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Not enough easy accessible Mastery Points in New Expansion [Spoilers]

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At first I thought there wasn't many, but once you get the bunny the MPs will flow like water. I am on 19 points and can't get XP fast enough. About to finish skim 3 then work on jackal 3, then I will still have points left over and I'll go back and get all the level 3 mount MPs to fill out lvl 4 on each mount.


There's a few gimmie MPs on the first map, West in the water on one that's on a roof you just can walk up to. You can also glide to the sand MP from the north West pyramids accessed via the West coast, and the puzzle MP is easy. That's enough to get you to Raptor 3/Bunny with just doing the storyline to the second map.

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I can't quite work out why people are thinking there's a lack of them available / not easy to get. From doing the story and getting insights around the first map I had no issues reaching raptor 3. Then in the second map I've explored to get some insights and done some story up as far as the instance in the NE corner of the map, and that's been plenty to get enough for Springer 3 (just need to fill up the track), and have a surplus of a few toward the next thing. And that's with quite a few left to still get in the second map too! And I haven't even done any map specific achievements like the bounty ones yet.


I didn't enjoy the chef one, though once you've tried it a few times and remember where the ingredients are it's not too bad. But aside from that I wouldn't class most of them as hard to get in any way (for anyone that struggles with the memory puzzle one you can just write the order down). If you need a few extra then there's even been quite a few LFGs listed where people have been allowing you to use a TP to friend to get some of the other ones, so worth a look there.


As Illconceived Was Na has pointed out, there's already quite a large excess of points available. And I'm in agreement that at this stage of PoF I've also found it a lot quicker to accumulate more points than I had at this stage in HoT.

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> @Healix.5819 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > There are at least 80 mastery points already available, far greater than the 52 to fully max the four masteries.



66 and five





Fair enough, I don't have access to those details yet. The point remains:

* You can progress the story without most of those m-points.

* There are still more available m-points than are needed.


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You have to start exploring map, I have Canyon Jumping and a point to spare and I only just finished Crystal Oasis map. I still got 3 mastery points to get on this map, that I need other mounts for, but in no shape or form I felt like there isn't enough points to go around. I am not even doing achievements, just map exploration and story. Maybe stop rushing and try to do all you can on a map first?

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> @Khisanth.2948 said:

> I like the fact that ArenaNet's response to players complaining about mastery gating is to make the gating even worse in their next expansion...


I see no gating being worse. People need to learn to not rush through maps "to the end" and just explore too. I finished only Crystal Oasis and have points to spare, with mastery points still left on the map, so yeah....

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> @Scipion.7548 said:


> Personnaly I don't know how to reach Raptor III. For the Sufuri quicksand master point (central north of crystal oasis map) it seems I need to boost my glider mastery (which is a HoT mastery, so I need to return to maguuma ...). The other points require the bunny or jackall unless you succeed to exploit with the raptor.

> So I have 2 options: return to maguuma or try exploits unexpected by Anet. Isnt that odd ? Or I missed something ?


You missed something.

I don't happen to have a list of the easiest mastery points yet, so I can't help directly, but I didn't use exploits and I don't remember having to use gliding to reach the m-points (although a couple were easier with gliding).


If you have to, explore the entire map or go south. In a worst case scenario, you can use Teleport-to-Friend.


Getting Raptor-3 is the most difficult hill to climb; once you unlock it and especially after getting the KangaBunny, you have access to a lot more m-points, more than you'll need right away.

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> There's only four mastery points on the first map that are accessible without other mounts, and it takes six points to get the rabbit. So yeah, that's a problem, especially if you can't get the story to load. Like many of European players.


Yes, you are right, and with only those points and the story progression I am at Raptor3 with a point to spare...

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Okay so, Raptor 3 isn't the problem for me. It's rabbit 3. I have taken my time, tried many ways to get to inaccessible mastery points but still lacking the two mastery points I need to get to Rabbit 3. I'm seriously stumped. I didn't max out raptor either. I realized there would be an issue and switched mastery paths. So if anyone has anything truly helpful that would be great. I have all but The Kusini Crossing and Glint's Legacy MP in Crystal Oasis. Also two in Desert Highlands on the southwest edge of the zone. Also all the story ones I could get from Path 1 except for the last because...gated. The only ones I'm missing as far as I can tell are those awarded for collections, which are also gated by masteries. Sooooo....what am I missing?


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What I really don't like is that the story is heavily locked behind the mastery system! **I need the 2nd mount to collect items just to continue the story** but I need 4 more mastery points for that! In HoT, it was okay because I mostly only needed one mastery / line to continue story and there were easy mastery points to get but in PoF it's a pain in the kitten tail to get them. **I want to enjoy the story without being interrupted by annoying mastery hunt!** I don't care if I need mastery points to max mounts but do **NOT** lock story behind it, PLEASE.

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I agree that the early mastery points in the latest expansion is pretty sparse. I was even thinking, "Oh, I'll just get one soon because I'm about to finish The Sacrifice!" Nope, you have to get the springer before you can do the instance to complete the chapter, and none of the masteries in the Desert Highlands can be reached without the springer. So, there's the three mastery points you get from doing the story up to that point (three for finishing the chapters, plus one for unlocking raptors), and then mostly the mastery points in the Crystal Oasis. There are definitely enough, and a smorgasbord available once you get the springer, but getting that last mastery point or two is pretty tight. I'd have to double-check to see which ones I actually got to unlock canyon jumping, but I remember thinking that it was really tight.

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> @Rognik.2579 said:

> So, there's the three mastery points you get from doing the story up to that point (three for finishing the chapters, plus one for unlocking raptors), and then mostly the mastery points in the Crystal Oasis. There are definitely enough, and a smorgasbord available once you get the springer, but getting that last mastery point or two is pretty tight.


Yep. One from the chef, one from the memory game, another on the west edge of the map. The other three require new mounts, or gliding. And I very much doubt that many players will be able to figure out the quicksand mastery without consulting a guide, since it took a long time for the beta players to collectively solve that.


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> @"Enola B Twenty Nine.2631" said:

> I mean that I can't get to them by gliding, walking, or with a raptor that does not have level 3 mastery. I require a non-raptor mount, and I need the 3rd level canyon mastery to progress in the PoF story. You need this to get a Springer.


I have been helping people get them on my Mesmer. Ask in map chat for help.



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really..? I kinda feel like I am showered with mps in pof maps though. Did you try doing the story and trying to get the respective mount whenever you go to a new map? I did that all the way through the last map and it helped me go from 180-213 now, still going. Also there might be HP&MP runs on LFG. They don't get run a lot since hps are made fairly soloable but I did it few times and got a handful of mps along the way with the help of mesmers' port.

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In the first zone, under water in the harbor, is a very easy Mastery Point. All you have to do is swim down to get it.


I think this one may be easily overlooked since it is in a not so obvious place. I experienced the same bottleneck that OP did and via Dulfy found out that i missed this one.

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