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Whats your main


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Started with guardian. Finished the game. Went pvp n did thief for a while cos I was into the rough assassin type class. It's just weak sauce and hard to play. Then went engineer, still play it, it's about half my games.


Finally tried warrior after that Man it's fun. U feel like some anime character smashing things with a big sword.

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I actually have two mains, a Rev and an Engi. I think I've had 'em both for about two years now? I can't remember.


I love my Rev (Herald all the way!) because of how much combat feels like a dance, if I do it right. And I just like the uniqueness of it, I suppose. Honestly, I can't remember why I picked it up and stuck with it.

My first main is my Engi. I've stuck with the class for about 5 years now, loving it utterly (all specs for it). I love the utility that Engis always had and the survivability that the class grants.


I dunno exactly, to be honest, but somethin' about those two classes never seem to bore me.

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Depends on how you determine your main(s)! B)


I love my elementalist character and they are the ones I play through the whole story on and am working on map completion but I really do not like how squishy the class is so I rarely use them for farming nor group content.


I’ve been plying Druid healer longest for raids and fractals. I love playing a healer!


Necromancer is increasingly my go to class for farming, open world events, and when I want to play DPS in group content. Reaper is lots of fun to play, lots of damage without being made of glass! I’ve also like the option of support scourge for variety. :)

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At heart probably always Necromancer, even though I don't get to play it much in the content I enjoy and am not very satisfied about the state it's in almost since launch, it's the profession I'm the most invested in. Mostly playing it in PvP and WvW, just because.

My other main, which I end up playing a large majority of time, Guardian. I don't enjoy it thematically quite as much, but it's just such an enjoyable and cohesive design when compared to Necro, and very effective to meta in everything I enjoy playing, be it Fractals or Raids etc.

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Necromancer was the first class I invested myself in, and the oldest character I have, which is my Necro, is the one I experienced many things for the first time with. It has substantially more sentimental value to me than any of my other characters or anything else I've played because it's like my first pair of shoes. I took my first real steps in the game with Necro and because I've played it for so many years, it's the only class I feel truly "in tune" with.


Kind of ironically, I'm a very independent/anti-social player that prefers to be alone and to do things myself. As a WvW main and formerly a PvPer, this kind of contradicts Necromancers necessity for support or to be in groups. As a result I've gone through a number of phases of hating Necro and either not playing it as much or not playing it at all for a period of time.

No matter how many times I've done that however, I've always come back to Necro and I always feel home again when I'm back to enjoying myself with it.


Why do I main it? Besides sentimental value, I just enjoy being the kind of thing you can't ignore in a fight. The kind of thing that has more power to determine who wins or loses than a lot of other things. And being basically designed around stripping defenses and making people panic. Despite how many people describe Necro as being a ping pong ball (which is absolutely true at times), nothing makes me feel as strong as Necromancer does. I just feel like I have so much more control over what happens in a small/medium scale fight compared to anything else and in a 1v1, I feel like I can create a lot more tension for my opponents due to how easily I can punish mistakes.


It has it's problems, as does every profession, but I love it more every day. It happens to contradict my play style in some ways yet it feels so right as well. And that's why even if I get frustrated with it every now and then, I'll still always consider myself a Necro main.

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