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See? Isnt that easy? Look my fine salty compadres I know this will be met with happy faces and beaming smiles or red raging eyes and faces twisted with fury, but hey we all I think really need to relax a bit and remember some key fundamental truths/pieces of advice:


1.) This game was never balanced and never will be

2.) Its just pixels on a screen its not worth getting literally frothing mad over and stroking out


4.) You will kneel before you Mesmer Overlords. Accept them as your Lords and your Gods and your mind will be at ease and your heart set free.

5.) There was always a TON of cheating in this game.

6.) This game mode is a side game as this is mainly a PVE game.

7.) At least we aren't those poor sad SOBs over at WvW ;)

8.) No one cares about you. Except me. I love you all very much. :) Your tears quench my thirst.

9.) Don't be a dumb racist on here or in game. Don't make a toon named "Madolph Hitlor". Everyone will hate you and you'll just get banned. It's not funny or witty.

10.) Be Cool. Exercise the Rule of Cool. What is the Rule of Cool? Well my friends that's easy! When someone is acting like a braying donkey HAWWWW HEEE HAWWWWing at the wind and some such and you want to just go HULK SMASH!!!! Remember this: You don't know this clown. He/she doesn't know you. Everyone has internet message board courage. Who cares right? So make your point if you want to laugh a bit at the tools and move on. Don't let it ruin your day or cause you to go on an epic curse laden rant that will make you look like a total idiot and just get you banned anyway.


Wow... me being the voice of peace and reason? What in the name of blue hell? MADNESS.


Anyhow see you killers in the Mists... and don't forget when you get mad at "the jerk mean guy bad poo poo head" that you just cant seem to knock off a point 2 v 1 named The One Man Gang, or that cute little Final Fantasy Vivi Asura "oh wait HE BLEW ME THE F UP!!" Weaver named Mr. Black Mage, don't forget... I love you all very much and just want to be your bestest friend :)


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Nice thread. Makes a change from the excessive amounts of salt.


> @"Devilman.1532" said:

> 7.) At least we aren't those poor sad SOBs over at WvW ;)

I'd say it's the other way around - poor maybe, but happier kittens in WvW, compared with the sad kittens in pvp. :)

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None of it matters in the end being angry or being nice. People are going to do what they are going to do. Only you have control over your own game experience. The so called toxic nature of pvp should be a non issue to your enjoyment. You can queue dodge or block people easily.

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