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Do You Find Any Race/Class Unattractive?

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Unattractive as in not aesthetically pleasing or interesting to me? Then male norn. They are human enough looking that their weird gorilla proportions are off putting.

Also light armor on human or norn females in general and medium armor on Charr (my main is a Charr theif ;__; ).

I love the Charr and Sylvari. Some of my fav fantasy races.


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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > @"Kingkiller.9645" said:

> > I mean yeah, being asexual, I'm generally not attracted to any of them.

> >

> > That being said, I find it hilarious that OP is clearly more attracted to a large cat than a tree. I really don't want to look at their internet history.


> Feeling attraction / unattraction towards something does not always mean it is sexual.


I mean... yeah, it kinda does.

I can think something is pretty, like a mountain, but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to it.

And if you think otherwise, try saying "I am attracted to that mountain" seriously. It doesn't work.

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> @"Kingkiller.9645" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > @"Kingkiller.9645" said:

> > > I mean yeah, being asexual, I'm generally not attracted to any of them.

> > >

> > > That being said, I find it hilarious that OP is clearly more attracted to a large cat than a tree. I really don't want to look at their internet history.

> >

> > Feeling attraction / unattraction towards something does not always mean it is sexual.


> I mean... yeah, it kinda does.

> I can think something is pretty, like a mountain, but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to it.

> And if you think otherwise, try saying "I am attracted to that mountain" seriously. It doesn't work.


Not necessarily. You can say something like "That's an attractive deal" when discussing...I dunno, paying for a new car, but you're not physically attracted to the deal itself. Magnets can be attracted to each other. Etc.


So saying that you're attracted to a certain race or class because you like the aesthetics or playstyle means you're drawn toward it. Not...anything else. >_>

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> > @"Kingkiller.9645" said:

> > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > > @"Kingkiller.9645" said:

> > > > I mean yeah, being asexual, I'm generally not attracted to any of them.

> > > >

> > > > That being said, I find it hilarious that OP is clearly more attracted to a large cat than a tree. I really don't want to look at their internet history.

> > >

> > > Feeling attraction / unattraction towards something does not always mean it is sexual.

> >

> > I mean... yeah, it kinda does.

> > I can think something is pretty, like a mountain, but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to it.

> > And if you think otherwise, try saying "I am attracted to that mountain" seriously. It doesn't work.


> Not necessarily. You can say something like "That's an attractive deal" when discussing...I dunno, paying for a new car, but you're not physically attracted to the deal itself. Magnets can be attracted to each other. Etc.


> So saying that you're attracted to a certain race or class because you like the aesthetics or playstyle means you're drawn toward it. Not...anything else. >_>


There's a difference between a figure of speech and actually calling something attractive. A VERY big difference.

We're also not talking about magnets. Like. At all. That doesn't even make sense.

Neither analogy works, and my point stands.


Source: English major. Not that I should need a source to explain a figure of speech.

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I could never get used to Charrs.

First I do not like their appearance, and that's where it stops in my case, because appearance is very important to me. The first thing is that I find it extremely difficult to give female appearance to a Charr. Then, if I find beautiful a feline running on 4 legs, once standing, I find disgraceful the long "arms", the big feet and the hump at the neck. I also do not like how armors appear on them. Beside my problem with their look, I could never get used to the way they move, and I cannot jump with them. Since I am a JP addict, that's of course a second major disturbing factor.

I have tried several times to do one I like, but I never achieved that. I deleted every times. I have given up a while ago and have no Charrs out of my 21 toons.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> I bet if this same question were asked in real life, that person would be seen as repugnant racists and bigots (and likely other terms with -phobic attached).


> Now consider that when talking about this subject in context of the game. I feel its fine to express preferences and distastes (and people will have conflicting tastes) but it's rather jarring that many won't allow you to express those preferences, or worse, condemn you for making choices with your preferences in mind.


There's a societal conflict I've seen here, particularly in the Left. Sexuality and sexual preferences are considered sacrosanct, but race and multiculturalism are also. They come in conflict, because our sexual preferences are for people of the same race and ethnicity as ourselves. As to why, there are a dozen theories regarding the development of perspectives on ideal personage modeling off of our immediate environment (i.e. our parents), and they all sound equally as convoluted and Freudian as this sentence is. But, the end result is we want to stick with our own race, and this creates three distinct groups:


(1)The group that says that their sexual preferences should not be analyzed no matter what, because true love.

(2)The group that says that their sexual preferences are a sign of ingrained racism at the highest degree and should be remedied or punished.

(3)The group that says that any deviation from the desire for their own race is fetishizing other people and thus is racist cultural appropriation (if you are "privileged").


It's sad because you can't win. Group 2 thinks that not liking other races is racist, group 3 thinks that liking other races is racist, and group 1 is pro racism so long as it is below the belt.




That all said, it isn't really applicable to the game. For several reasons I will now list:


(1)The "races" in GW2 aren't races. They are different species. The analogies and allegories fall apart when considering this.

(2)This topic isn't about sexuality, insomuch as it is about general aesthetics.

(3)The characters are designed from scratch. Whereas IRL your physical traits aren't decided, in the game they are malleable and exist only to be seen.

(4)There is no personhood or history attached to the characters. There's nobody who is burdened being born a norn.


Most people intuitively or overtly recognize this.

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I find humans boring, but boring =/= unattractive. Asura, on the other hand... I like their animations and general culture (Rata Sum is beautiful and really well laid-out to boot), but everything else I can't stand. It doesn't help that most of the faces look like goblins and I can never find a skin tone I like. I've tried them a few times but just never been able to stick with them; I like my big, powerful characters like Charr and Norn.

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> @"Kingkiller.9645" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > > @"Kingkiller.9645" said:

> > > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > > > @"Kingkiller.9645" said:

> > > > > I mean yeah, being asexual, I'm generally not attracted to any of them.

> > > > >

> > > > > That being said, I find it hilarious that OP is clearly more attracted to a large cat than a tree. I really don't want to look at their internet history.

> > > >

> > > > Feeling attraction / unattraction towards something does not always mean it is sexual.

> > >

> > > I mean... yeah, it kinda does.

> > > I can think something is pretty, like a mountain, but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to it.

> > > And if you think otherwise, try saying "I am attracted to that mountain" seriously. It doesn't work.

> >

> > Not necessarily. You can say something like "That's an attractive deal" when discussing...I dunno, paying for a new car, but you're not physically attracted to the deal itself. Magnets can be attracted to each other. Etc.

> >

> > So saying that you're attracted to a certain race or class because you like the aesthetics or playstyle means you're drawn toward it. Not...anything else. >_>


> There's a difference between a figure of speech and actually calling something attractive. A VERY big difference.

> We're also not talking about magnets. Like. At all. That doesn't even make sense.

> Neither analogy works, and my point stands.


> Source: English major. Not that I should need a source to explain a figure of speech.


Well, Mr/Mrs English graduate, would someone calling a dog breed attractive mean they want to bone the dog? Or could they mean relative to other dogs? Or perhaps having traits that are attractive to other dogs thus being an expressed opinion of attraction of your own measure?


Also, attraction can mean being drawn to something, i.e the puppy having adorable features thus your hand is attracted to it so you pet it.


The fact alone that a man can find another man attractive in a sense that they can see attractive features in said man doesn't mean sexual attraction but relative attraction which I'm going to assume it's being discussed here.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> The fact alone that a man can find another man attractive in a sense that they can see attractive features in said man doesn't mean sexual attraction but relative attraction which I'm going to assume it's being discussed here.


Yeah, I'm straight as an arrow but I can definitely tell you that in his Mr. Olympia prime, da Governator was a very attractice male specimen indeed.


And hell, looking at his recent movies he's still not that bad - he's carrying his age with awesome grace!


Still doesn't mean I'm sexually attracted to him. (although, I would still bone him solely for the bragging rights).

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i can only play female norn, cuz she has the only idle drawn weapon/movement animation i like. The other female chars are atrocious to me, especially the running motion when 1hand weapons ungh, scissor walk is what i call it. Female norn holds the 1h wep nicely so you can see it while moving in all its glory.

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I have trouble with almost every race and gender - Norn and Catcows are too big and bulky and clip through everything, Sylvari faces just don't look right, and I can never make a cute rat. The human male looks like a girl and I can't stand the VA.


Or maybe I'm just too used to playing #FemaleHumanMeta.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

>The human male looks like a girl


The very first time I ever played around with creating a male human character, I wound up making a Legolas lookalike (albeit on purpose, as I was seeing how ridiculous it could get, but still).

...trying to design a decent male human face feels like stirring drying cement. :( I'm happy with what I eventually managed to come up with, but...yeah, I can definitely see your point. Some of those faces are just _strange_-looking.

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