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Eater of Souls - The Departed


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> @Orimidu.9604 said:

> What were you thinking anet?! A boss that self heals way too often in a mission where your party members get bugged because it’s focused on the instance owner? I can’t pass this solo and it’s impossible to do in a group.


I think members are purposefully changed into buff bots providing regen and might. Try to use that in your advantage and chnage tour build to opt for more burst or sustained dmg.


Id suggest burst. Also i just did that part like 10 mins ago soloed it so theres that.

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The actual story and design are great but the gameplay for this whole story step is in serious need of a reconsideration.


It took forever for me to find the weapons. There is no indication where they are aside from the judge pointing but I was expecting them to be obvious and glowing somewhere with the lack of any kind of assistance (no green star, no circle, nothing). I wandered the map in circles for 15-20 minutes before I gave up and found a video. I guess I was supposed to brush up against random stuff to see if i could search it?


Then.. i missed the name ghost.. Once again, no indication where it went and it immediately goes and hides after it spawns. Managed to find it by accidentally walking over the cave it was in and triggering Nenah's lines.


So, 100 years later after the super long fight, wandering looking for weapons and wandering looking for the ghost we get another fight. You can't swap weapons or do anything with the inventory so hopefully you're all set going in. I thought it was going to be breakbars again because aNet is in love with breakbars recently but the bar is open for a ridiculously short amount of time. I even started to recognize the telegraph animation as the fight dragged on but there just wasn't enough time to actually hit him with anything.


There was a guy complaining in map chat earlier asking for tips and someone suggested running away when he does the siphon so i tried that but the vacuum is ridiculously strong. I had to alternate Rush and Bull's Charge to actually get away from him. I'm not sure how other classes are expected to do it.. and even then it was like trying to escape a black hole. One minor screw up or don't do it early enough and he regains a massive amount of health. It seriously seemed impossible like this was a fight where you were supposed to die to it (though its not). I couldn't even effectively range him because he walks way too fast for a guy that large he just stays on you.


I basically got nowhere for about 10 minutes and then.. i got DCed.. and because there are no checkpoints in this hour long mission I got to start over again with the first fight which takes an eternity especially considering how it turns out. I swapped some weapons out before redoing it that made it way easier to burst.. but you can't do that once you've started which is rough.


Need indicators in fog land because nobody is going to enjoy aimlessly wandering around like that and the big guy needs his heal, pull, and/or walk speed nerfed and if there is any point to the break bar it actually needs to be up long enough to break it.


Maybe i'm missing something but this really seems, from my impression of playing it twice, to not be very well balanced for something that is necessary to complete the story.

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The way I ended up beating the boss was just damaging it down, then make sure his pounce doesn't hit you or any illusions/minions you might have. Dodge twice at this point, as the tether won't deal any damage to you so he won't heal from that. He then does a second AoE attack that, if it lands, will also heal him. Use any CC skill to break his bar before the attack goes off. Just keep doing that and the fight isn't that hard, it's just figuring that out took me like twenty minutes.

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I cleared it as chrono but it took forever to figure out what it was going on. You can't open inventory, but you can access any gear you might keep in it by switching in the equipment menu. Basically face tanked him when he hadn't used his super heal in awhile and hit my CC shatter, Greatsword 5, whatever else wasn't on cooldown etc the second I saw the blue bar.

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Yea I cant clear this eather I have no alternative builds and im not wasting 20k worth of gear on a freaken TP for 1 dam story and jacking up my build. I might as well just go back to Heart of Thorns and finish leveling up my masteries.


Dragonhunter is useless here. Just went it was getting good now I have to put on the breaks. My guardian is a buffer (Shouts) not a mobility Guardian with some Dragonhunter traits.


But yea I am not spending a freaken fortune on gear and weapons for this 1 fight. You know how much hard it is to clear up inventory space? My bank is like full and I cannot throw away rare items.


Yea I am done I will just conclude this story as complete and find something else to do. Never coming back until its made easier, My Guardian is at a good spot in survival and having to change all my gear and build? I might a well just roll a new toon and skip a whole section of story and cheese right through it without any enjoyment. It was great up to this point. It feels like broodmother vampire in Hero Point HoT all over again only this time more worse.


Nerf the boss enough to be passable, We shouldn't be changing builds and gear for 1 fight. If your trying to encourage build swapping then give use te ability to swap out builds easier by saving them. Otherwise nerf the boss.


But I given up.

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> @Malhanjia.1452 said:

> Well.... I give up. This boss is impossible for me - 2.5 hours and it got me nowhere. sigh. I was enjoying it up to this point. Please do something Anet. It shouldn't be this difficult to do.


I am with you on that. Surviving isnt the issue for me. But it made it like we both will never die because my Guardian is unkillable but he is too, So I knew the fight would drag on for endless hours. Sense my Build originally came from a Dungeon Build I made my own modifications for PvE and then it:s no longer the complete original of the build it used to be.


It still a boon shouting Guardian, Without them I cannot survive.

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So my Dragonhunter Traps are useless on him, I only can damage him partly and that was it. Extreeeemely large cool down. All my gear is tailored to Toughness and Vitality. My only hope is using fire abilities but that means altering my entire build and having only 1 weapon a greatsword as I will lose access to my bow if i change anything.


This is a worst time of my life and the worst choice I made to go Dragonhunter when HoT released to now gimped myself in Path of Fire what worked in HoT wont work in Path of Fire.

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Welp fire is useless too on it, I picked the worst profession in the entire game and cannot pass it. I officially give up.


This is no doubt the Broodmother mechanic as the one in Heart of Thorns which was just a headache because im useles trash at long range and I only have close range attacks always.


No doubt my Reaper from HoT will always never pass it too all long close range, I tossed my staff away when I made the switch and find long range will be useless if I am just gonna be up close as reaper anyways.


I might try beating it as firebrand but im on the fence with that. Balthazar was no issues fighting but this soul eater is impossible for me as a guardian. My Mesmer could do it I dont keep my clones out long as I use it to stack conditions with them, But im not playing the whole story to get to this part if my main character (Guardian) cannot pass an annoying boss.


The upside is my mounts are all unlocked and all that.

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I ended up beating it this morning with my berserker tempest. I relied on my conditions and elementals to hurt him, and as soon as the blue bar came up, I rolled as far away as I could. I found the farther away I was, the less he would heal. Rinse and repeat with condition damage and it took maybe 15 minutes.

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