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Ambrite Weapons Collection

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spent whole morning in wvw (with full buff) to finish full track.. and in total, i got 150 geodes (not even enough for half a recipe).. i am not a wvw person in my usual game play.

joined EU community today, they are hosting dry top t6 once a week run starting at my 2.40 AM Saturday (which is EU Friday prime time) once a week, they make the map to T6 then farm 1 standstorm. .. so once a week.. so with 16 weapons. if you haven't started and u are not into wvw or pvp , its essentially one weapon a week. u get full collection done in 16 weeks (that's assuming if you have the insects). if you are not living in EU timezone or NA timezone, like me - oceanic player.. you will have to wake up at 2.30 am to do with the community.

i do think the map events need a bit of nerf so casual players specially oceanic players get to get things done at their hours not so tedious too.



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The think is that there’s really no need to do the entire collection I really you’re a completionist and/or AP farmer. Either of those would be used to the grind.


The thing with geodes is that you don’t need to get to T6 to make progress towards the weapons. Sure, higher tiers means your earning geodes quicker but that don’t mean that any nerfs need to be done just so players get their rewards faster.

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I started with 4 Ambrite weapons and 4 insects on 19 march :p

very very casually, did dry top map completion with many of my characters.

I also joined EU community Commander Mystrious Poetjuh who organizes Dry top T6 run every Friday 18:40 CEST TS: ts.gw2community.com

I done my calculation and have enough geodes to buy all the ambrite weapon recipes, so I am waiting for this Friday T6 to mass purchase it all.. :) hurrah

Thanks for those who informed the community t6 run here, otherwise I wouldn't know :p 25 ap! ha ha ha :x


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OP: here's how I did it.


1. Use the Dry Top pvp reward track and do your pvp dailies.

2. Show up on time and do the sandstorm events starting at 0:40. Since you are after Geodes, just tag the event and leave. Do not worry about gold event completion or champ bags. These events take 15 minutes. You can spend the rest of the 5 minutes looking for chests or you can just leave. If the map you went to at 0:40 isn't T4, then leave.


I just started doing legendary collections. 1000 bandit crests and 400 Geodes times 23 gets really old really fast. I don't look forward to it.

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The reason I update this is.. to say that getting geodes - dry top map completion is quickest you can tag along some sandstorm events too if it happen at the same time. Map completion takes 10mins. 100geodes and chances for bl key. More if you tag sandstorm as you go.

Buy t6 recipe in an organised dry top run

While doing map completion during sandstorm.. open hidden chest .. 90% of my insect drop from the chest.

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