts and Minds, or the chains used to hold Rox and Braham in Tracking the Scientist.


The spirit will then follow the player to whom it is tethered at the base player combat speed, while having a 360 radius aoe circle around it.

If the tethered player leaves the circle or becomes invulnerable, the tether breaks and any player can interact with the spirit to tether again.


Moving too fast or pushing the tethered player too far from the spirit would break the tether, so superspeed tricks would not work, and if someone goes too tanky, you can still push them, launch them or fear them away far enough so the tether breaks and still steal the spirit. And since invulnerability would outright break the tether, distortion tricks would not work.


This way we are not making any player immune to anything or forcing them to a different set of skills, but the spirit can't still go faster than it should

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The hope is that we'll get it there some day. But it's going to need changes before that happens. You would have the opportunity to see and give feedback in unranked before we pushed the map to ranked.


> It's on our backlog, but not something were likely to look at in the next few months.


I know you guys are hard at work on improving PvP systems and I understand that but the rate of new maps being added to ranked is horrendously slow. You have a map here that could be ranked ready with a few tweaks. Do what needs to be done and get it ready to ship with the new desert map. More varied maps in ranked makes for fun and less stale gameplay in my opinion.


Also it's been 10 seasons, it's time Anet.

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