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Necromancer Changes


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If boon spam vets, elites, and champs become a thing in open world, classes with no/little access to boon hate will be heavily punished. (ranger, guardi, engi, ele). If it was to become a thing in instanced pve (t4 and raids), mesmers would just be encouraged to take phantasmal disenchanter on all builds, or spellbreaker with banish enchantment/winds of disenchamtment will become more of a thing. With boon corrupt, a majority of the condis it applies will become useless due to either the presense of a defiance bar, or other classes already capping those condis by accident.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> If boon spam vets, elites, and champs become a thing in open world, classes with no/little access to boon hate will be heavily punished. (ranger, guardi, engi, ele). If it was to become a thing in instanced pve (t4 and raids), mesmers would just be encouraged to take phantasmal disenchanter on all builds, or spellbreaker with banish enchantment/winds of disenchamtment will become more of a thing. With boon corrupt, a majority of the condis it applies will become useless due to either the presense of a defiance bar, or other classes already capping those condis by accident.


As most of those professions have access to some if not more boon strip than they really need and are more capable of performing other roles in the game while doing higher overall dps. If it forced mesmers to take other options it means they give up preferred options to do that role instead of having another profession do it which is also fine honestly. Im not talking about a wave of boons every 25% hp either. Im talking all the time and mesmer disenchanter cannot keep up with that kind of boon spam. If anything spell breakers might be able to do the job but in that instance they too have to give up something where they could have a profession that does it naturally instead.


Or it just makes my statement even more true other professions have more of it than they really need if the first option to consider is taking more mesmers or spellbreakers over necro then the game has a serious imbalance issue on what roles professions play based on the tools they have in their kits.


How would you suggest necro specs are made more relevant then. Because obviously we have to kill a person to get more damage its not really an option otherwise it would have been done by now. Being limited because so many tool have boon strip which has no purpose in current pve.


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> The problem isn't the skill part, but the lack of opportunity for skill floor.If you nerf a class which is easy to learn adn dominate on, and you nerf it too hard, you got a class thats easy to learn, but underpowered.


As i said all the professions are EZ to learn. No profession is hard to learn. To say dominate is a very strong accusation. Necro is most certainly not one of those professions. (not counting the weeks of scourge buggery which was not the communities fault)


Whats seen as skill these days? (I would actually like an answer to this if you have one serious replies only though.)

- Evading nearly all attacks when your kit is full of evades?

- Having little to no time to be attacked due to stealth, evades, blocks, or breaking combat

- Hard pressuring your foe with mobility and stuns and high damage?

- Kiting your foe to death? (with some professions this can be skill full depending on their overall kit and weapon set)

- Near 1 shoting from stealth because you can perform up to 4 skill at once due to 3 of them being instant cast?

- Having the power to recover from several punishing mistakes in a row without much consequence


Considering necro can do none of the things listed above it means everything they fight revolves around mind games and outplaying your foes. But thats not seen as having high skill i suppose.

Scourge may be the exception here but the way its going it wont end up being that exception for too long. Even it requires placement and consideration of when to pop certain skills other wise it will just get bodied by every other profession in the game. Even with the shades as they are now i can think of many more busted mechanics that other professions have that require little to no real thinking behind them once you learn that profession you just rinse repeat nothing changes until you are faced with some one using the same build as you then it forces your mind to actually click.

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There are few changes from first WvW - PvP balance preview aside from bug fixes.


Arenanet stated this patch would only tweak numbers and not make any functional changes.


It kind of looks like they are trying to align cool down and a few other things between professions, which may result in damage or functional changes as they reevaluate skill potency.


The good news for Necromancer is that Arenanet appears to still stand behind their boon-hate theme for Scourge and did not totally gut it. Some core Necro utilities were buffed to help some older builds lagging behind PoF.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > If boon spam vets, elites, and champs become a thing in open world, classes with no/little access to boon hate will be heavily punished. (ranger, guardi, engi, ele). If it was to become a thing in instanced pve (t4 and raids), mesmers would just be encouraged to take phantasmal disenchanter on all builds, or spellbreaker with banish enchantment/winds of disenchamtment will become more of a thing. With boon corrupt, a majority of the condis it applies will become useless due to either the presense of a defiance bar, or other classes already capping those condis by accident.


> As most of those professions have access to some if not more boon strip than they really need and are more capable of performing other roles in the game while doing higher overall dps. If it forced mesmers to take other options it means they give up preferred options to do that role instead of having another profession do it which is also fine honestly. Im not talking about a wave of boons every 25% hp either. Im talking all the time and mesmer disenchanter cannot keep up with that kind of boon spam. If anything spell breakers might be able to do the job but in that instance they too have to give up something where they could have a profession that does it naturally instead.


> Or it just makes my statement even more true other professions have more of it than they really need if the first option to consider is taking more mesmers or spellbreakers over necro then the game has a serious imbalance issue on what roles professions play based on the tools they have in their kits.


> How would you suggest necro specs are made more relevant then. Because obviously we have to kill a person to get more damage its not really an option otherwise it would have been done by now. Being limited because so many tool have boon strip which has no purpose in current pve.



As for your first point, the increase in boon hate was most likely due to the overwhelming boon spam that became a thing in pvp scenarios. At one point necro was barely able to keep up with it, so other classes stepped in to help cull it. Even if the disenchanter were unable to keep up, lets not forget that mesmer meta build uses sword which is slightly faster than necro's scepter auto.


as for how I would suggest making necro relevant:

a) Completely divorce pvp and pve so that their balancing won't over lap with each other. In my opinion, the reason why necro isn't given the same level of dps as other professions is because they are seen as overbearing in pvp settings, and the reason that necros won't get properly "fixed" in pvp settings, is because such changes would more than likely make them even less wanted in pve.


b) rework necro. Life force needs an update as several other mechanics introduced in the game are functionally better life force and shroud mechanics (astral force and holo forge mode), not to mention that shroud skills in core are lackluster at best. Death magic needs alot of work, most of the traits there do not justify ever taking this trait over soul reaping, or blood magic, let alone spite/curses. Minions could use an update (flesh golem still can't swiim, and the current iteration of them just encourage afk farmers). Changing punishment skills to be more of a support skill than another source of boon rip (leave the boon rip to corruption) by letting them either properly heal allies, or making all of them apply barrier and might to allies. A slight buff to wells (decrease cd, or let all wells do damage). And finally, a complete rework of corruption skills, making them more like punishment skills, i.e: remove X number of boon(s), apply condition y (probably torment) and add some flavour to differentiate the skills.


To give an example of the last point:

Corrupt Boon - remove up to 15 boons on your target and apply 1 stack of 8s of torment to them. If 5 or more boons were removed; apply 2 stacks of 8s torment instead.

Corrosive Cloud - remove 1 boon from all foes in the target area and apply 1 stack of 8s of torment to all foes affected. If 5 or more foes were hit, apply an additional 1 stack of 3s poison to all affected.

Tainted Blood - remove 1 boon from your target and apply 1 stack of 8s of torment to them. If your target has no boons, apply 4 stacks of 15 sec bleed instead.


c) revisit condi conversion table and split it between pve and pvp/wvw. Have the pve version of boon corrupt turn all boons into a damaging condition (brun, bleed, torment), and adjust the boon corrupt table in wvw, so that resist doesn't become immob.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > > If boon spam vets, elites, and champs become a thing in open world, classes with no/little access to boon hate will be heavily punished. (ranger, guardi, engi, ele). If it was to become a thing in instanced pve (t4 and raids), mesmers would just be encouraged to take phantasmal disenchanter on all builds, or spellbreaker with banish enchantment/winds of disenchamtment will become more of a thing. With boon corrupt, a majority of the condis it applies will become useless due to either the presense of a defiance bar, or other classes already capping those condis by accident.

> >

> > As most of those professions have access to some if not more boon strip than they really need and are more capable of performing other roles in the game while doing higher overall dps. If it forced mesmers to take other options it means they give up preferred options to do that role instead of having another profession do it which is also fine honestly. Im not talking about a wave of boons every 25% hp either. Im talking all the time and mesmer disenchanter cannot keep up with that kind of boon spam. If anything spell breakers might be able to do the job but in that instance they too have to give up something where they could have a profession that does it naturally instead.

> >

> > Or it just makes my statement even more true other professions have more of it than they really need if the first option to consider is taking more mesmers or spellbreakers over necro then the game has a serious imbalance issue on what roles professions play based on the tools they have in their kits.

> >

> > How would you suggest necro specs are made more relevant then. Because obviously we have to kill a person to get more damage its not really an option otherwise it would have been done by now. Being limited because so many tool have boon strip which has no purpose in current pve.

> >


> As for your first point, the increase in boon hate was most likely due to the overwhelming boon spam that became a thing in pvp scenarios. At one point necro was barely able to keep up with it, so other classes stepped in to help cull it. Even if the disenchanter were unable to keep up, lets not forget that mesmer meta build uses sword which is slightly faster than necro's scepter auto.


> as for how I would suggest making necro relevant:

> a) Completely divorce pvp and pve so that their balancing won't over lap with each other. In my opinion, the reason why necro isn't given the same level of dps as other professions is because they are seen as overbearing in pvp settings, and the reason that necros won't get properly "fixed" in pvp settings, is because such changes would more than likely make them even less wanted in pve.


> b) rework necro. Life force needs an update as several other mechanics introduced in the game are functionally better life force and shroud mechanics (astral force and holo forge mode), not to mention that shroud skills in core are lackluster at best. Death magic needs alot of work, most of the traits there do not justify ever taking this trait over soul reaping, or blood magic, let alone spite/curses. Minions could use an update (flesh golem still can't swiim, and the current iteration of them just encourage afk farmers). Changing punishment skills to be more of a support skill than another source of boon rip (leave the boon rip to corruption) by letting them either properly heal allies, or making all of them apply barrier and might to allies. A slight buff to wells (decrease cd, or let all wells do damage). And finally, a complete rework of corruption skills, making them more like punishment skills, i.e: remove X number of boon(s), apply condition y (probably torment) and add some flavour to differentiate the skills.


> To give an example of the last point:

> Corrupt Boon - remove up to 15 boons on your target and apply 1 stack of 8s of torment to them. If 5 or more boons were removed; apply 2 stacks of 8s torment instead.

> Corrosive Cloud - remove 1 boon from all foes in the target area and apply 1 stack of 8s of torment to all foes affected. If 5 or more foes were hit, apply an additional 1 stack of 3s poison to all affected.

> Tainted Blood - remove 1 boon from your target and apply 1 stack of 8s of torment to them. If your target has no boons, apply 4 stacks of 15 sec bleed instead.


> c) revisit condi conversion table and split it between pve and pvp/wvw. Have the pve version of boon corrupt turn all boons into a damaging condition (brun, bleed, torment), and adjust the boon corrupt table in wvw, so that resist doesn't become immob.


Realistically a true split wont happen though not any time soon a true split would have been ideal with the games release rather than trying to do it later which is likely why they have not gone back to do it for every skill that would possibly need across all professions in general.


Even with the rework of several other mechanics wouldn't it just leave them in same place that you provided with example A.


I mean, I like your suggestions and it might be a better course to take but it wont be easy or cheap for them to do.


I dont like corruption examples though lets not make them like punishments.

Because people dont use punishments for boon hate because they suck at flipping boons into their opposites. Some times you dont want a boon to flip to torment.

What makes corruptions strong is the fact that they flip boons into the opposing conditions not just removes them and applies 1 single condition(which was bad design imo). Its part of why punishment skills fail as a whole and deal little to no damage in their current state. Not to mention how over used torment is right now. Its just the new thing to slap onto everything.


Specifically in pvp disabling is sometimes more important than just getting more damage.


Corruptions should be direct flippers of boons. The boon conversion table change for pve wouldn't be a bad solution that would let corruptions remain direct flippers without making them as weak and useless as punishments. The only good punishment is the elite an thats because its over charged with application onto of conversion.


The boon conversion table should say as it is right now for pvp and wvw however.

There is no reason that resistance shouldn't convert into something as equally strong as the boon itself when it comes down to being used to combat another player from either side the user of the boon or the corrupter of the boon.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > Basically this is a big middle finger to necros, nice back to being free kills and punching bags.I'm so glad i haven't been playing necro these days.I am really glad i play ele(pve) thief(pvp) long live the mesmer and guardians and thief overlords.

> > >

> > > To be honest necro didnt come out as bad on this patch as it has in others. Necro never had many life saving traits which got nerfed this round aside from small increases on shade skills the rest were free bones thown into necro regardless of if they change much.

> > >

> > > To be honest necro could have come out much much worse in this patch in this case not having alot of good passive tools saved us the trouble of being nerfed so hard.

> >

> > And people claim necro is a novice class, yet so many others rely heavily on passive procs. Funny stuff really.


> People say necro takes no skill but i find it quite the opposite.

> Unlike other professions we do not have a lot of viable things disengage

> You can use flesh wurm to teleport but thats gimmicky in itself.


> Is necro hard to learn, i would say its not but most professions are not hard to learn at base play value.

> Unlike other professions our breakstuns and passives do not disengage us or let us ignorantly ignore punishing mistakes. That said not every build used passives to win.

> Its the mind game that makes necro a skillfull pvp profession imo.


> Now in pve thats whole separate issue. Anet just does not make enough use of necros boon rip/convert tools in pve. The day they do that on a massive scale is the day that necros become more relevant in pve regardless of what their dps looks like. Just need to boon spam vets, elites, and champs in an unhealthy amount.


> Ive been running reaper mostly sense PoF launched and the patch hardly effected me cause i didn't really use anything that got changed if anything reaper got some new tools to use.

> Blood is power is now instant 15% life force on a very low cd.

> Spectral grasp with the mastery almost puts it back to its old coodown with the power to grab up to 5 people now.

> Well of bloods healing is pretty nice now even with just the base healing power provided from Bloodmagic.


If you want to play necro very good, its pretty hard to learn. Mainly speaking for pvp situations.


Bip is still very bad in pvp.

Noone will use spectral mastery because there is a much better trait to get ;)

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Noone will use spectral mastery because there is a much better trait to get ;)


It's not that bad on core since DS skills that have a cool down are so bad that having more survivabiity throught spectral mastery end up being a better deal than having shorter CD.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > Noone will use spectral mastery because there is a much better trait to get ;)


> It's not that bad on core since DS skills that have a cool down are so bad that having more survivabiity throught spectral mastery end up being a better deal than having shorter CD.

It does not offer enough because most of what it does already became baseline a few patches ago. If it would also buff the boon duration of all (!) spectral skills (swiftness on spectral walk and protection on spectral wall) it would be a great trait because it could transform spectral walk in an almost perma swiftness skill with great infight mobility options on a moderate cooldown. We could drop warhorn / speed of shadows for soul marks / OH dagger / focus and had a lot more build variety.


It buffs the protection of spectral armor because of skill theme "armor" but going from 8 to 9,5s and a cd reduction from 40 to 32 is not worth sacrificing vital persistence as this trait boosts our core mechanic (life force and shroud skills).


ANet could bind a shroud cooldown reduction to spectral mastery to avoid selecting vital persistance and the cd reduction at once like they did with decimate defenses and soul eater (better crit on vuln and reduced gs cooldowns would be a bit too much since gs stacks a lot of vulnerability).


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:


> If you want to play necro very good, its pretty hard to learn. Mainly speaking for pvp situations.


Thats not learning thats more of mastering your skill of the profession which is not the same as learning how to play it.

Learning necro =

- Building life force

- Keep it high preferably above 50% if you can

- Use prefereced skills of weapons to burst under right situations High vuln for axe/loads of condi for scepter.

- Use shroud skills to fill burst gaps

- Have fun!


Now Mastering necro for pvp cant even start to happen until you have learned the above to a basic extent. This is why i say learning and mastering are two different things and why learning is easy but mastering is not.

Mastering Necro=

- Know your foe

- Know if you can beat that foe

- Is this team fight for me

- Who might be targeting me.

- What position should I be so that im not focused too easily but can still be most effective when my team needs me to be.

- Know your kits options.

- Learn all other professions to a minimal extent.

(This bit is required as a must if you mostly only play necro you have to know what can punish you)

Where as with a mesmer or something you can get stunned and just dip out because escape options are plentiful same with weaver, warrior, thief etc. So you can afford to mess up once or twice.


> Bip is still very bad in pvp.


Im not saying blood is power is gonna be meta but its more useful than it was it got a free bone thrown at it and thats nothing bad at all.

Condition builds can use it and even leeching builds can use it as it will proc the passive Vamp signet active instantly. (Keep in mind im talking general pvp not trying to climb to the top of the leader board.


> Noone will use spectral mastery because there is a much better trait to get ;)


To say no one will use it is very untrue

You mean you wont use it dont speak on behalf of everyone. :> VP is not a requirement anymore unless you play Scourge then VP becomes pretty important

Spectral mastery is still decent depending on what tools you are running.

Spectral mastery is still a very good option for both core and reaper though. VP is not a forced requirement like it use to be.

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I like KrHome's suggestions.


About Spectral Mastery, I do use it on core p-Necro and p-Reaper from time to time.


Another thing that would help Spectral Mastery is to have a heal skill associated. Spectral skills are boon and control-condi (no condi damage) so, while Consume Conditions works well enough, there is room for a heal oriented toward boons and/or control that could also benefit from the cooldown reduction.


Spectral skills are nicely focused and consistent, especially compared to the haphazard signet functions. A Spectral build could easily be a real thing in core Necro and a solid build choice for Reaper.


Seriously, core has a complete set of utilities for...

... Corruptions (condi dps)

... Minions (Army of Idiots)

... Signets (ad hoc Whatever)


... but Spectral (power-control) is just a bit short of complete.



... Wells (AoE support) could use an elite, too.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > The problem isn't the skill part, but the lack of opportunity for skill floor.If you nerf a class which is easy to learn adn dominate on, and you nerf it too hard, you got a class thats easy to learn, but underpowered.


> As i said all the professions are EZ to learn. No profession is hard to learn. To say dominate is a very strong accusation. Necro is most certainly not one of those professions. (not counting the weeks of scourge buggery which was not the communities fault)


> Whats seen as skill these days? (I would actually like an answer to this if you have one serious replies only though.)

> - Evading nearly all attacks when your kit is full of evades?

> - Having little to no time to be attacked due to stealth, evades, blocks, or breaking combat

> - Hard pressuring your foe with mobility and stuns and high damage?

> - Kiting your foe to death? (with some professions this can be skill full depending on their overall kit and weapon set)

> - Near 1 shoting from stealth because you can perform up to 4 skill at once due to 3 of them being instant cast?

> - Having the power to recover from several punishing mistakes in a row without much consequence


> Considering necro can do none of the things listed above it means everything they fight revolves around mind games and outplaying your foes. But thats not seen as having high skill i suppose.

> Scourge may be the exception here but the way its going it wont end up being that exception for too long. Even it requires placement and consideration of when to pop certain skills other wise it will just get bodied by every other profession in the game. Even with the shades as they are now i can think of many more busted mechanics that other professions have that require little to no real thinking behind them once you learn that profession you just rinse repeat nothing changes until you are faced with some one using the same build as you then it forces your mind to actually click.


Unfortunately i don't have faith in Anet, which is why i quitted pvp and haven't played in a while.I doubt necro is going to be improved.People don't see the things that necro doesnt' have, only the things they do have(AOES) and they are tunnel visioned to their own problems of not dying in melee range to scourge aoes.


Few actually care about necro problems of surviving, and te ones who do:Likely play necros.Now how can you have a fair fight if you can't land a punch and you can't even get to your enemy to fight him and have nothing to defend yourself while your enemy barrages you with shots from afar while immobilizing you and while everyone else speeds around and dodges your attacks?


Necros need huge changes to be viable now in spvp.


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Pretty sad dev's dont get better knowledge in "how to balance". They change core-traitlines since release and no one realize that the main issues are the elite-spec skills and not the traitlines.


Furthermore it feels like they patch things that were an issue a few seasons ago or in the last expanson :anguished: but not now. Who cried about the insane Reaper/Corenec-sustain since POF release ???

"Reaper's Protection: Increased the cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only."

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > The problem isn't the skill part, but the lack of opportunity for skill floor.If you nerf a class which is easy to learn adn dominate on, and you nerf it too hard, you got a class thats easy to learn, but underpowered.

> >

> > As i said all the professions are EZ to learn. No profession is hard to learn. To say dominate is a very strong accusation. Necro is most certainly not one of those professions. (not counting the weeks of scourge buggery which was not the communities fault)

> >

> > Whats seen as skill these days? (I would actually like an answer to this if you have one serious replies only though.)

> > - Evading nearly all attacks when your kit is full of evades?

> > - Having little to no time to be attacked due to stealth, evades, blocks, or breaking combat

> > - Hard pressuring your foe with mobility and stuns and high damage?

> > - Kiting your foe to death? (with some professions this can be skill full depending on their overall kit and weapon set)

> > - Near 1 shoting from stealth because you can perform up to 4 skill at once due to 3 of them being instant cast?

> > - Having the power to recover from several punishing mistakes in a row without much consequence

> >

> > Considering necro can do none of the things listed above it means everything they fight revolves around mind games and outplaying your foes. But thats not seen as having high skill i suppose.

> > Scourge may be the exception here but the way its going it wont end up being that exception for too long. Even it requires placement and consideration of when to pop certain skills other wise it will just get bodied by every other profession in the game. Even with the shades as they are now i can think of many more busted mechanics that other professions have that require little to no real thinking behind them once you learn that profession you just rinse repeat nothing changes until you are faced with some one using the same build as you then it forces your mind to actually click.


> Unfortunately i don't have faith in Anet, which is why i quitted pvp and haven't played in a while.I doubt necro is going to be improved.People don't see the things that necro doesnt' have, only the things they do have(AOES) and they are tunnel visioned to their own problems of not dying in melee range to scourge aoes.


> Few actually care about necro problems of surviving, and te ones who do:Likely play necros.Now how can you have a fair fight if you can't land a punch and you can't even get to your enemy to fight him and have nothing to defend yourself while your enemy barrages you with shots from afar while immobilizing you and while everyone else speeds around and dodges your attacks?


> Necros need huge changes to be viable now in spvp.



I dont think they need huge changes to be viable in spvp.

Its just number adjustments for the most part that would really be need. Ideally necro can kill any other profession but when a necro punishes a mistke or outplays bad skill use and then your foe still gets away or can ingore your damage thats when it starts to get problematic.


Long cooldowns, slow as heck, fear has become too weak of a unique condition. Every other profession with the exception of maybe rev. having 2-3 EZ outs or active/passive panic buttons to cover mistakes made while having higher damage output and sustain than the necro.

Anet started to work on this issue by killing the life saving passives by giving thim higher cooldowns. its a small step but maybe in a year they will have worked through everything else to get it right.


Necro needs more changes in Pve than anything specifically with anything thats not scourge related. Everyone knows how necros are treated unless you are running condi / support scourge and even then thats still grazing the bottom barrel people would prefer other thins but will settle for a scourge.


Ideally they could do a massive overhaul to pve which works to making necro more viable or they could actually fix the profession itself from the ground up just as they revamped mesmer.

If they go with the revamp option they could likely make them both more viable in pve and pvp at the same time. I would like to see core necro at the strength and effectiveness of at least core warrior overall.

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> @"wwDefuser.2056" said:

> Pretty sad dev's dont get better knowledge in "how to balance". They change core-traitlines since release and no one realize that the main issues are the elite-spec skills and not the traitlines.


> Furthermore it feels like they patch things that were an issue a few seasons ago or in the last expanson :anguished: but not now. Who cried about the insane Reaper/Corenec-sustain since POF release ???

> "Reaper's Protection: Increased the cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only."


Be happy. Thats in deathmagic. And its a pvp like trait. But no-one runs deathmagic in pvp gamemodes because this traitline just sux.


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