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Hi! Sand Swell needs Stun Break! TY Super Dev Team!


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https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell PLUS https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stun_break = Good Skill (1,200 range would make it a GREAT SKILL!)


See like- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blink and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadowstep


I don't care if https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell has to give something up, let's make that happen! Yay!





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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> Add 120s cd on it and fine


UHH NO? thats too long.


If we nerfed every mobility thing scourge has, it would be a sitting duck.


Why does mesmer get to have infinite buffs and insta kill moves while stealthed? how bout we nerf damage of mesmer while stealthed, like:If you stealth and do a damage attack, you deal 60% less damage.


Or:Every time a mesmer uses shatter, it stuns them for 10 seconds.


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > Remove Sand Savant and give Stun Break to Sand Well.


> Pretty sure that would be a nerf, and a bad one.


That would be balancing a broken mechanic which will, however, remain broken because of its concept.

Lowering the radius is the best they can do.

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I would take 1200 range and no other changes.


A stun break would probably increase the cool down. A better option would be instant cast rather than a cast time. That way necro would have an actual disengage option on scourge which already has worse mobility than reaper

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> @"Lexan.5930" said:

> I would take 1200 range and no other changes.


> A stun break would probably increase the cool down. A better option would be instant cast rather than a cast time. That way necro would have an actual disengage option on scourge which already has worse mobility than reaper


I dunno about worse.Scourge has a option for mobility and teleport probably on shorter cooldown doesn't it?


I mean necros previous to scourge had to trait for it and sacrifice a actual slot, now its not even needed.

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