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Not enough easy accessible Mastery Points in New Expansion [Spoilers]

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At first I found PoF mastery points hard to get, which was how it should be IMO. As I unlocked more mounts and masteries, the points came faster than I could use them.


Now if I could just get more central Tyria mastery points. For whatever reasons, those are hard for me and I need a ton. Yes, I know where the latest easy map ones are and I know **how** to get the rest. Just hard for me. Gives me a goal, though.

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The only small issue I had was, that I didn't spend my mastery points near the start on the raptor since I wanted to save them for the bunny. I didn't expect the next mount to be gated of like that for some reason, and had to farm a bit of experience to catch up later. Other than that i don't remember having much trouble finding and gathering enough mastery points to activate anything I unlocked. Just had to explore and keep the eye on the achievements.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you are playing with characters at level 80 from before HoT and PoF and all the other acheivments were made offical, can you still get mastery points done in the main story? Im just curious, cause I want more mastery points for central Tyria.

I've played since 2013

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> @"Zinox.2396" said:

> If you are playing with characters at level 80 from before HoT and PoF and all the other acheivments were made offical, can you still get mastery points done in the main story? Im just curious, cause I want more mastery points for central Tyria.

> I've played since 2013


All achievements that has gotten MP rewards added to them also give these points retroactively, so you've already recieved these points.

Look through your Achievement panel for **red** Mastery stars - those achievements offer points for Core masteries.

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> @"FOX.3582" said:

> If you have problems getting the first two or three mounts, you're a really really really bad player. Sorry...


There *is* a spot working on the Raptor masteries where it can *seem* to be a lack of points, if one doesn't actually look deep enough. Equaly, if you move straight for Raptor 4 soon after getting the Springer, getting Springer 3 can take a bit of work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who hit a wall trying to get Canyon Jumping for my Raptor. Many comments on this thread did not address the OP's issue, this isn't about Mastery point balance but this specific bottleneck.


The Dulfy website is a boon, one still can get the Imed's Grotto MP which gave me enough to get Canyon Jumping.


Reading on this thread how Mesmers are helping people get points makes me think that's really nice of them, but why are player resorting to these alternate methods unless the points are presenting issues to get. This thread shows that they should at least have made it clearer what players should do at this particular bottleneck with Raptors.

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> @"DoctorOverlord.8620" said:

> Then I read on this thread how Mesmers are helping people get points. That's really nice of them, but why are player resorting to these alternate method? Shouldn't we be able to get the points just on our own?

Sure, and you can get plenty of points just on your own without resorting to mesmer ports or moderate exploits. In any game, if I run into something that's hard or frustrating, I go in a different direction and come back later. There are plenty of mastery points in PoF. It only gets hard if you restrict yourself to in/near Amnoon plus the personal story up to raptor. (And even then, not everyone finds the points difficult to obtain.)

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> @"DoctorOverlord.8620" said:

> > @"Vladish.3940" said:

> >

> > But there is still enough. Story + 4 masteries from Oasis = Raptor 3 with a point to spare. Meaning there is a surplus of 1 point. That means one of the hated memory mini-games cant be entire skipped too for those that hate it, while still having Raptor 3 achievable. I don't do achievements unless I accidentally manage to finish them, so I don't even look at those points. The whole discussion is moot at this point.


> This is incorrect according to Dulfy. After the recent patch, there are only TWO points in Oasis reachable without Canyon jumping or using the Dismount method (which has been patched if you read the comments). So the *only* option appears to be doing the story to get past this point? If I am incorrect about this, can someone please explain how to get Canyon Jumping just by exploring with a base Raptor?


You're right, 4 is incorrect. It's actually 5 masteries in the Oasis zone:


* Meditation point at Elon Bay (underwater)

* Meditation point a little north of the Amnoon bazaar Point of Interest.

* Sous-chef challenge

* Memorization teleporter game

* "Reins of the Raptor" achievement


With 3 from the story, it adds up to 8. You only need 6.

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I found that I had more than enough points for everything too, but I can't remember the specific order I went in to get them all. Just a lot of exploring, running around, seeing where I could jump to etc. If I wasn't sure, I'd look up the area and see if you needed a mount at a certain mastery level to get there. But otherwise, join HP trains/MP trains if you're tired of trying to find them yourself.


I actually had enough points even without doing any of the story past the very first part to get everything up until griffon. By the time I did the story and ran around the maps with a friend to get what I was missing, I had enough to max out griffon and every single mount completely. It was pretty quick, compared to HoT maps where I've finally maxed out both gliding and mushrooms (complete with ley line gliding and adrenal mushrooms) and still have a lot to go until the rest of the paths are done, even with the points from having LS2 and LS3 completed.


If you're stuck trying to get to a mastery insight, just ask in map chat. No luck? Log out to character select and log back in, ask another instance. Ask on the forums, on reddit, on discord. Ask your friends or guildies.

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> @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > @SimBilly.8047 said:

> > That chef needs to quit running around is all I'm sayin'


> He visits the stations in the same order. If you have an ingredient and he's already at one then get in position to throw it to him at the next stop.

It took me multiple tries -- at least twenty -- and NEVER ONCE did the chef proceed in the same order.


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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > > @SimBilly.8047 said:

> > > That chef needs to quit running around is all I'm sayin'

> >

> > He visits the stations in the same order. If you have an ingredient and he's already at one then get in position to throw it to him at the next stop.

> It took me multiple tries -- at least twenty -- and NEVER ONCE did the chef proceed in the same order.



He doesn't ask for the ingredients in the same order. He only moves from station to station in the same order. They may have altered it since I posted that a few months ago.

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> @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > > > @SimBilly.8047 said:

> > > > That chef needs to quit running around is all I'm sayin'

> > >

> > > He visits the stations in the same order. If you have an ingredient and he's already at one then get in position to throw it to him at the next stop.

> > It took me multiple tries -- at least twenty -- and NEVER ONCE did the chef proceed in the same order.

> >


> He doesn't ask for the ingredients in the same order. He only moves from station to station in the same order. They may have altered it since I posted that a few months ago.


Nope, didn't even do that... not the same ingredients and not the same stations. Random each time... and sometimes the same ingredients multiple times in a row with the chef at different stations (which confirms the random nature).

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Well... Unless you really, but royally messed up your mastery point usage, you shouldn't have any issues obtaining lvl 3 Raptor...

Just explore the other maps a bit, there's tons of masteries around.

I actually explored the maps completely before going through the story, also i rushed to unlock all the normal mounts (not griff), and rarely found myself lacking mastery points.

There are a few that are tricky to get and require griffon or elaborate jumps with springer, but for the most part, having the basic mounts and lvl 3 mastery on them is enough to net you all the mastery points in the world but one.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"FOX.3582" said:

> > If you have problems getting the first two or three mounts, you're a really really really bad player. Sorry...


> Thumbs down. If you read the thread a LOT of people had troubles with getting to raptor 3.


Smashing your head on your keyboard does not count as actually ‘playing this game’. Isn’t that what a video-game is supposed to be? Challenging, and being rewarded after doing something “difficult”?

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> @"FOX.3582" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"FOX.3582" said:

> > > If you have problems getting the first two or three mounts, you're a really really really bad player. Sorry...

> >

> > Thumbs down. If you read the thread a LOT of people had troubles with getting to raptor 3.


> Smashing your head on your keyboard does not count as actually ‘playing this game’. Isn’t that what a video-game is supposed to be? Challenging, and being rewarded after doing something “difficult”?


There is that fine line between content being 'challenging' and 'annoying waste of time'. Difficulty isn't really the issue, this is a video game, not learning a language or something truly hard. It is really just a matter of how much of your spare time do you want (or have) to sink into it. This is why I do not envy game developers who have to walk that line of 'challenging' vs. 'annoying timesink' , particularly because every player has different standards for it.


There has been the good suggestion of looking for answers on Reddit (or forums like this), but even that eats more of the spare time which is very precious for some people. Heck, just replying to you is cutting into the amount of time I will be able to log into the game this evening. I just think it would have been nice if the game directed things a little more clearly through this particular bottleneck so threads like this would not be needed at all (and I could be playing right now).


The suggestion below seems to be the best I have seen:


> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> I actually explored the maps completely before going through the story, also i rushed to unlock all the normal mounts (not griff), and rarely found myself lacking mastery points.


This has been recommended in other threads I have read. I was hoping to have a more cinematic experience and let the story introduce me to the new zones, but clearly that is not the best way to do things. Exploring everything first seems to be the answer.


And here's another example why I don't envy game developers. Some players like the idea of exploring all the zones before ever doing the story, while others prefer the story to accompany the discovery of zones. This is just one of the instances where different playstyles didn't quite mesh up.

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> @"DoctorOverlord.8620" said:

> > @"FOX.3582" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > @"FOX.3582" said:

> > > > If you have problems getting the first two or three mounts, you're a really really really bad player. Sorry...

> > >

> > > Thumbs down. If you read the thread a LOT of people had troubles with getting to raptor 3.

> >

> > Smashing your head on your keyboard does not count as actually ‘playing this game’. Isn’t that what a video-game is supposed to be? Challenging, and being rewarded after doing something “difficult”?


> There is that fine line between content being 'challenging' and 'annoying waste of time'. Difficulty isn't really the issue, this is a video game, not learning a language or something truly hard. It is really just a matter of how much of your spare time do you want (or have) to sink into it. This is why I do not envy game developers who have to walk that line of 'challenging' vs. 'annoying timesink' , particularly because every player has different standards for it.


> There has been the good suggestion of looking for answers on Reddit (or forums like this), but even that eats more of the spare time which is very precious for some people. Heck, just replying to you is cutting into the amount of time I will be able to log into the game this evening. I just think it would have been nice if the game directed things a little more clearly through this particular bottleneck so threads like this would not be needed at all (and I could be playing right now).


> The suggestion below seems to be the best I have seen:


> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> >

> > I actually explored the maps completely before going through the story, also i rushed to unlock all the normal mounts (not griff), and rarely found myself lacking mastery points.


> This has been recommended in other threads I have read. I was hoping to have a more cinematic experience and let the story introduce me to the new zones, but clearly that is not the best way to do things. Exploring everything first seems to be the answer.


> And here's another example why I don't envy game developers. Some players like the idea of exploring all the zones before ever doing the story, while others prefer the story to accompany the discovery of zones. This is just one of the instances where different playstyles didn't quite mesh up.


You can do it that way, most of my friends did that. but it seems that you missed a beat somewhere, i mean i count 4 mastery point insights from the first map alone, the ones that don't need special mounts.

Then there should be at least a couple from story and achievements. You **shouldn't** have to explore the other maps ahead of time, but you definitely missed some points in the first one, or you skipped ahead and unlocked another mount before you had cliff jumper.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> You can do it that way, most of my friends did that. but it seems that you missed a beat somewhere, i mean i count 4 mastery point insights from the first map alone, the ones that don't need special mounts.

> Then there should be at least a couple from story and achievements. You **shouldn't** have to explore the other maps ahead of time, but you definitely missed some points in the first one, or you skipped ahead and unlocked another mount before you had cliff jumper.


Nope, I only have Raptor. Are you able to unlock other mounts without Cliff Jumping? I thought I had read you need to it get the Springer at least.


I must have missed a beat as you say, and that's why I was glad to see threads like this letting me know that I wasn't the only one. But I managed to get past it, I just wonder who else might fall into the same issue in the future.



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