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Feedback on the State of the Mesmer [merged]

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"DaShi.1368" said:

> > I've never had a problem with it on any class. Still don't when I see it occasionally from mesmers or the rare engy.


> I wouldn’t argue with them. Their so blinded by their hatred for the class even when the majority of the Mesmer players are offering suggestions for nerfs they still come on here on say every Mesmer main thinks the class is fine. The only person that has said it was fine was ilthiwen. Everyone else has suggested nerfs. And then they over exaggerate, when called out they want to argue semantics, start making accusations, etc.


Complains about generalizations.


Makes generalizations.








Seriously though, it's quite irritating for people who don't main mesmers or play mesmers to have to deal with these kinds of problems. I can guarantee you that a lot of them just came out of several PvP matches where they had to deal with some absurdity of the class, and they're still salty. Just keep offering reasonable suggestions and make sure they understand why they're reasonable.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"DaShi.1368" said:

> > I've never had a problem with it on any class. Still don't when I see it occasionally from mesmers or the rare engy.


> I wouldn’t argue with them. Their so blinded by their hatred for the class even when the majority of the Mesmer players are offering suggestions for nerfs they still come on here on say every Mesmer main thinks the class is fine. The only person that has said it was fine was ilthiwen. Everyone else has suggested nerfs. And then they over exaggerate, when called out they want to argue semantics, start making accusations, etc.


Every time a mesmer thread comes up, here you are. I get that you like the class, cool. But don't be blinded by your love for it. I don't love any of these classes in game. All I want is a balanced competitive game without all the shenanigans: AI clutter for days, Long lasting pulsing aoe that is larger than a point, near endless resetting of fights, evade on skills, chaining skills that allow you to avoid all incoming damage, high up time of boons, rapid -reapplication of boons etc.



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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > @"DaShi.1368" said:

> > > I've never had a problem with it on any class. Still don't when I see it occasionally from mesmers or the rare engy.

> >

> > I wouldn’t argue with them. Their so blinded by their hatred for the class even when the majority of the Mesmer players are offering suggestions for nerfs they still come on here on say every Mesmer main thinks the class is fine. The only person that has said it was fine was ilthiwen. Everyone else has suggested nerfs. And then they over exaggerate, when called out they want to argue semantics, start making accusations, etc.


> Every time a mesmer thread comes up, here you are. I get that you like the class, cool. But don't be blinded by your love for it. I don't love any of these classes in game. All I want is a balanced competitive game without all the shenanigans: AI clutter for days, Long lasting pulsing aoe that is larger than a point, near endless resetting of fights, evade on skills, chaining skills that allow you to avoid all incoming damage, high up time of boons, rapid -reapplication of boons etc.




Are you the pot or the kettle? Because you’re constantly complaining.


I’ve offered multiple suggestions that would bring Mesmer in line. Problem is that whatever we say, whether we can agree on anything at all, the problem won’t be solved here. Anet takes no heed in anything we tell them. When PoF beta was going on we told Anet to not release EM, they did it anyway. Countless threads on other classes on what to balance go unheeded. Thief is near useless because of constant nerf threads. Anything outside Scourge for necro is useless for the same reason. Ele has struggled ever since the celestial nerf a while back(needed but not that bad). The list goes on.


My point is that balance isn’t going to be achieved by having hundreds of complaint threads. The suggestions have been offered, no one wants to discuss them only complain, and the more threads that pop up only mean that in 6 months Anet will completely nerf the class. Then your claim of wanting balance is out the window.

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Or maybe just add a little visual effect on the move and pop of clones... I don't think mes clones are a big issue for experienced players but for others it could be quite difficult to get the "real" clone. Okay, the aim of mesmer is to confuse people with their clones, but the real problem right now is the meta build is burst build, so the little time you need to identify the real mesmer is enough for him to easily prepare and apply his burst, look the guy pushing all panic buttons while popping other clones. Having 1s burst classes is okay, take 2s to identify the source of the 1s burst is not okay. Again, i'm a quite experienced people so i can easily guess who is the real mesmer, where he could reveal and guess the moment of the burst, but i can understand a lot of people could be confused.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > I think clones/illusions/phantasams what ever you want to call them should NOT be targetable at all by tab targeting.....you can click on one and target it that way but not by auto targeting or tab targeting, should never target an npc ai toon in pvp.

> >

> > This is actually a good idea!

> > I would add the following: mesmer always gets prioritizing on tab, and perhaps add some damage on tab (but only against mesmer).


> I hesitate to say that since it would basically eliminate clones just by tab targeting in pvp. Even as much as I hate mesmer.


> I think the correct solution is to reduce the number of clones to what we had before tbh. Or at least make it so tab doesn't target some clones


I agree with that, as a mesmer I didn't and still don't like mesmer redesign.

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I find it extremely comical that these same "Mesmer mains" that are trying to defend thier overpowered specs are the SAME people that told me to adapt and lollerntoplay after anet completely dismantled Condi Chrono.


I predicted once Condi Chrono was nerfed to rev status, that the target would zero right in on the mirage.


Now that there is a huge Nerf target on their backs they are on the forums in full force trying to defend or give stupid suggestions.


All I can say is .. hahahahahahahahaha





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> @"Aza.2105" said:



> > @"DaShi.1368" said:

> >Moa was a noob killer


> Moa wasn't a noob killer, it was a pvp killer. In no competitive game should a player ever lose control of their character. That is why it was bad.




You don't lose control over your character. You can still move and dodge when moa'd, which is more than what you can do if you are stunned when your stunbreaks are on CD.

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> Lmfao looks like you just got mesmerized!

> The damage should be toned, but not the messy and the confusion... thats what the mes is all about


Yes multiple invulns, random aegis procs and blind procs, 2 seperate blinks, 2-3 leaps, and portal just in case you didn't get away after blowing all of the cooldowns before hand. That's what mesmer is about!

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I'd like to see an Anet dev stream a 1v1 against a Meta Mirage/Chrono that's knows what they're doing.


Fucking monkey class. You don't even need to know how to play the game. Just spam phantasms and win.


Seriously why the hell can't Anet fucking bring mesmers down to a REASONABLE level.. fucking bullshit fighting against such a cancer class. Infinite ccs, boons, enough damage to 1 shot you, portal across the map, can't cc it, can't catch it, fucks up targetting. Like imagine cramming every unhealthy and overpowered mechanic into one class and you get mesmer. Why does it take so fucking long to nerf this shit???


Mesmer literally turns anyone into a fucking SS+ tier player just by spamming skills.. its ridiculous

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"dDuff.3860" said:

> > Put a 5 clones cap for a mesmer. Problem solved


> that'd be a buff (there's a 3 clone cap) or are you talking about phantasms?

Y, i mean 5 "pets" total cap. Considering clones and phantasms are mesmer's "pets"

Why 5? because most of AoE abilities have 5 man cap.


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> @"dDuff.3860" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"dDuff.3860" said:

> > > Put a 5 clones cap for a mesmer. Problem solved

> >

> > that'd be a buff (there's a 3 clone cap) or are you talking about phantasms?

> Y, i mean 5 "pets" total cap. Considering clones and phantasms are mesmer's "pets"

> Why 5? because most of AoE abilities have 5 man cap.



clones and phantasms are called illusions not "pets"



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As a Mesmer main, I completely agree that maximum illusion count should be 3 illusions, if you summon a new one, the last one spawned gets replaced whether it's a phantasm or a clone, however if that happened, then they need to make the phantasms shatterable again.

I genuinely did not understand the reasoning behind turning phantasms to clones after their first attack. I think it gave the class diversity to decide whether to focus on shatters or sustained phantasm attacks.

Of course, I also agree that certain phatasm damage has to be nerfed a bit. (particularrly the disenchanter, iswordsman and iberserker).

I wish anet would listen to veteran (I by not means am a veteran or a pro), long time players and implement the changes they suggest...

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> @"moutzaheadin.4029" said:

> I find it extremely comical that these same "Mesmer mains" that are trying to defend thier overpowered specs are the SAME people that told me to adapt and lollerntoplay after anet completely dismantled Condi Chrono.


> I predicted once Condi Chrono was nerfed to rev status, that the target would zero right in on the mirage.


> Now that there is a huge Nerf target on their backs they are on the forums in full force trying to defend or give stupid suggestions.


> All I can say is .. hahahahahahahahaha





I've already adapted to Elusive Mind and still continue to use it. I adapted to axe when they removed all confusion from it, because I love axe that much. Unlike your issue with chrono, I enjoy mirage so much thematically that it would literally have to be deleted from the game for me to stop playing it. I'm confident that no matter what happens I will find a way to enjoy mirage, because I *want* to. So all I can say is... "hahahahahaha"?


Anyway I'm not defending the current state of mesmer. It needs more balancing. I do take issue with misguided emotional ranting about what is balanced or not balanced. But at the end of the day Anet will do whatever they want, players will continue to moan or laugh, and I'll be here, adapting as usual.


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> @"jbondo.9817" said:

> > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > Lmfao looks like you just got mesmerized!

> > The damage should be toned, but not the messy and the confusion... thats what the mes is all about


> Yes multiple invulns, random aegis procs and blind procs, 2 seperate blinks, 2-3 leaps, and portal just in case you didn't get away after blowing all of the cooldowns before hand. That's what mesmer is about!


i get it about invulns but

whats your problem with portals???

and blinks... almost every class has blinks and leaps..


The only thing i feel too much is his burst capacity, other than that is just mechanics

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