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Damage Nerf By the Numbers


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So I logged on (I know I said I wouldn't but I only looked at numbers...not play)


I took the time to compare my damage numbers on tool tip in PvE to WvW in Obsidian Sanctum (eliminates all wvw buffs) on dagger & sword nerfed skills. Here's what I found:




AA1 730x2 - 548x2 is a 25% decrease

AA2 776 - 594 is a 25% decrease




AA1&2 769 - 577 is a 25% decrease

Larc Strike 1538 - 1250 is a 19% decrease


Pulm Impact 2147 - 1309 is a 40% decrease


This numbers are well above the stated numbers Anet proposed to the community and in line with EXACTLY what I said would happen. This is why you are all feeling that your thief hits like a wet noodle b/c Anet in fact traded all your weapons for wet noodles.



You're welcome




found another thief in WvW and we did some quick damage tests.


PI in WvW hit for 1,987 in the guild hall hit for 3,531 thats a 44% damage nerf

Slice hit for 1708 in WvW in guild hall it hit for 2,155 to 2555 thats a 21%-34% nerf

Larcenous strike hit for 4,834 in WvW and hit for 6,283-6,407 for a 34%-35% nerf


Obviously needs more testing for exact numbers, but these ranges are FAR greater than what anet told us

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> @"AngelsShadow.7360" said:

> But its actually completely irrelevant because both parts of the S/D #3 chain are unblockable, thief still has access to double steal on a lowish cooldown and the passive evade is still 2 seconds, regardless of its extended cooldown


We should be "balanced" into a single build cause it works. Seems a legit argument.

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> @"AngelsShadow.7360" said:

> But its actually completely irrelevant because both parts of the S/D #3 chain are unblockable, thief still has access to double steal on a lowish cooldown and the passive evade is still 2 seconds, regardless of its extended cooldown.


Most of our damage comes from the auto chain and most weapon skills are more utility than damage. Unless you went condition or pulmonary impact. Though these numbers do not look like what the patch notes stated. I'll take a closer look when I get home.

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> @"AngelsShadow.7360" said:

> But its actually completely irrelevant because both parts of the S/D #3 chain are unblockable, thief still has access to double steal on a lowish cooldown and the passive evade is still 2 seconds, regardless of its extended cooldown.


Spamming 3 on S/D has never been how you played the build. Auto attacks were a significant portion of our damage. Auto attack damage nerfs were not warranted, a LS damage nerf was. They also overdid the trait ICD nerfs. 16 seconds to 40 seconds on pain response? 40 seconds to 90 seconds on instant reflexes? Seriously overkill.

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> @"AngelsShadow.7360" said:

> But its actually completely irrelevant because both parts of the S/D #3 chain are unblockable, thief still has access to double steal on a lowish cooldown and the passive evade is still 2 seconds, regardless of its extended cooldown.


I think you're in the wrong thread

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I just wanted to confirm what you are saying at least with the dagger auto attack chain. Going based off pve naked with an incinerator with no power stats on it to pvp with no gear equipped other than dagger as well numbers were as follows


PvE Autos 308x2 327 424

PvP Autos 214x2 231 391


Overall decreases were 30% 30% 8%

If you total the damage amounts for the full chain you get 1367 for PvE and 1050 in PvP which is roughly around 23% decrease give or take

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > I thought the numbers were far lower than what patch notes said. In wvw i am now critting th scourge for 1.5k...

> > >

> > > @Ben Phongluangtham.1065

> >

> > on which skill?


> Oops. AA.


Dagger or sword?

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > I thought the numbers were far lower than what patch notes said. In wvw i am now critting th scourge for 1.5k...

> > > >

> > > > @Ben Phongluangtham.1065

> > >

> > > on which skill?

> >

> > Oops. AA.


> Dagger or sword?


Sword. Dunno what dagger does. Should of added this in original post

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > > I thought the numbers were far lower than what patch notes said. In wvw i am now critting th scourge for 1.5k...

> > > > >

> > > > > @Ben Phongluangtham.1065

> > > >

> > > > on which skill?

> > >

> > > Oops. AA.

> >

> > Dagger or sword?


> Sword. Dunno what dagger does. Should of added this in original post


You should get someone to hit in WvW then take them to your guild hall and hit them again. Record the disparity

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The OP ignored that there is a third attack in the auto chain which wasn't nerfed. This represents excatly ANets aim for the patch to decrease the impact of instant and ressource-free attacks. The third auto gives the opponent time to react (as auto 1 and 2 need to hit before). That's why its damage remains the same.




**Official Numbers:**


- Dagger Autoattack chain: Reduced the power coefficients from 0.8, 0.85, 1.1 to 0.6, 0.65, 1.1 (-15% overall) in PvP and WvW

- Sword Autoattack chain: Reduced the power coefficients from 0.8, 0.8, 1.3 to 0.6, 0.6, 1.3 (-14% overall) in PvP and WvW


**High Level Goals:**


Reduce effectiveness of offensive instant cast skills/traits


- Instant cast spells don't give players an opportunity to respond. While we don't want to remove combos utilizing instant cast abilities, we wanted to reduce the impact they have.


It's super easy for a teef to perform a full auto chain as he sets it up from range at will with a stun/daze (steal) or blind (shadowshot) or immob (sword 2). **If it turns out** that teef now lacks damage they will buff heartseeker (like they even wanted, but finally did not, because of community feedback).




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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The OP ignored that there is a third attack in the auto chain which wasn't nerfed. This represents excatly ANets aim for the patch to decrease the impact of instant and ressource-free attacks. The third auto gives the opponent time to react (as auto 1 and 2 need to hit before). That's why its damage remains the same.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29690/pvp-wvw-skill-split-release/p1


> **Official Numbers:**


> - Dagger Autoattack chain: Reduced the power coefficients from 0.8, 0.85, 1.1 to 0.6, 0.65, 1.1 (-15% overall) in PvP and WvW

> - Sword Autoattack chain: Reduced the power coefficients from 0.8, 0.8, 1.3 to 0.6, 0.6, 1.3 (-14% overall) in PvP and WvW


> **High Level Goals:**


> Reduce effectiveness of offensive instant cast skills/traits


> - Instant cast spells don't give players an opportunity to respond. While we don't want to remove combos utilizing instant cast abilities, we wanted to reduce the impact they have.


> It's super easy for a teef to perform a full auto chain as he sets it up from range at will with a stun/daze (steal) or blind (shadowshot) or immob (sword 2). **If it turns out** that teef now lacks damage they will buff Heartseeker (like they even wanted, but finally did not, because of community feedback).





What? Every step of the auto chain was reduced. You can go in game and check it for yourself strip your armor off back to base 1k power and compare the numbers in pvp and pve to each other.


Numbers from in game


PvE Autos 308x2 327 424

PvP Autos 214x2 231 391


Overall decreases were 30% 30% 8%

If you total the damage amounts for the full chain you get 1367 for PvE and 1050 in PvP which is roughly around 23% decrease give or take.


They didn't buff heartseeker not because of community feedback but because we as thieves didn't want to go back to HS spam build of old.


Also Auto Attacks != instant cast spells

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The OP ignored that there is a third attack in the auto chain which wasn't nerfed. This represents excatly ANets aim for the patch to decrease the impact of instant and ressource-free attacks. The third auto gives the opponent time to react (as auto 1 and 2 need to hit before). That's why its damage remains the same.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29690/pvp-wvw-skill-split-release/p1


> **Official Numbers:**


> - Dagger Autoattack chain: Reduced the power coefficients from 0.8, 0.85, 1.1 to 0.6, 0.65, 1.1 (-15% overall) in PvP and WvW

> - Sword Autoattack chain: Reduced the power coefficients from 0.8, 0.8, 1.3 to 0.6, 0.6, 1.3 (-14% overall) in PvP and WvW


> **High Level Goals:**


> Reduce effectiveness of offensive instant cast skills/traits


> - Instant cast spells don't give players an opportunity to respond. While we don't want to remove combos utilizing instant cast abilities, we wanted to reduce the impact they have.


> It's super easy for a teef to perform a full auto chain as he sets it up from range at will with a stun/daze (steal) or blind (shadowshot) or immob (sword 2). **If it turns out** that teef now lacks damage they will buff heartseeker (like they even wanted, but finally did not, because of community feedback).





No I did not ignore it. The fact in the matter a thief in a fight very rarely will land all 3 AA's unless there is some quickness involved. This is very apparent with the last sword AA due to its extended cast time.


Now that being said for my reasoning if you read my update you'll see that the damage reduction is FAR worse than what you were told. I'm getting 21-34% nerf in AA 1 & 2 damage on sword with a 34-35% Larcenous strike nerf. That's real time damage numbers.


I got facts what you got?

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