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Whats your main


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I started with a ranger because the collecting-pets aspect sounded like fun. Coming up with good names for all the pets was very entertaining. I love having a back-up in fights and for reviving me when I'm downed. The many useful survival skills helped me get along while I learned to play. (Muddy Terrain alone saved my life many times, pre-gliding.) For some reason, I gravitate toward being a healer in RPGs, so the Druid spec being part of Ranger made it all the more fun. My main weapons are double axes, which are a lot more exciting than a longbow (if less versatile.)


Probably my second-favorite character is my elementalist....while I occasionally use air and water (rarely ever earth) it is just so satisfying to set everything on fire. XD My pyromaniac elementalist Prajix just got a set of Flamekissed armor, glides on a fiery Geomancer meteor,, and rides a selection of flame-themed/colored mounts (except for Rupert, his purple bunny.)

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I voted guardian. I started with ranger because I almost always pick bow n arrow classes because I’m almost always interested in those types. I played that for a while then made a guardian and really wasn’t all that interested in them even though I got it to 80. Then I made an engineer after coming back from about a year away from the game and for some reason I was hooked on them. Even completed world completion prior to mounts..but then I slowly got bored of engi and tried out my guardian again and became hooked at the simplicity and effectiveness of them. Also my faith helps a little even though it doesn’t have much to do with the game just the idea of holy power I guess. But yeah, guardian got my vote!

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I started as necro. Had a lot of fun with my nornlady in the early days. Made an mesmer alt because i like the uniqueness of this class. Played her more and more and within a while she takes the mainspot. After the last balancepatch with the rework of the mesmer i love the class even more.

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I have 5 warriors and they have their own designated weapon set. I designed my own characters, from their outfit to weapon choice. Warrior is the only class that provided enough weapon choices to have multiple toons without feeling duplicated to each other.


All my warriors are viable in wvw.


My Norn spellbreaker as a hammer user, briing shoutheal to aid his group. Usually bring greatsword or sword warhorn for mobility.


My Asura Berserker is a shooter, build around gunflame, bring greatsword or sword shield as 2nd set.


My Sylvari berserker is a magical fighter, she use burn magic to fight, mostly with sword torch and longbow.


My Charr warrior is a pride and stubborn fighter, he use dual axe to chop through foes, greatsword as 2nd set for mobility. Somethings bring a shield for more defenses.


My human spellbreaker is an elite swordsman, bring greatsword, sword dagger into fights with high mobility and precision.



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> @"Matsy.1753" said:

> I don't have a main.... Filthy altaholic... Was an issue in gw1 as well lol


> @"Matsy.1753" said:

> I don't have a main.... Filthy altaholic... Was an issue in gw1 as well lol


My most complete in gw1 is mesmer but I love playing paragon.


My most complete in gw2 is mesmer but I love playing revenant.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Matsy.1753" said:

> > I don't have a main.... Filthy altaholic... Was an issue in gw1 as well lol


> > @"Matsy.1753" said:

> > I don't have a main.... Filthy altaholic... Was an issue in gw1 as well lol


> My most complete in gw1 is mesmer but I love playing paragon.


> My most complete in gw2 is mesmer but I love playing revenant.


I miss my Paragon. The nostalgia was strong after seeing all the Paragons and Dervishes in Istan.

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I started this game with Ele, then main Guardian for most of this game, then Thief for around 6 months, and then I did Warrior, and since then never went back really..

On my way to my 3rd Warrior.. prob

I also really liked Power Rev, but it isnt viable so I droped the one i made.. If i had other class to go would prob be Rev if the power build come back someday (I really dislike the mace that why I stopeed playing it)

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Nothing else thematically has kept my interest for as long as core necro and reaper has. Occasionally I would try to pick up other things as mains but they would quickly get boring and i wind right back up on my necro.


I think the shroud was the thing that first drew me into it necro is the only profession with a common usable transform back in the day that you didnt have to wait 2-3 minutes to use. Though I started on ranger then moved to guardian for a while eventually i found necro and never ditched it for more than week.

That and necro underwater combat was so fun when that was a thing too. Despite i feel that we have yet to get some much needed love its still my most enjoyable profession to date.


Things I would like to play more of would be

- Rev (not sure how to make it work all that good)

- Warrior (Have trouble keeping interest)

- Engi (holosmith specifically likely cause its forge mode is kinda like shroud mode with usability.)

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Engineer and Revenant about equally I have roughly the same playtime on both but since I have created 2 engineers as opposed to 2 revenants and can't get another char slot to get a 2nd rev yet, I'll go with engineer. I think the poll should include a "none" option for those that don't particularly main any one profession.

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Mesmer. Simply cause of how diverse the class can be. Tho character design is part of it as well. I legitimately have 6 gear sets for it. Followed by thief. I just love the acrobatic, evasive, and stealthy playstyle. Warrior is my third for when shit's gets real. And guardian is my close fourth. DH to be more specific. Again character does play a role in here too.

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