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Do You Find Any Race/Class Unattractive?

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> @"DearlyMe.5320" said:

> Just male norn since their proportions are so...Odd. I want to try to make one some day that balances out more. Just a larger head might do wonders enough.


I've found that if you yank the "Head Size" slider way up while counter-balancing it by reducing the "Head Width" slider a bit you end up with a nice balance.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"DearlyMe.5320" said:

> > Just male norn since their proportions are so...Odd. I want to try to make one some day that balances out more. Just a larger head might do wonders enough.


> I've found that if you yank the "Head Size" slider way up while counter-balancing it by reducing the "Head Width" slider a bit you end up with a nice balance.


So true, my norn warrior use the 2nd slimmest body with large bit condensed head build.


But norn male for me there is another issue that make them look odd: they have very odd heavy boot skin. Most boot skin make their kneel looks slightly bended inward, very hard to find a heavy boot skin look right.

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yes, all the races that are not humanoid are ugly to me, including dwarfs and the little human looking things with animal ears and tails in other mmo's. I'm very visual and if it's not pleasing to look at, I wont play it. I dont find the charr, tree people and that little rat looking thing pleasing. i've tried to create them, but cant through the process of finishing them.

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I absolutely love sylvari, the diversity, the colors, the patterns. They can be very pleasing to look at, but also be made creepy and alienlike, which I also find very interesting.


I think all the races can be made to look good and/or interesting in some way. I do however have a preference towards the smaller/slimmer characters. Not a fan of massive bulk or heavy armor. So if I have to say something... it gotta be some (not all) norn and charr (primarily males with heavy armor).


As far as actual attraction it is not something I feel towards any pixels.... or non pixels. I just find them aestheticly pleasing and/or interesting.

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I've got 4 each of Sylvari, Norn, Charr and Humans, so guess which race I don't like. ;)


The Asura aren't aesthetically pleasing to me. Most of the voice acting is in high-pitched voices, which I find annoying. (For some reason Taimi has got the soft-spoken part down. I think she needs to start a new academy to teach this to the rest of her race.) Another reason I don't like Asura is their racial superiority complex. Just because you're good at one thing doesn't make you superior to anyone else (Phlunt really get my blood pumping, especially with his highly annoying voice, but that's probably exactly how he was intended. Taking him down a few notches is always a highly enjoyable experience to me.) There are only 3 Asura in game that I can remember right now that are in my good graces. I love Taimi because she's brave, feisty and determined, and a great ally all in all. Early on in the game I didn't like Zojja very much, but her snappiness came mostly from her history with Destiny's Edge. Once she got more fleshed out I actually started to like her (and what's not to love about Felicia Day? <3). But my all time favorite Asura is and will always be Moto, for his thoroughly enjoyable invention called the Super Adventure Box. Already itching to get back in there next week.


And even though I have 4 Norn, 3 of which are male, I do not like the looks of the bulkiest body option, just like I don't like most bodybuilders' builds because they take it too far and to unnatural extremes. Also, the bulkiest male Norn body type blows up basically any armor, especially shoulder pieces. That's why mine have the middle body type, the more athletic one, which looks much more natural to me.


My favorite race (let's not dwell on negativity here :p ) is undeniably the Sylvari. Unless I have a specific concept in mind for a character, any new ones I create will most like be Sylvari.

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I dislike guardian. You wanna make a cool, badass dark character. Then no matter how good you look these holy looking skills not to mention unwanted aegis plastered to your awesome looking dark shield send the whole effort down the drain.


In that regard i like the no frills warrior and darkish mallyx rev far better.

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Like the charr, hate armor on charr. they all looks bad or not fitting and the shoulders are preposterous, and weapon animations leave a lot to be desired. My least favorite though is probably norns, specifically male norns. It's not that they're too tall, its that they're annoyingly bulky. They look too fat. But that awesome strongman mustache you can give them is choice.

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I bet if this same question were asked in real life, that person would be seen as repugnant racists and bigots (and likely other terms with -phobic attached).


Now consider that when talking about this subject in context of the game. I feel its fine to express preferences and distastes (and people will have conflicting tastes) but it's rather jarring that many won't allow you to express those preferences, or worse, condemn you for making choices with your preferences in mind.

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> @"MrForz.1953" said:

> Am I a bit odd to find humans unattractive? They tend to seem so kitten unidirectional in attitude and looks on top of being really boring under all their forms and factions. And those quotes man, those quotes!


Something needs to seem boring to make the other things seem more interesting.

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Of course! The Charr, the Asura, the Sylvari... they were _designed_ to feel alien and unnatural... "ugly", one might call it. It's what makes them interesting. It's also why I, among others, am disappointed that the Norn are not the werebeasts they should be.


As for the professions... likewise! Several profession abilities and effects are decidedly unnatural and dissonant. Again, that's what makes them interesting and unique.

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I hate the male Norns' misshaped bodies, with their weirdly crooked posture and their old-men tats etc., while their females all look like perfect super models (everythings perfectly symmetric there, plus they stand, sit and move like noble little princesses, which I admit is weird for a hunter race).


Here's what I mean regarding male Norn (with correction suggestions):

![](https://i.imgur.com/7YtPmSj.png "")


P.S. A Sylvari is only as "ugly" as you make them. :p [i like mine](https://i.imgur.com/dJHZHrq.jpg "I like mine") (the fifth character from the left ;) ):

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I hate the male Norns' misshaped bodies, with their weirdly crooked posture and their old-men tats etc., while their females all look like perfect super models (everythings perfectly symmetric there, plus they stand, sit and move like noble little princesses, which I admit is weird for a hunter race).


> Here's what I mean regarding male Norn (with correction suggestions):

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/7YtPmSj.png "")


> P.S. A Sylvari is only as "ugly" as you make them. :p [i like mine](https://i.imgur.com/dJHZHrq.jpg "I like mine") (the fifth character from the left ;) ):


That’s just terrible. I mean... wow. He looks like an oversized human male, not a Norn. People already see Norns as “large humans” which is incorrect - we need take steps away from that notion, not encourage it.


If anything the “mystical giant”-angle needs more focus, not downplaying. Norns are closer related to the Jotun than they are humans (which is to say there is no relation to humans). The extra meatiness and muscle is a good thing with how it makes them look quite not human - because they aren’t.


I mean, if _that_ is what you want just play a human male instead and leave my hunk of muscle alone, please. If _that_ was to ever happen to my main, I’d probably quit the game, lol.


Seriously, stop with this idea of trying to make Norns into what they aren’t - large humans.



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