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Next Guild Hall feature?

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Nothing because the level has been at 69 since heart of thorns, no updated guild missions, and maybe 20 new decorations a year if we’re lucky.


They won’t come out and say anything about guild halls but it’s clearly a dead project from a previous expansion they see as irrelevant and have dismantled their guild team.


As much as those of us that dream of them one day being something more, getting updated, getting a scribe overhaul for some of the tedious decorations, getting more non-festival decorations, or just any actual functionality outside of extra gathering nodes and an easy to get to bank attached to a scribing station, as well as a few 24 hour boosts, this part of the game seems dead with no hope in sight. Even the guild hall we got this expansion as pretty and detailed as certain parts of it are seems largely unfinished in comparison to its predecessors.


Please, by all means, Anet, proove me wrong.


So the feature most likely to come next is a loading screen that says, “Whoops, this content no longer exists.”


Yes, I’m a bit too passionate about this aspect of the game, and pretty salty. :expressionless:

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And as to Windswept, I’m sure part of their plan was to make it simpler as the community voices they wanted as an alternative, but I’m not sure the execution of that concept was fully fleshed out and am also fairly certain those that requested it be simpler also wanted the upgrades to be more financially manageable but that didn’t happen either. The whole system is honestly an expensive mess and I’ve found is generally funded by a select few that are actually passionate about it. It’s still a very substantial investment for those like myself that have funded most of the upgrades to level 40 or higher and have crafted probably over a thousand decorations between multiple halls.


I love decorating and the sandbox aspect of this feature but when decorations are limited and there is no incentive to actually spend time in them it is both demoralizing to the player that invests and the developer that put time into creating the original guild hall. You can’t make something and then abandon it most of the way through its expansion release and on and then view it as a waste of resources when it didn’t really get the polishing or attention it needed to become something better.


At least mounts are a system everyone can love and might stand a chance of being continually developed throughout the games lifespan.


I fear what will happen if they ever implement player housing if they give it the same treatment as guild halls.

(At least the home instance gardening node is a neat addition that seems promising for this kind of content.)


I love what they have done with mounts and ArenaNet tends to reinvision features in a creative way, but guild halls at least seem like a vision long lost and forgotten.

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Because I know several very little guilds that have no GH, due to the GW2 concept, and that I see how frustrated and sad they are due to that, for me, the priority should be to create a "default" guild hall - sort of a poor/base version with limited upgrade options - but easily obtainable (for example by paying a gold amount), to ensure that everybody can have a GH (like it was in GW1).

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> Because I know several very little guilds that have no GH, due to the GW2 concept, and that I see how frustrated and sad they are due to that, for me, the priority should be to create a "default" guild hall - sort of a poor/base version with limited upgrade options - but easily obtainable (for example by paying a gold amount), to ensure that everybody can have a GH (like it was in GW1).


There is the Guild Initiative Office that all guilds have access to, but I don't think you can decorate that one, and even if you could, its not very spacious, but at least its something. As for getting an actual guild hall, just getting the guild hall itself isn't hard. I personally have a small family guild with only 8 members, only 5 of them active, and of the 5, only 3 actually contributing to growing the guild hall. When we actually captured our guild hall, there was 6 of us online playing and working together, which of course wasnt enough to make a successful guild hall capture, but we recruited other, non-guildies to assist us and were able to capture the guild hall with their help. So its definitively due-able for a small guild.

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> I just want a hall where the designer reigns in their creative ego and leaves it bare of decorations for US to personalize as we'd like. WH is kitten with all the crap placed everywhere.


but it was thematically appropriate. You can still decorate over and around the base decorations. Honestly, I really loved the attention to detail they placed into it, as it really screams out at me, 'Elona!' and makes the guild hall stand apart from the previous two. It gives the hall a story and a sense of history.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> There is no dedicated guild content team which means new features that are not cosmetics are very unlikely.


There is **currently** no dedicated team. Also, despite having no dedicated team, we still got a new hall and new decorations with POF, and are still getting new decorations with each returning festival. Many here are negative about the possibility of ANet every returning to Guild Halls, but I recall many people being negative about the possibility of ANet ever doing guild halls in the first place. Have a little hope. Honestly the main reason I started this thread was to show ANet players are still interested.

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> @"OtakuModeEngage.8679" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > There is no dedicated guild content team which means new features that are not cosmetics are very unlikely.


> There is **currently** no dedicated team. Also, despite having no dedicated team, we still got a new hall and new decorations with POF, and are still getting new decorations with each returning festival. Many here are negative about the possibility of ANet every returning to Guild Halls, but I recall many people being negative about the possibility of ANet ever doing guild halls in the first place. Have a little hope. Honestly the main reason I started this thread was to show ANet players are still interested.


Guild Hall itself was probably made by map designers as it's just another... well... map. I don't deny certainity of new cosmetics for guilds. But direct new features or functionalities or god forbid guild missions? No way.


Guild Halls functionality was basically destroyed with introduction of VIP passes.

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These are fun ideas, but since there isn't a guild team anymore, none of this will happen. Anet ideas about guild halls are limited in scope. They are bad ideas for any personal decorating of "nooks & crannies", and yeah ViP passes summed there ideas up pretty much. But exploration hidden achievements, Hidden areas weren't even considered when they created them. Give players the ability to craft lootable chests to put rewards in and encourage people to explore. This idea pre mounts would have been great. Mounts kinda kill player created JPs now, except for the very few hardcore jpers out of the already few guilds that even decorate. Anet needs to listen to the community more and develop things around the guildhall system that they haven't thought of before. Obviously a cash shop item might support this method and bring resources to develop it further.


They need to take time (which i hope there doing this xpac) and make ghalls affordable and fun for people to spend time in together. Fix the only 5 people in before map is closing issues that still plague us to this day. But as is, nothing exciting will be happening in this xpac about guild halls.

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Personally, none of those, and instead being able to set the guild initiative office (maybe even empty of furniture, not counting the vault bookcases) as guild hall would be pretty amazing.


They even can add a large empty cave/valley to the back or underground for decorating or other features. If at all possible.


Ofcourse, certain features wouldnt be there or alot smaller. But that seems perfectly fine to me.


(inb4 saying its too close to LA or easy access, the pvp lobby is already that.)

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The chest thing has been mentioned multiple times and is a good idea. I’d also love a spa golem and some guild missions inside of the guild hall like a summonable boss or invasion or something.


I’d also love some of the aesthetics of Windswept to be readjusted and boundaries expanded but I think even if they did want to invest the resources in this they’re afraid of clearing peoples decorations. Which I honestly wouldn’t care because I enjoy the process almost more than the result, but I’m sure there are some who want to kee their decorations as is.


The SaB chest decoration is supposedly interactable but i don’t think you can actually place things in it.



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Always recommend an "other" option else you run the risk of not realizing that you had people that might have voted if there were other options. In my opinion.


I do believe that ANet missed the mark by not releasing more guild features with PoF. Ideally each expansion we would gain more guild functionality for all sizes of guilds. The reason I say this is that it would do a number of things:


* Give guilds more goals to work towards as a team

* Offer more features that guilds could attain to service their members

* Create material syncs for items that are in over abundance in the economy/world

* Be additional features that can be used as selling points for the expansion

* Show guild growth over time

* Make guilds more game central


There have been numerous guild threads out there overtime so won't go there, but yes, agree expanding guild options/halls/features, agree with you there as long as it attainable by all guild sizes.

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