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Anet Please Bring back Legendary Collection


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I have done Bifrost collection and almost done with Sunrise. I really like the collection system, which gives me much fun things to do. I am also looking forward to make my tiger bow. However, although the Shining Blade looks pretty good, I have no motivation to make it since it's just brainless TP and farming.

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I agree.


I'd rather have them do the long quests as they add a path to the legendary and give the weapon meaning. When I equip my HOPE I remember training with all the Hylek on how to make the alchemicals. When I equip my Chupa Bow I remember raising these tigers. When I equip the predator I remember hunting down and assassinating all those bosses. Shining Blade just feels meh (Although it is my favorite legendary skin in the game) because it had no journey to it.


However, I suppose what we are getting now is better than no legendaries, which was a thing after HoT dropped.

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They started doing collections and then after a few they stopped because the time involved in making collections was too much and they went to the current system. It’s very unlikely they’ll return to a method they already said didn’t work out. Of course they could bring it back but then I suspect it would change to only one new Legendary a year instead of one with each new map.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I agree. The new legendary precursor recipes are just boring and unimaginative. I liked the collections much better and would rather have no new legendaries than the current crap


Then don't make the ones w/o the journey. Simple.

I'm personally thankful Anet decided to rework their legendary weapon plan so that they could _eventually_ release **ALL** of the Gen2 legendaries. (No way would I have wanted them to end it where they put things on hold.)

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I prefer the existing way as you can make progression towards a legendary doing almost anything in the game. The collections never told a story and doing a randomized set of content in the game that you’ve done numerous times already wasn’t boring. Not worth it as collections could be tied to events that break or those that require events to fail (if they’re not careful when choosing).

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> @"Krypto.2069" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > I agree. The new legendary precursor recipes are just boring and unimaginative. I liked the collections much better and would rather have no new legendaries than the current crap


> Then don't make the ones w/o the journey. Simple.

> I'm personally thankful Anet decided to rework their legendary weapon plan so that they could _eventually_ release **ALL** of the Gen2 legendaries. (No way would I have wanted them to end it where they put things on hold.)


I havent build a single legendary that was released after the tiger shortbow, so what is your point

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Chuka champawat was one of collection I enjoyed the most.. Actually was quite emotional... Anet actually made me, for a period of time, carried different little baby tiger cub around no kidding!!

Highly recommend. I hope other leg collection will have such story line attached to it..

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According to ANet, it unfortunately apparently takes way more manpower to create collections for them, than by using the current system. I do agree that the collections felt way more meaningful and "legendary" than the current "insert gold/mats, get Legendary" system though.

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Yeah, I get that the time and effort it takes to make the collections is probably too much, so I know that we probably won't get any more than we currently have, but I agree that the collections and journeys make making a legendary feel ... legendary. I'm working on Astralaria, and really enjoyed doing all the collections - now that I'm on the final push to create the legendary which is all just collecting mystic coins and T6 materials, it's nothing like as interesting, but I did have that journey before at least, and when I finish, it'll feel like my characters went on a real quest to make it. I'm keen to slowly try making Chuka and Champawat afterwards, and I've done a bunch of the stage 1 collections for other precursors which I may or may not take on further, but I know I'm not going to bother with any of the legendaries that don't have collections attached. They just don't feel any different to any other nice skin to me.

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> well they did say new legendaries (apart from Underwater ones) will come with HoT and here we are, 6 months or so after the 2nd expansion, still waiting for all the legendaries that were promised ::disappointed_relieved:

We're actually only still waiting for the warhorn, greatsword, scepter, and longbow, iirc.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > well they did say new legendaries (apart from Underwater ones) will come with HoT and here we are, 6 months or so after the 2nd expansion, still waiting for all the legendaries that were promised ::disappointed_relieved:

> We're actually only still waiting for the warhorn, greatsword, scepter, and longbow, iirc.


which is 9-12 months of waiting in total

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I'm 50/50. I've created several legendaries and each system seems to have it's pros and cons in my opinion.


On one hand..Some of the collections were fun. It made you go out, explore and work on things. It felt like actual questing to obtain this epic, legendary weapon. Chuka and Champawat was my favorite because it actually had a story behind it, it was immersive and just all around a good quest for an MMO.


On the other hand..I hated having X amount of time online and having to wait for an event to spawn, a Cathedral to actually have the chain reach it (looking at you, original Twilight quest chain and the several hours it took me to get a group who wasn't farming events and causing event needed for collection to fail...) or needing people to do things or hoping I land on a map where people actually wanted to do events. I'm not opposed to actually playing with others (it is an MMO, after all) and felt things like Fractals were fine. Sometimes though, you just want to get on the game and work on your goals and the events could stop progression.


That is also before you get into bugs...Though I fully understand those are not intended to begin with. So I was always understanding about those as much as possible. Frustrated at times at the lack of progression I could be making, but not so much it would stop me from trying.


But also, I feel the new system is...Boring. I either just spend the gold or farm the mats and I get a Legendary if I have the other things laying around. It doesn't feel that Legendary, tbh. It's just a gold sink when there was already gold sink involved in them (like the Runestones). I like that I can just make it on my own without relying on others at any point or basically how lucky I may be any given time with events etc...But it really doesn't feel like an epic achievement like it use to. Just 'hey I have a lot of gold or a lot of time to farm' which isn't as cool or immersive.


Either way, I'll still make Legendaries if a new one releases I like. I rushed to make Binding of Ipos because I really liked it and made The Shining Blade, even if I'm not a huge fan of the gold sink system. I'm even slowly working on Claw. But I am hopeful maybe, just maybe in the future they may find a way to do small collections or stories to go along with the new legendaries. Just something to make it feel like a epic quest to a legendary again verses 'I get a legendary for the deforestation of Orr'..Maybe something small like visit a few places based on lore or something.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I agree. The new legendary precursor recipes are just boring and unimaginative. I liked the collections much better and would rather have no new legendaries than the current crap


Anet was going to stop doing new legendaries all together after chuka chapasomething, but soooo many players begged anet to bring new legendaries, so the only way for anet to have time to bring new legendaries is to do the current system, just make a new skin and ppl craft it.

They explained to make a collection for every new legendary used too much time and too much resources.


So I prefer to have a new map for every ls episode and a new legendary skin with no collection, instead of having a new legendary with a nice collection but the ls episode is short and maybe not even a new map.


And yeah I understand why you didn't make any new legendary after chukka, they don't give ap loool.

Anything that doesn't give ap is not worth doing :P


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Leaving Claw of the Khan-Ur without the side story was so painful to me!


I hoped that it would be just like in One Path Ends, when we could actually wield and of course know the story of the Shining Blade.


I wanted to know the circumstances of why it became the legendary weapon.... :(

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> And yeah I understand why you didn't make any new legendary after chukka, they don't give ap loool.

> Anything that doesn't give ap is not worth doing :P


xD I was thinking the same. Even though I do agree that the new way legendaries are obtained without any context, especially regarding certain very lore heavy legendaries, is fairly disappointing. Couldve explored a little bit of the story behind some of these legendaries. I still have to do the other collections anyway.


I dont agree that none is better than this. Better give the farmers something to grind for, and put at least some alternative legendary skins in the game.


On the other hand, the collections they have put in the latest expansions and episodes that basically are very similar to the concept of the original legendary journeys. And I'm pretty content with those to be honest. (Some I wouldn't mind replaying even)

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> Anet was going to stop doing new legendaries all together after chuka chapasomething, but soooo many players begged anet to bring new legendaries, [...]


That's not quite what happened.

A full set of 16 legendaries were supposed to launch over time after HoT. The first post-launch-of-HoT legendary (C&C) came *a lot* later than most players expected, along with the notice of an "indefinite hiatus" of legendary development. Many players expected this to be PR-speak for "canceled".

Later, with LS3E2, they launched the new legendary crafting system, explaining that the old system was too labor intensive.

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > I agree. The new legendary precursor recipes are just boring and unimaginative. I liked the collections much better and would rather have no new legendaries than the current crap


> Anet was going to stop doing new legendaries all together after chuka chapasomething, but soooo many players begged anet to bring new legendaries, so the only way for anet to have time to bring new legendaries is to do the current system, just make a new skin and ppl craft it.

> They explained to make a collection for every new legendary used too much time and too much resources.


> So I prefer to have a new map for every ls episode and a new legendary skin with no collection, instead of having a new legendary with a nice collection but the ls episode is short and maybe not even a new map.


> And yeah I understand why you didn't make any new legendary after chukka, they don't give ap loool.

> Anything that doesn't give ap is not worth doing :P



Actually building the legendary itself does not give any AP (assuming you already had 5), only the precursors did.

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Agree. Enjoy the journeys more than just the gather 26000 logs, 32000 ores..... I can appreciate the material sync side of it and how it impacted materials in the world, but from an enjoyment standpoint, the journey's are more fun to do even if they take longer. I like The Shinning Blade but value H.O.P.E. much more. 2 cents. Maybe in the future an option to do them either way may not be a bad way to do it. I am sure that there are some people out there now enjoying being able to just craft their way thru it as well.

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