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PvP server & unranked matchmaking changes around 4PM PDT

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folk!

We're going to be pushing up a new version of one our PvP backend servers around 4PM PDT. This change is to decrease the frequency of "stuck" matches. Especially for matches running during game updates. Ironically, when we push this out some matches will likely get stuck. We should have people unstuck within 30 minutes or so, if it happens.


Along with this change, we're going to be doing some experiments with the unranked matchmaker. The change increases the time the matchmaker waits before allowing 2 people of largely differing skill ratings to be placed within the same match. However, average time in queue will likely go up dramatically, especially if you're at high or low end of skill rating. We will running this change to gather data and will likely switch it back within a day or so. However, if queue times go into plaid levels, we could switch this off sooner.

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I don't understand the problem with longer queues especially for rated where you would want to be as accurate as possible about people's ratings. The answer is not to put people with players they are much better then or much worse then. I also think you have a distorted idea of what a long queue is. For quality of play purposes I would have no problem waiting 5-10 minutes in queue occasionally for rated matches. Part of the reason for the long queues is you chased away so many players doing things the way you have insisted on doing things which consistently trades match quality for faster queues.

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The thing with ranked is that you will have the win traders, afk'ers, and hackers, running around killing ranked. Until Anet throws down the ban hammer instead of slaps on the wrist, they will continue to do it. Hell they haven't even shown they can catch obvious hackers. Until they get rid of the toxic crap in ranked, it will never have quality games or even be a true measure of actual skill.

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Most of my games (across a few accounts) seem to be on point, in spite of waiting 9ish minutes for a queue, have been very close. However, teammate and enemy player quality is quite low from what I have experienced thus far, I am going to attribute it to my unranked mmr decaying from coming out of a ranked season and queuing into unranked.


I will always wait longer for a game that isn't a complete blowout on one side or the other. Thank you for your hard work.

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I'd rather waiting longer queue times with the purpose to have a game where I can play all my cards and try to get a fair win, instead than rushing a game where the chances to win or lose are casual, or decided from the amount of casual players I get in my team.


Any matchmaking improvement is always a blessing.

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Is this live already? Because I've just waited 13 minutes for a game... That's beyond terrible, especially fo those who don't have the time to play 24 hours a day.


> @"brannigan.9831" said:

> I don't understand the problem with longer queues especially for rated where you would want to be as accurate as possible about people's ratings. The answer is not to put people with players they are much better then or much worse then. I also think you have a distorted idea of what a long queue is. For quality of play purposes I would have no problem waiting 5-10 minutes in queue occasionally for rated matches. Part of the reason for the long queues is you chased away so many players doing things the way you have insisted on doing things which consistently trades match quality for faster queues.

Point is, long queue times put off a lot of people from playing thus severely reducing population -> even longer queues. I guess that's why they are very cautious with that, rightfully

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Is this live already? Because I've just waited 13 minutes for a game... That's beyond terrible, especially fo those who don't have the time to play 24 hours a day.


> > @"brannigan.9831" said:

> > I don't understand the problem with longer queues especially for rated where you would want to be as accurate as possible about people's ratings. The answer is not to put people with players they are much better then or much worse then. I also think you have a distorted idea of what a long queue is. For quality of play purposes I would have no problem waiting 5-10 minutes in queue occasionally for rated matches. Part of the reason for the long queues is you chased away so many players doing things the way you have insisted on doing things which consistently trades match quality for faster queues.

> Point is, long queue times put off a lot of people from playing thus severely reducing population -> even longer queues. I guess that's why they are very cautious with that, rightfully


Yes, it's on. We'll likely switch it back this afternoon and look at the gathered data.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > Is this live already? Because I've just waited 13 minutes for a game... That's beyond terrible, especially fo those who don't have the time to play 24 hours a day.

> >

> > > @"brannigan.9831" said:

> > > I don't understand the problem with longer queues especially for rated where you would want to be as accurate as possible about people's ratings. The answer is not to put people with players they are much better then or much worse then. I also think you have a distorted idea of what a long queue is. For quality of play purposes I would have no problem waiting 5-10 minutes in queue occasionally for rated matches. Part of the reason for the long queues is you chased away so many players doing things the way you have insisted on doing things which consistently trades match quality for faster queues.

> > Point is, long queue times put off a lot of people from playing thus severely reducing population -> even longer queues. I guess that's why they are very cautious with that, rightfully


> Yes, it's on. We'll likely switch it back this afternoon and look at the gathered data.


But why??? It makes no sense my friend!

So far the matchmaking has been working fantastically for me , yah I had to wait 6+ m but it was worth it, I'd rather wait 6-8+m and have a decent 10m game than wait 1-2m and have birds for teammates and have an horrible 10m game, if people don't want longer queues they shouldn't play ranked, longer queue=quality..there is no way around it

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Thanks for the info. Looking forward to the results.


Usually I'm not really playing off hours, but this week I had the free time to do so, I queued stronghold only (not conquest!). Had a wait time of 40 minutes and an average of 20 mins today. I know it lacks player base, but yesterday during the same time it was 10 mins tops. Not sure if it's down to the new matchmaking or pure bad luck, but I've only managed to play like 6 (stronghold) games.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > Is this live already? Because I've just waited 13 minutes for a game... That's beyond terrible, especially fo those who don't have the time to play 24 hours a day.

> > >

> > > > @"brannigan.9831" said:

> > > > I don't understand the problem with longer queues especially for rated where you would want to be as accurate as possible about people's ratings. The answer is not to put people with players they are much better then or much worse then. I also think you have a distorted idea of what a long queue is. For quality of play purposes I would have no problem waiting 5-10 minutes in queue occasionally for rated matches. Part of the reason for the long queues is you chased away so many players doing things the way you have insisted on doing things which consistently trades match quality for faster queues.

> > > Point is, long queue times put off a lot of people from playing thus severely reducing population -> even longer queues. I guess that's why they are very cautious with that, rightfully

> >

> > Yes, it's on. We'll likely switch it back this afternoon and look at the gathered data.


> But why??? It makes no sense my friend!

> So far the matchmaking has been working fantastically for me , yah I had to wait 6+ m but it was worth it, I'd rather wait 6-8+m and have a decent 10m game than wait 1-2m and have birds for teammates and have an horrible 10m game, if people don't want longer queues they shouldn't play ranked, longer queue=quality..there is no way around it


But then there are other people who don't have as much time and would prefer to play more quickly. Also, the more people that stop playing due to long queue times just compiles the problem by increasing queue times even more.


The only solution that is foolproof is letting the players decide. Let the player decide in game how aggressive/loose they want their matchmaking algorithm to search for. Any other solution just leaves certain groups unsatisfied.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folks, we've decided to do a variant of yesterday's experiment. We're keeping the same settings except changing the starting skill rating range for potential matches you can get pulled into from 25 to 50. We want to see how much a change like this decreases average queue time.


We'll revert things back to normal settings on Friday afternoon during the weekend, since we won't be in the office to monitor things in case they go really bad. Then on Monday, we will continue experimenting.


We'll share some of the data when all of our experiments are done.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > I heard that if they're stuck they can sing the song and it instantly makes them a match, finds them a find, catches them a catch, etc. :trollface:


> +10 for classic musical references. <3


He was just Fiddlin' on the Roof, ( and yes... great musical .) I logged in and got a match almost instantly.

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I haven't noticed much change in my queue times but this has been my experience with the matchmaker the last couple of days (the day before was bad too, but is not on the screen any longer)




Which of those matches do you think was fun? Only two were even REMOTELY competitive.


Is there ANY way the matchmaking in GW2 is going to get to a place where it's not complete garbage or should I just give up and stick to WvW?

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