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PoF: Eater of Souls repeatedly consuming mesmer clones to stay at full health


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In the PoF story there is a fight against the Eater of Souls where if you're a Mesmer (clones are a big part of Mesmer) he will constantly eat the clones to remain at full health, deeming it extremely difficult if not impossible to get past that part of the mission as a Mesmer. Wife spent a long time doing everything she could think of to finish the fight with no success. We'll continue to see if there is a way, but this really feels like something that was unintended as a bug. Thanks!

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I agree, I have a chrono but I can't get him below 50%. I am not sure how many other mesmers are having this problem but I hope it gets fixed. Also, does anyone know if we can be carried through this battle in someone else's instance? Will we get credit for story if we don't battle him?

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> If thats possible this proves that the clones we blow up on a daily basis have souls.

> We're _monsters_!


Actual LOL :)


> @Yuki.7091 said:

> I also had difficulty with the boss healing back up to full health. I changed tactics to shatter clones as soon as possible.


This was the tactic that worked for me too. Well, lots of kiting, and be like a monkey on your shatter skills when he looks like he's about to go Godzilla on you. If you're a Chrono with Chronophantasma, even clones at superspeed don't explode fast enough to avoid him sucking them dry. It's a very, very painful fight as a Mesmer, just super bad game design to penalize one class so much because of the whole core mechanic of said class*, but it's possible (just with a high level of frustration).


* There are probably Mesmer builds that don't rely on clones as much, but asking players to shift their build for a boss fight, trying to build new muscle memory in a time-critical encounter (he heals and jumps fast) is possibly worse game design. I figure the designers went, "Oh, this'll be fun," without understanding what "fun" actually is for a chunk of the player base.

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In our last try yesterday (I play the story with my wife) we kited it around, Line of Sighting him into the jagged stone walls. After a while he got proper stuck in said wall. I then continued to 1 / 5 skill him dead with my staff for 20 minutes. So, we cheesed it, but it's dead now :')

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The Boss Punishes you for having Buffs , for Close Combat , and for any kind of Minions , also mesmer Illusions.

his mechanics are kinda simple , he leaps , then starts to drain , the closer you are the more the drain hurts you and heals him , closely after that he makes a big aoe suck attack , leaching up to 50% health for anyone standing close by, on range 800-900 hitting him with my axe i was out of range and he didn't get any heal.


i beat him on my necro just Backpedaling and auto-attacking with my axe on like 500-600 range running big circles for some time.

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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> They just nerfed it, check the most recent patch notes.


Thanks for highlighting - this is correct. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/178330/#Comment_178330 will take you there, but the precis is:


Story Chapter—The Departing: Drastically decreased the amount of health the Eater of Souls can steal.

Story Chapter—The Departing: Increased the duration the defiance bar is vulnerable on the Eater of Souls's leap attack.

Story Chapter—The Departing: Removed the Eater of Souls's ability to steal health from pets and minions.


Basically all the things that are problematic :)

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On my main (necro) I spent 80% of the fight downed and found it much easier to break his bar with the #5 skill unlocked through masteries. I actually stopped trying to revive myself because - ironically - it was so much easier to fight him while downed.


Luckily they've nerfed it so you guys don't have to worry about that as much.




49 Characters|Necro|Raider|Fractaller|PvPer|Singer

So long Treeface o7

"...Kormir? I know not of whom you speak."

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