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5 man queue season 11 trial

Crab Fear.1624

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> @"Nova.3817" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > I voted yes because it's the first step needed to repopulate the mists.

> >

> > Just implement a cap like duo has so everyone is catered too, players can play with friends and the rest can chase their leader board position.


> I have often suggested that they simply should just ban 4 man premade but allow you to que as either 2 3 5 (and 1 if you have combined ques)


> The only match up that was unfair (to me anyways) was to put a 4 man premade together and a 1 pug vs 5 pugs (for some reason if you were not a full premade it didn't appear to prioritize vsing other premades) and also keep the rule that if your que'd as a 5 man premade you may only face other full premades (either a 5 man or a 2/3 man) .....as for 1, 2, and 3 they will just all be qued together as norm i realize that means scummy people will try to que as 3 stack for optimal chance to fight pugs but it was already poven by anet that premades dont have higher win rates vs pugs....AND even if that were not the case the damage caused by not having a team que is far worse then the ladder.


I'm a bad player, so I agree that beating premades as a pug is doable, it happens all the time in unranked and used to happen all the time in ranked... Teams I couldn't beat, were teams I shouldn't have been able to beat such as the top 1% of players.... I didn't lose those games because they were premades, I lost those games because they are better than me.



As far as I'm concerned.... Anet wants PvP to die out. They never expected PvP to grow the way it did, so they made some changes to shave down the population

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Nova.3817" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > I voted yes because it's the first step needed to repopulate the mists.

> > >

> > > Just implement a cap like duo has so everyone is catered too, players can play with friends and the rest can chase their leader board position.

> >

> > I have often suggested that they simply should just ban 4 man premade but allow you to que as either 2 3 5 (and 1 if you have combined ques)

> >

> > The only match up that was unfair (to me anyways) was to put a 4 man premade together and a 1 pug vs 5 pugs (for some reason if you were not a full premade it didn't appear to prioritize vsing other premades) and also keep the rule that if your que'd as a 5 man premade you may only face other full premades (either a 5 man or a 2/3 man) .....as for 1, 2, and 3 they will just all be qued together as norm i realize that means scummy people will try to que as 3 stack for optimal chance to fight pugs but it was already poven by anet that premades dont have higher win rates vs pugs....AND even if that were not the case the damage caused by not having a team que is far worse then the ladder.


> I'm a bad player, so I agree that beating premades as a pug is doable, it happens all the time in unranked and used to happen all the time in ranked... Teams I couldn't beat, were teams I shouldn't have been able to beat such as the top 1% of players.... I didn't lose those games because they were premades, I lost those games because they are better than me.



> As far as I'm concerned.... Anet wants PvP to die out. They never expected PvP to grow the way it did, so they made some changes to shave down the populatian


lowers demand for content for 1/3 the game... your logic is quite sound

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I think team queue needs to stay in tournies and perhaps just add a few more to the rotation so teams can play them more often. Let's be honest, the people who want team queue want to farm randoms so that they can ensure that they fill out the top of the leaderboard with their friends. Not to mention it would be way more efficient to farm reward tracks and such with your friends instead of randoms. I have seen more clutch plays and comebacks with soloQ only than I ever did with 5 man teams farming everyone in existence. It's not fun getting farmed 47 - 500 every other match. I do agree that you should be rewarded for taking the time to organize up with your friends but again.. tournaments are in the game. I like soloQ. It's chaotic, fun and unpredictable.

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I only say yes because it really seemed like a lot more people played the game when they had the **OPTION** to form a team. Maybe a majority of people solo queue, and maybe more than 50% of pugs prevailed against premades. But, if there is a chance that opening up teams into ranked will bring in more players, bring back old players, and convince current players to play PVP then it deserves a trial.

* I wouldn't even mind if the top spots were dominated by the best team.

* I wouldn't mind if some normals got carried by their team mates through..you know..team work

* I wouln't mind playing against a team even if I solo queue



Because anything would be better than playing against or with bots, pseudo throwing alts, and match manipulators. If good teams can push this scum out of PVP bring back teams.


I was once against it, but looking at PVP now....could this rejuvenate it?


How can we know for sure if we don't try?


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> @"Zagerus.8675" said:

> I think team queue needs to stay in tournies and perhaps just add a few more to the rotation so teams can play them more often. Let's be honest, the people who want team queue want to farm randoms so that they can ensure that they fill out the top of the leaderboard with their friends. Not to mention it would be way more efficient to farm reward tracks and such with your friends instead of randoms. I have seen more clutch plays and comebacks with soloQ only than I ever did with 5 man teams farming everyone in existence. It's not fun getting farmed 47 - 500 every other match. I do agree that you should be rewarded for taking the time to organize up with your friends but again.. tournaments are in the game. I like soloQ. It's chaotic, fun and unpredictable.


I think everyone would be ok with tournys if they were something you could que into nonstop.... as it stands now you cannot....... even if they made it every hour you might still find yourself in a situation where you have to wait 30 mins between ques (if you had a bad matchup)......I disagree people most dont care about farming pugs as much as you think as stated earlier premades did not fair better on average vs pugs (confirmed by anet)... BUT even if we accepted that is the case the pugs chose to be pugs and can easily form premades of their own (which btw would draw 4 more players to the mist at best). Regarding farming reward track if that is the goal im pretty sure the current win trading situation is just as quick AND as far as rewards go its not very good in comparison to other outlets in the game IF your in it for the gold or rewards chances are you just havent discovered the better alternatives (pve). if your being farmed 47-500 as you mentioned as well chances are you are paired against far superior players and THAT has more to do with the population shrinking in PVP then it has to do with premades. your point is that tournys are in the game so off with team que when you should be saying that in its current state its not a acceptable alternative bc its not....if i could msg 4 friends on say facebook to login so we could pvp and we could que for tourny (without me checking if there is a tourny) then fine your spot on....but the reality is IF i msg them and they ALL can get on THEN i may get to play a tourny bc there is a chance ill have to wait what 4 hours for tourny to proc lol (which could be over in a matter of 10 mins if paired against a strong team since there is no matchmaking in tournys what so ever)

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> @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> No thanks. If people want to play with friends they can do unranked or ATs, but they don't care about playing with friends, they just want ez pubstomp games for ez rating. Duo is fine but 5 man is not.


the flaw in this argument is that these people who want to play with friends wont do what you suggest


they actually play other games instead of doing unranked or one tournament every 6 hours (which doesn't fit w most time schedules). because neither of those are a compelling enough experience to keep playing the game


so the choice is teams in ranked (separate or mixed queue, or perhaps more tournaments like hourly idk) or have people quit


also, the easy rating thing was disproven by anet statistics. it's mostly about avoiding the frustrations of solo queue, and having fun with guildies


the reason people aren't happy w unranked only, is because it's a joke and everyone treats it like a joke. it's where people build test and play joke builds. it's where the most casual casuals play. the match quality is awful, ranked had far better quality back when we had team queue and a bigger population. the fact teams were weighted higher and matched against much stronger players, or other teams really helped too


so many times had I been in my classic trio (me on warrior/DH, and my pals on thief and druid) and trashed full premades we came across in ranked. a full team is little to fear if you have skill my dude


most of them are just guildies queing for fun, or new friends made in the mists. so I would suggest against discouraging friendship and positive community interaction, unless you get off on toxic trash talk for some weird reason

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I agree that ranked right now absolutely kills teamplay and that it's frustrating not being able to play with your friends. But I don't think ranked 5man q is the solution, unless 5man groups can only be paired with 5man or 3man+2man groups. Anet should find a way to allow 5man premades without kiling solo queuers.



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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> > No thanks. If people want to play with friends they can do unranked or ATs, but they don't care about playing with friends, they just want ez pubstomp games for ez rating. Duo is fine but 5 man is not.


> the flaw in this argument is that these people who want to play with friends wont do what you suggest


> they actually play other games instead of doing unranked or one tournament every 6 hours (which doesn't fit w most time schedules). because neither of those are a compelling enough experience to keep playing the game


> so the choice is teams in ranked (separate or mixed queue, or perhaps more tournaments like hourly idk) or have people quit


If you give the option for 5 man ranked then it won't become a compelling experience either. Scores will be lopsided and teams massively unbalanced just like unranked. Not to mention you're fucking over solo Q players where ranked is literally their only avenue of competitive sPvP solo play. Boosting will also become a huge problem. Can't wait to see 4x monthly AT winners carrying a bad player to #1 for $$$(boosting not against the rules & Anet can't track third party currency exchanges). 5 man would only work if there was an MMR limit. At least then the matchmaker can pair stacks with better solo Q players. Anything past that point will just result in 5 stacks of decent players winning every game. If I was a solo Q player and I knew there was a 5 stack of good players currently queueing ranked I wouldn't queue period, because why waste my time? People keep saying they're are going to quit because they can't play with their friends... as if solo Q players are gonna stick around for the slew of new problems this is going to cause.



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> @"nia.4725" said:

> I agree that ranked right now absolutely kills teamplay and that it's frustrating not being able to play with your friends. But I don't think ranked 5man q is the solution, unless 5man groups can only be paired with 5man or 3man+2man groups. Anet should find a way to allow 5man premades without kiling solo queuers.




5 man premades could never face solo players except for maybe season 1 to begin with. It's a misconception and nothing but a scapegoat "oh I don't suck at this game I am silver because them evil premades!!!444!!4"


We doN't vote yes because we want to play 500-0 matches but ebcause we'd rather play with friends in GW2 than leave for other games that let us play together. It's embarrassing how anti-social this game has become.

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> @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > > @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> > > No thanks. If people want to play with friends they can do unranked or ATs, but they don't care about playing with friends, they just want ez pubstomp games for ez rating. Duo is fine but 5 man is not.

> >

> > the flaw in this argument is that these people who want to play with friends wont do what you suggest

> >

> > they actually play other games instead of doing unranked or one tournament every 6 hours (which doesn't fit w most time schedules). because neither of those are a compelling enough experience to keep playing the game

> >

> > so the choice is teams in ranked (separate or mixed queue, or perhaps more tournaments like hourly idk) or have people quit


> If you give the option for 5 man ranked then it won't become a compelling experience either. Scores will be lopsided and teams massively unbalanced just like unranked. Not to mention you're kitten over solo Q players where ranked is literally their only avenue of competitive sPvP solo play. Boosting will also become a huge problem. Can't wait to see 4x monthly AT winners carrying a bad player to #1 for $$$(boosting not against the rules & Anet can't track third party currency exchanges). 5 man would only work if there was an MMR limit. At least then the matchmaker can pair stacks with better solo Q players. Anything past that point will just result in 5 stacks of decent players winning every game. If I was a solo Q player and I knew there was a 5 stack of good players currently queueing ranked I wouldn't queue period, because why waste my time? People keep saying they're are going to quit because they can't play with their friends... as if solo Q players are gonna stick around for the slew of new problems this is going to cause.




so you’re just going to ignore the fact that when we had teams in ranked, anet told us that teams actually statistically lost more than they won? so the whole easy wins, easy farm is a fiction for the most part...


also, you seem to think that these team queue players are sticking around threatening to quit... nope dude, most of them already have. it’s the main cause of the huge decline in match quality & population. which is why the matchmaking doesn’t work, because the population is too low, & it’s only going to shrink.


we discussed it in another thread, & we had examples of multiple pvp guilds quitting in that thread alone. all of them quit due to the removal of teams. in that thread alone we had over 300 people quitting as a result of the change. removing teams killed pvp guilds, & i would guess the total number of players lost would be in the thousands.


the damage removing teams did to the population & community was massive, & is still being felt. not to mention how much harder it has become to get new players into the game, as it’s not like antisocial solo players who refuse to party w anyone are recommending the game lol. antisocial people do nothing for the growth of the community, often they flame in chat & cause people to quit.


EDIT: i forgot to address boosting, yeah that would be kind of a bummer. but adding teams would eliminate queue syncing & wintrading, which imo are much worse than boosting. furthermore boosting is harder than you think. at high plat, especially when you have a chance to play vs other plat premades & duos- having a weak link on your team (basically 4v5) is actually hard to play around. much harder than you would think.

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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> I don't get that people still bring the thoroughly debunked pub stomping argument up about 5 man queues even tough A-net offically confirmed that the winrate of 5 mans in ranked was lower cause they actually fight stronger solo players.


Then you do not understand statistics, Anet confirmed that overall it was around 50%, so yes if you take that at face value then is seems fair, however by itself that is meaningless.


For instance to take a simplified version of things, you can get 50% in a situation where at the low end you have a match with better solo/duo players being put up against 5 mans of terrible players (PvE guild playing as a guild event for example) and stomping them, then when you combine that with the other end where you could have 5 man made up of ex-ESL players playing full cheese comp, all on TS/Discord being put up against solo/duo players and stomping them, this gives you a "fair" 50% but neither one of those matches is anything other than a joke.


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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > I don't get that people still bring the thoroughly debunked pub stomping argument up about 5 man queues even tough A-net offically confirmed that the winrate of 5 mans in ranked was lower cause they actually fight stronger solo players.


> Then you do not understand statistics, Anet confirmed that overall it was around 50%, so yes if you take that at face value then is seems fair, however by itself that is meaningless.


> For instance to take a simplified version of things, you can get 50% in a situation where at the low end you have a match with better solo/duo players being put up against 5 mans of terrible players and stomping them, then when you combine that with the other end where you could have 5 man made up of ex-ESL players playing full cheese comp, all on TS/Discord being put up against solo/duo players and stomping them, this gives you a "fair" 50% but neither one of those matches is anything other than a joke.


> And that is the problem, that is why LOL brought back solo queue, because at high rank the only possible way to provide a balanced match at that level against a full team, is to have another full team.


**why in a game where we have weekly & monthly tournaments do we think it’s a bad idea to encourage people to form teams?**


surely players at the top of the leaderboard, players in plat like myself would be keen to play in ATs? like it seems sensible right? so like why not form teams in ranked, it’s good practice for ATs. its the goal right? we want a flourishing social AT scene. heck i’d love to see an AT scene for silver & bellow too, feel like that would be cool.


also, ima get hate for this- but buddy wouldn’t you say the social skills & ability to communicate that separate the antisocial solo queuer from the team player is actually a form of skill? i feel like in a team game these are very important skills to have. so i don’t have an issue with more skilled people ranking higher.

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> @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> No thanks. If people want to play with friends they can do unranked or ATs, but they don't care about playing with friends, they just want ez pubstomp games for ez rating. Duo is fine but 5 man is not.


The people who have asked for team have stated several times that it's not about rank (refer to suggestions about capping team rank like they do to duo) and that they do want to play with their friends + many other reasons such as repopulating the mists to just simply farming PIPS with friends.


> @"choovanski.5462" said:


> most of them are just guildies queing for fun, or new friends made in the mists. so I would suggest against discouraging friendship and positive community interaction, unless you get off on toxic trash talk for some weird reason


This is the best part about team queue... Repopulating the mists, having fun with friends, positive community, guilds teaching new players they brought in and so on, the ripple effect it has is that it increases the chance of the pugs winning vs said premade, that premade will lose and still laugh because they're all friends playing together...


I also miss the competitive side to it too.... Queing up as a guild, becoming familiar with other guilds queuing up, facing off against them and having banters, keeping score and organizing rematches in hot join and also being matched against your own guild is fun.

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I hope Anet would read this: Even tho most have said no, this poll isn't telling the truth. Why? Most casual PvP players doesnt visit forums. Those casuals are also biggest group playing PvP. Those casuals mostly wants to play with friends rather than deal with toxic community you created with soloQ.

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > I don't get that people still bring the thoroughly debunked pub stomping argument up about 5 man queues even tough A-net offically confirmed that the winrate of 5 mans in ranked was lower cause they actually fight stronger solo players.

> >

> > Then you do not understand statistics, Anet confirmed that overall it was around 50%, so yes if you take that at face value then is seems fair, however by itself that is meaningless.

> >

> > For instance to take a simplified version of things, you can get 50% in a situation where at the low end you have a match with better solo/duo players being put up against 5 mans of terrible players and stomping them, then when you combine that with the other end where you could have 5 man made up of ex-ESL players playing full cheese comp, all on TS/Discord being put up against solo/duo players and stomping them, this gives you a "fair" 50% but neither one of those matches is anything other than a joke.

> >

> > And that is the problem, that is why LOL brought back solo queue, because at high rank the only possible way to provide a balanced match at that level against a full team, is to have another full team.


> **why in a game where we have weekly & monthly tournaments do we think it’s a bad idea to encourage people to form teams?**


> surely players at the top of the leaderboard, players in plat like myself would be keen to play in ATs? like it seems sensible right? so like why not form teams in ranked, it’s good practice for ATs. its the goal right? we want a flourishing social AT scene. heck i’d love to see an AT scene for silver & bellow too, feel like that would be cool.


> also, ima get hate for this- but buddy wouldn’t you say the social skills & ability to communicate that separate the antisocial solo queuer from the team player is actually a form of skill? i feel like in a team game these are very important skills to have. so i don’t have an issue with more skilled people ranking higher.


You seem to have quoted me, yet written nothing of relevance to what you quoted, which was entirely about how meaningless that Anet stat was and then proceeded to make some bizarre assumptions based on that, interesting...

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I think all raids and PvE parties should be solo-q, too. That's the only way to make it fair. How come that guild over there gets more access to nice things than me and can clear content faster?


I wouldn't mind if the NFL and MLB went solo-q as well. Everybody needs to be equal and get the same stuff.

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:


> so you’re just going to ignore the fact that when we had teams in ranked, anet told us that teams actually statistically lost more than they won? so the whole easy wins, easy farm is a fiction for the most part...


Ranked wasn't competitive back then. There wasn't a actual leaderboard and losing really did not matter. There was no reason to tryhard for prestigious titles. Groups weren't there to pubstomp, they were their to play with their friends. Not the same environment today. Like trying to apply logic from the 20th century to the modern day or comparing apples to oranges.


> also, you seem to think that these team queue players are sticking around threatening to quit... nope dude, most of them already have. it’s the main cause of the huge decline in match quality & population. which is why the matchmaking doesn’t work, because the population is too low, & it’s only going to shrink.

>we discussed it in another thread, & we had examples of multiple pvp guilds quitting in that thread alone. all of them quit due to the removal of teams. in that thread alone we had over 300 people quitting as a result of the change. removing teams killed pvp guilds, & i would guess the total number of players lost would be in the thousands.


You're assuming PvP is dying because people can't play with their friends but nothing indicates that except a vocal minority on the forums. You see far more complaints about balancing issues and wintrading. Don't forget that the removal of 5 man queue was offically POLLED with hard numbers and you lost. Same is true in the user run poll in this thread. You can provide guesses about how many people quit all you want but the polling numbers disagree, sorry.


> the game, as it’s not like antisocial solo players who refuse to party w anyone are recommending the game lol. antisocial people do nothing for the growth of the community, often they flame in chat & cause people to quit.

Insulting solo Q players doesn't further your point, it just makes you look really petty.


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> @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> Don't forget that the removal of 5 man queue was offically POLLED with hard numbers and you lost.


I outplayed myself here, I voted yes to thinking we were going to have 2 separate queues as the poll never specified they would replace one with the other.


I remember thinking it was going to be a great way to bring more players into the mists to invite to one of the PvP guilds I was in, for the teams we played in oddly enough.



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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> also, ima get hate for this- but buddy wouldn’t you say the social skills & ability to communicate that separate the antisocial solo queuer from the team player is actually a form of skill?


This sort of thing is always amusing, I hate to break it to you, but playing in a team in a video game does not equate to being a social butterfly, in fact it is not exactly unheard of that the opposite true, some of the most anti-social, socially inept people on earth, happily spend 14 hours a day in their mum's basement being "social" in a video game.


Meanwhile one of the reasons a lot of people play solo (for at least significant amounts of the time) is because they have this thing called a life, a job, a wife, kids, other interests, etc, they are basically well rounded human beings with limited time to spend on a video game, so often just want to jump on for a little while play a couple of games then go do something else, such as going out and actually being social.





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> @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> Don't forget that the removal of 5 man queue was offically POLLED with hard numbers and you lost.

No, it wasn't officially "POLLED". The poll was that they were to introduce **A TRIAL RUN FOR ONE SEASON** and having another poll after it that would decide wether or not they should restrict to DuoQ. The balance were in shambles and people abused Chrono bunkers + tempests and people thought that trying DuoQ only for a season wouldn't hurt. **HOWEVER** the second poll never came. Neither was there ever a poll about restricting 1600+ to SoloQ.

So you're outright lying.


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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> > Don't forget that the removal of 5 man queue was offically POLLED with hard numbers and you lost.

> No, it wasn't officially "POLLED". The poll was that they were to introduce **A TRIAL RUN FOR ONE SEASON** and having another poll after it that would decide wether or not they should restrict to DuoQ. The balance were in shambles and people abused Chrono bunkers + tempests and people thought that trying DuoQ only for a season wouldn't hurt. **HOWEVER** the second poll never came. Neither was there ever a poll about restricting 1600+ to SoloQ.

> So you're outright lying.



Am I lying about the numbers in the OP as well?

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> @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> > > Don't forget that the removal of 5 man queue was offically POLLED with hard numbers and you lost.

> > No, it wasn't officially "POLLED". The poll was that they were to introduce **A TRIAL RUN FOR ONE SEASON** and having another poll after it that would decide wether or not they should restrict to DuoQ. The balance were in shambles and people abused Chrono bunkers + tempests and people thought that trying DuoQ only for a season wouldn't hurt. **HOWEVER** the second poll never came. Neither was there ever a poll about restricting 1600+ to SoloQ.

> > So you're outright lying.

> >


> Am I lying about the numbers in the OP as well?


If you carefully read through my post, you can see why the numbers would be skewed. People were up for trying something.


This is like saying that people that try going onto those dating programs are forced to get married without any real say in it.


Edit; the poll were like 70 something % in favor of trying DuoQ only. The keyword is **trying**

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > also, ima get hate for this- but buddy wouldn’t you say the social skills & ability to communicate that separate the antisocial solo queuer from the team player is actually a form of skill?


> This sort of thing is always amusing, I hate to break it to you, but playing in a team in a video game does not equate to being a social butterfly, often it is in fact the opposite, some of the most anti-social people on earth, happily spend 14 hours a day in their mum's basement, being "social" in a video game, meanwhile one of the reasons a lot of people play solo is because they have this thing called a life, a job, a wife, kids, other interests, etc, they are basically well rounded human beings with limited time to spend on a video game.






seriously bro?


You know you can have a wife, child, job and still be social with people online?

I've managed to get 2 work mates and a friend to join this game and they still play, 1 is active daily and I work with him.


Some of us like video games as our hobby/interest ya know? Are you implying we have no life because of that?

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> > > > Don't forget that the removal of 5 man queue was offically POLLED with hard numbers and you lost.

> > > No, it wasn't officially "POLLED". The poll was that they were to introduce **A TRIAL RUN FOR ONE SEASON** and having another poll after it that would decide wether or not they should restrict to DuoQ. The balance were in shambles and people abused Chrono bunkers + tempests and people thought that trying DuoQ only for a season wouldn't hurt. **HOWEVER** the second poll never came. Neither was there ever a poll about restricting 1600+ to SoloQ.

> > > So you're outright lying.

> > >

> >

> > Am I lying about the numbers in the OP as well?


> If you carefully read through my post, you can see why the numbers would be skewed. People were up for trying something.


> This is like saying that people that try going onto those dating programs are forced to get married without any real say in it.


> Edit; the poll were like 70 something % in favor of trying DuoQ only. The keyword is **trying**


You didn't answer my question. So far it's a "NO" based on the POLL in THIS thread. This is after you take into account that everyone who wants 5 man is getting their friends to vote "YES".

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