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Gem Store Sale not enitrely what it seems


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So I was double checking my purchase of keys since I ended up buying a few recently and noticed 3125 Gems is NOT what the keys are usually sold for in a bundle of 25, but rather if you added 1 key purchase of 125 Gems x 25 so the sale LOOKS better than it actually is. I do not recall if other sales were posted in the same manner and am genuinely curious if this is the same method ANET has been pushing out sales this whole time.


Don't misunderstand me it's a sale no matter how you put it, but not quite all the info is there - it seems they posted again what all 25 keys are worth at a single key purchase for a total of 3125 Gems to make it seem more than what the bundle is originally sold at.


Edit: as an FYI bundle was originally sold at 2100 Gems

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2100 gems = 25 keys (default sale)

3125 gems = 25 keys (during sale) Advertised as 1680 gems with the discount = 25 keys

This "looks" more appealing, like a huge savings of 46% off


Assuming we apply the 46% off on the actual price of a 25 key pack of 2100 gems that would make 25 keys cost **1134 gems** which would be amazing by the way, but would never happen.


Anet why not just advertise it as a 20% off on the keys to begin with to avoid things like this.

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It's a 20% discount regardless of how many you buy. I confess I didn't even look at the retail numbers posted in the gem shop interface.


The more interesting thing to me is that if you converted gold to gems yesterday (without the discount), the total gold price is about the same today; the conversion rate spiked something fierce. That's why it's always a good idea to convert some gold to gems on a regular basis, outside of discount/promotion periods, so you have plenty (at a cheap rate) when you need them.

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> @"Pretty Pixie.8603" said:

> It's most linely a bug, considering it only happens with keys.


I remember a similar thread about the same time last year, on the old forums. There was false advertisement because the shown "former" price was wrong and the shown percentage was incorrect, I'm not sure it was about BLC keys and I cannot find the thread.


If it was keys, then they apparently didn't care to fix the bug (if it even is one).

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It's actually incredibly misleading. Like yah, it's a sale regardless, but the practice is extremely shady if it's intentional. And considering it's only on a 'gambling-related item' just makes it worse. For example, on the 5-pack, it's advertised as more of a 40% discount, rather than the 20%. The prices are never what they're being advertised as, so I'd personally like a statement about whether it's a bug or: "We just put it in bcus money."


I'm sure people will call it pedantic and OTT, but removing shady methods starts at the lowest end, with the smaller gambling items, and then knocking the top off. Perhaps we'll get a statement from Anet about this, and I hope it's a bug. But if it's intentional, I think we deserve a bit of honesty as to why it was made.

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This appears to be confusing a lot of people. I've been online about an hour and seen it mentioned in 2 guilds and in map chat in 3 different cities. I know it's not a new bug and the sale price is accurate in that it's 20% less than the normal price, but it would be good if they could find a way to fix it so we don't get people calling it a scam every time bundled items are on sale. I wouldn't be surprised if it hurts sale too, if people feel like the promotion is dishonest they may deliberately hold off on buying keys as a protest and may not realise in time that they've misunderstood.


> @"Wakthor Thorwak.2819" said:

> i should waited to buy keys until todaay but since they dont post weekly sheem about sale how would i know


> i buy keys evry month usaly 100 keys and then they do this? gues it my own fault bying keys at the time i did it and i didnt wait just wished anet could have posted a weekly march sale so i could waited until now :(


If you bought keys within the last few days you might be able to ask Support to refund the extra gems you spend on them.


But also in future remember that if they're doing a big sale with lots of reduced items it's very likely black lion keys will be one of the discounts.

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Been doing this for a while and yeah it's normally on items considered a gamble.. bad practice is just bad imo..

If it's a bug then it's been around a long time in an area of the game they marshal tighter than fort knox.. so how/why was it missed.

Nah I say it's an intentional lure smelling of bad antics, glad I don't try to pull the wool over my clients like that.


No reason whatsoever to not just say.. hey look keys at "x" price for "y" amount of time... players will still buy them, no need for the shadiness.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> Same thing can be said when they are selling living world episodes:- [here](https://ibb.co/kU8jVd "https://ibb.co/kU8jVd")


> Since I only need to buy 3 which would cost 600 gems im only getting a 36% discount not 68%. TOTALLY misleading


> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> The point is that there is a continual trend and that gem store misadvertising is happening frequently. Also its ONLY 2months old. In the case of the LS episode its even worse.


It’s not misleading and there’s no reason to Necro a two month old thread to cross post the issue that you personally have with how the price and discount is presented.

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