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Humanity in Guild Wars 2: A species without merits?


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> @"Karaiel.9378" said:

> And then i realised that humanity and the gods were the cause for at least Abbadon (who would not be a problem if Humanity didn't exist) and all the entailing things like Murassat, Titans, nightfall and so forth. Humanity caused all the Problems it "solved" (with a lot of help from other species)


You got this wrong, unfortunately. Human on their own are peaceful and they learned to live in harmony for many years as in many places from Ascalon, Orr, Kryta, especially in Cantha and Elona. Though there were conflicts and wars, there were also peace and harmony. Abaddon and the Mursaat both manipulated the humans. In fact, Abaddon also manipulated the Charrs through the Titans. In GW1, it was always been Abaddon, not the humans, nor the Charr, but Abaddon. In GW2, without the influence of any mischievous gods, human were able to co-exists with the other race, including the Charrs.


Even if you remove humanity from the equation, the problems will not cease to exist since the gods will still exist. If humans did not exists, it's just a matter to time before another species starts worshiping the old gods. However, because of humanity, the Charrs were freed from the Titan problem that they themselves were helpless to solve on their own. Abaddon's plan to release the Titans to the world would still come to pass and it was the existence of humanity that thwarted that plan. Humanity did not caused all the "problems", it was the work of a rogue god that caused the problem -- and humanity was the chosen race to solve it.


> My conclusion: Humanity (with some exceptions) is a cruel, stupid and childish species who relied on the gods to achieve anything of note, like robbing the Charr of Ascalon. Now that they are gone, humanity faces its deserved downfall. Maybe a more enlightened species can subjugate and redeem them.


You can only come to that conclusion by ignoring important facts. Although I agree that the humans are very dependent on the human gods, but that it not their weakness, but their strength. Because of their faith, they were able to endure a lot of hardships. Of course, just like the other species, humans who dwell too much in their faith tends to become fanatics. No different than the religious fanatics of the Charrs (Fire Legion) and the Norns (Sons of Svanirs). So to conclude that being cruel, stupid and childish is exclusive to humanity is ignoring these facts.

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Would the Sylvari race even exist if humans were not present? It was a human named Ronan who found and planted the seed that grew into the Pale Tree after all and befriended Ventari who inspired the future Sylvari. I would say creating the future race of Elder Dragon slayers counts as a merit if one person's actions can weigh in on a whole race.

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> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> Would the Sylvari race even exist if humans were not present? It was a human named Ronan who found and planted the seed that grew into the Pale Tree after all and befriended Ventari who inspired the future Sylvari. I would say creating the future race of Elder Dragon ~~slayers~~ minnions counts as a merit if one person's actions can weigh in on a whole race.


I dont really get why so much hate is directed against the humans. the fact that they exist in tyria is ensuring that they have influence in their surroundings in good and bad ways


same goes for all other races. would tyria be better without them? questionable. it would be different but thats all we can say

like the world would be different without norn/ charr/ sylvari or quaggan.

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> @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> People "hate" humans because that's the cool thing to do and for some reason they're bitter that humans are the most popular race to play, which smacks of "you like what I don't like so you must be wrong" school of thought to me, which I abhor.


so.. it is just the Hipster way of life?


i can live with that conclusion

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> AKA Plot armour.


> I very much doubt your average human soldier could go one-on-one with an average Charr soldier. The size difference, the muscle, the natural weaponry etc etc.



A tangential, off-topic point about "natural weaponry", game mechanics and magic thrown aside.


Any potential natural weaponry the charr(or a similar race in other technologically comparable settings, like the worgen in Warcraft for example) have is basically irrelevant as in order to use such natural weaponry, they have to leave an opening in their armor to utilize it. Openings in armor are also known as weak points, giant blazing bullseyes for opponents that scream "this is where to stick your spear". In this day and age of Tyria where most fighting professionals wear fully encompassing full plate, it would be smart for charr soldiers to leave as little exposed as they can. You can't bite or scratch your way through steel plate anyway.

Also, weapons are generally the part of you that is closest to your opponent which also means that it's the part that is easiest for the opponent to hit. Having said weapon be a part of your body is a rather bad idea.


Of course much of this can be explained away by magic in the Tyrian setting but in some other settings where there are other intelligent races but no magic or very limited magic, having said intelligent being use a natural weapon instead of an actual weapon makes very little sense if they are physically capable of doing so.

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Sylvari are far more brainwashed. Grove is basically North Korea. Pale Tree and Firstborn hold all the power, and they worship Pale Tree as a Goddess, while Pale Tree is in fact just a dictator that dictates every sylvaris' personal life and all the politics. Also don't think Sylvari have any advantage over humans (magic, brain, physique).


Asura aren't necesserly smarter than humans, they just have different motives. Humans strongest motivation is will to dominate (for majority) while for Asura it is science and research. And they are physically weaker.


Charr are pysically stronger and have better military technology, so they have better military, but military isn't everything is it.


Norn are also pysically stronger but lack good equipment and any sort of centralised goverment to be able to do anything efficiently. So humans have strenght of unity (even if they have more factions fighting each other) over norn.



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Saying Humans have no merits is kind of like rooting against the home team, huh? ;) I don't see the humans of Tyria as some abstract alien race with weird customs, like I do with Asura or Charr.


I mean, could you imagine the chaos that would ensue if politics was something pushed on the dull, ignorant or unlucky? It's a wonder how Asura are able to keep things together.

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