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Feedback on the State of the Mesmer [merged]

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> Mesmer still can only have 3 not shattered clones at the same time, the problem is the phantasm spam not the clone spam. Is it so hard to understand??? Clones are not phantasms!

> Phantasm spam leads to the clutter on screen and is combined with the ridiculous high dmg they do on their one attack. Phantasm skills will get higher cd with the planned nerfs but that is not enough. They need to count into the max of 3 illusions up rules again and should get shattered also before they finished their one attack. They still can turn into clones after one attack but they don't need to make exorbitant dmg on this one attack, because no shattermes let phantasms live longer than for one attack anyway. Means: revert 2 of the 3 changes Anet did to phantams and nerf the dmg of most of the phantasmskills. This is spoken only for PvP and WvW. I don't know if it helps to write this that often to higher the chance of Anet think about it but why not try...


Or cap clone to 3 and phantasm to 3 for a total of six illusions total. Currently the issue is you can have 6 phantasms using just traited Gs, f5 and SoE. Limit it to only having three of each retains the clones ability to attack when running mirage and the screen won’t be as cluttered. Then reduce the damage on phantasm *slightly*. Too much and they’ll be useless. A 10-15% reduction on the base damage for sword, zerker, defender, and disenchanter would be a good place to start. Otherwise... I wouldn’t mess with anything outside what they are already doing other than add a 10 sec cd to the stun break portion of elusive mind rather than exhaustion or remove to stun break and compensate it with something else.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> The Mesmer redesign was expressly to force shattering. That requires that we have clones. So, ANET cannot reduce clones without either completely reverting the most recent redesign or utterly crippling Mesmer.


> It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.


> This is a learn to play issue.


They didn't force shattering, they just gave us a much bigger window to do so. This is obviously making Mesmer easier to play and more effective than ever. The burst nature of the Phantasms (NOT clones don't touch those!) is a little overtuned. I get it's for compensation for Phants not being able to attack more than once, but the changes have made this a double-edged sword.

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > The Mesmer redesign was expressly to force shattering. That requires that we have clones. So, ANET cannot reduce clones without either completely reverting the most recent redesign or utterly crippling Mesmer.

> >

> > It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.

> >

> > This is a learn to play issue.


> They didn't force shattering, they just gave us a much bigger window to do so. This is obviously making Mesmer easier to play and more effective than ever. The burst nature of the Phantasms (NOT clones don't touch those!) is a little overtuned. I get it's for compensation for Phants not being able to attack more than once, but the changes have made this a double-edged sword.


It's Just way to much.... but i'll like to start with the amount of shit they can summon/pop up that makes it a cluster fuck, im not demanding any traits to be nerf down the ground but they NEED to rethink this through in general.... everything has a counter which is understandable but when they have every possibly build work for them it kinda defeats purpose of really "countering" a class that doesn't really have a counter in the hands of semi pros / pro players this class is beyond broken, didn't have the issue as much as before with power mesmer in general but now? it's a different story its just to much pressure and it's not just with power specs...

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > The Mesmer redesign was expressly to force shattering. That requires that we have clones. So, ANET cannot reduce clones without either completely reverting the most recent redesign or utterly crippling Mesmer.

> >

> > It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.

> >

> > This is a learn to play issue.


> They didn't force shattering, they just gave us a much bigger window to do so. This is obviously making Mesmer easier to play and more effective than ever. The burst nature of the Phantasms (NOT clones don't touch those!) is a little overtuned. I get it's for compensation for Phants not being able to attack more than once, but the changes have made this a double-edged sword.


It’s only certain phantasms. Sword, zerker, defender and disenchanter are the culprits. A 10-15% nerf to base damage is how I would start. For instance is disenchanter hits a target with no boons it’s base power is a bit over 2k but consider how much boon spam is in game now its not bad.


The other issue is Chrono Phantasma is cluttering screens and people don’t like it. So limit it to 3 clones and 3 phantasms. Or 3 and 4. The reasoning behind that is its the max number of phantasms without running SoE and Chrono.


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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.


> This is a learn to play issue.

Dear silver division player: Thanks for the laugh!


If you were skillful enough to use your classes full potential, you would have noticed that you can do an almost perfect rotation of range, distorsion and evades while spamming and shatter stuff. Even if your opponent tracks you for about 90% of the fight (which is super easy but useless), it is impossible to pressure you enough to force you into defense (and create momentum) or even kill you.


This class has more training wheels than warrior ever had.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > Mesmer still can only have 3 not shattered clones at the same time, the problem is the phantasm spam not the clone spam. Is it so hard to understand??? Clones are not phantasms!

> > Phantasm spam leads to the clutter on screen and is combined with the ridiculous high dmg they do on their one attack. Phantasm skills will get higher cd with the planned nerfs but that is not enough. They need to count into the max of 3 illusions up rules again and should get shattered also before they finished their one attack. They still can turn into clones after one attack but they don't need to make exorbitant dmg on this one attack, because no shattermes let phantasms live longer than for one attack anyway. Means: revert 2 of the 3 changes Anet did to phantams and nerf the dmg of most of the phantasmskills. This is spoken only for PvP and WvW. I don't know if it helps to write this that often to higher the chance of Anet think about it but why not try...


> Or cap clone to 3 and phantasm to 3 for a total of six illusions total. Currently the issue is you can have 6 phantasms using just traited Gs, f5 and SoE. Limit it to only having three of each retains the clones ability to attack when running mirage and the screen won’t be as cluttered. Then reduce the damage on phantasm *slightly*. Too much and they’ll be useless. A 10-15% reduction on the base damage for sword, zerker, defender, and disenchanter would be a good place to start. Otherwise... I wouldn’t mess with anything outside what they are already doing other than add a 10 sec cd to the stun break portion of elusive mind rather than exhaustion or remove to stun break and compensate it with something else.


Zerker didn't get buffed and don't need a nerf, it makes the same dmg it does since release of the game. Utility phantasm and sword offhand are the biggest issues, also staff with 2 phantasms now is just too much. And no, already 6 Illusions up is too much clutter and broken. On a moving target where phantasms and clones have to run and don't cast/shatter right from start you will still see tons of illusions out and even 6 is already too much and i don't see a single reason why phantasms shouldn't count into the max of 3 limit TOGETHER with clones anymore.

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> @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> So after countless threads about how OP the GS burst on mesmer is (which btw has been basically the same since 2012 and was never considered "meta"), NOW its the AI spam......Not the perma 25 might, perma protection, the nigh-OPness that is chaotic persistence or the insane mobility from sword ambush.....but AI spam.

> Please try again with another thread. Once you have figured out what the actual issues with mesmer are.




I think the Mesmer has the strongest cc burst in the game, but IMO that isn't that big of an issue. Mesmer has been top tier in PvP for a while. Then they get reworked and everything that was annoying about fighting a Mesmer got buffed across the board. They have even more escapes, able to cast skills while dodging on top of the fact that they have the most 0 cast time skills in the game, insane ability to spam boons, even greater access to spam AI, AI that does over 10k damage in one hit.....


I wouldn't mind if they make a class that no one previously played like ele or rev OP for a season or two, but why buff a class that was already top tier, and make it even more annoying to fight against?


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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.

> >

> > This is a learn to play issue.

> Dear silver division player: Thanks for the laugh!


> If you were skillful enough to use your classes full potential, you would have noticed that you can do an almost perfect rotation of range, distorsion and evades while spamming and shatter stuff. Even if your opponent tracks you for about 90% of the fight (which is super easy but useless), it is impossible to pressure you enough to force you into defense (and create momentum) or even kill you.


> This class has more training wheels than warrior ever had.


Silver Division player? Yes, proudly so. I fought my way from Bronze 1 to Silver 3, learning the hard way at every step. This is in spite of having physical problems with my left hand and the fact that I choose to play a core Mesmer, ( partly in protest of the way Chronomancer was treated with respect to nerfs and alacrity and partly simply because I like core Mesmer. ) I hope to be in Gold next season.


For the rest; **Let me put it this way, I can beat a Mirage or Chronomancer as often as not on a core Mesmer. I A SILVER DIVISION PLAYER can force them into defensive mode and often intimidate them on a core class.**


This is a learn to play issue.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Super Powers:

> * Highest burst damage

> * Best self defense/disengage

> * Wins rotations with self & group teleportations

> * Can run any build/amulet and still be OP

> * Immune to Arenanet nerfing


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/firbimL.jpg "")


This made my day. Its so true tho... mesmer - anets golden child lol


Ever since seasons started mesmer has never been in a spot thats not S-tier


Meanwhile most other classes experienced rough times. Ele and rev now, thief guard and war back in the days.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.

> > >

> > > This is a learn to play issue.

> > Dear silver division player: Thanks for the laugh!

> >

> > If you were skillful enough to use your classes full potential, you would have noticed that you can do an almost perfect rotation of range, distorsion and evades while spamming and shatter stuff. Even if your opponent tracks you for about 90% of the fight (which is super easy but useless), it is impossible to pressure you enough to force you into defense (and create momentum) or even kill you.

> >

> > This class has more training wheels than warrior ever had.


> Silver Division player? Yes, proudly so. I fought my way from Bronze 1 to Silver 3, learning the hard way at every step. This is in spite of having physical problems with my left hand and the fact that I choose to play a core Mesmer, ( partly in protest of the way Chronomancer was treated with respect to nerfs and alacrity and partly simply because I like core Mesmer. ) I hope to be in Gold next season.


> For the rest; **Let me put it this way, I can beat a Mirage or Chronomancer as often as not on a core Mesmer. I A SILVER DIVISION PLAYER can force them into defensive mode and often intimidate them on a core class.**


> This is a learn to play issue.


Ohhhh. I've always wondered why your perceptions and thoughts never really made much sense. Seeing as how you're a silver player, I can now see why you say the things you do.


Despite your physical limitations, you **are** a silver player. You obviously don't have any experience fighting against good players, hence why it always sounds like you're coming from a place of extreme inexperience.


To put it simply, gold players are below average. Silver and bronze consist of players who really don't know what they're doing. It's in these divisions which you'll find people double capping points, 3 manning a beast, and/or generally have poor mechanics. Not trying to be mean, but you being able to beat a Mirage/Chrono in **SILVER** division as a core mesmer means absolutely nothing. Good players in plat 2 or higher can completely (and easily) destroy multiple players at the same time from the lower divisions. Even more so as a Mirage/Chronomancer.


This is why Anet should display rank badges next to players' forum names. This way it would be a lot easier to tell who to take seriously and who to not.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.

> > >

> > > This is a learn to play issue.

> > Dear silver division player: Thanks for the laugh!

> >

> > If you were skillful enough to use your classes full potential, you would have noticed that you can do an almost perfect rotation of range, distorsion and evades while spamming and shatter stuff. Even if your opponent tracks you for about 90% of the fight (which is super easy but useless), it is impossible to pressure you enough to force you into defense (and create momentum) or even kill you.

> >

> > This class has more training wheels than warrior ever had.


> Silver Division player? Yes, proudly so. I fought my way from Bronze 1 to Silver 3, learning the hard way at every step. This is in spite of having physical problems with my left hand and the fact that I choose to play a core Mesmer, ( partly in protest of the way Chronomancer was treated with respect to nerfs and alacrity and partly simply because I like core Mesmer. ) I hope to be in Gold next season.


> For the rest; **Let me put it this way, I can beat a Mirage or Chronomancer as often as not on a core Mesmer. I A SILVER DIVISION PLAYER can force them into defensive mode and often intimidate them on a core class.**


> This is a learn to play issue.


I , and i am sure several others, generally find some of your opinions and statements hard to take seriously since you only think mesmer is fine when its blatantly over preforming, Like when chrono bunker was 'fine'.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.

> > >

> > > This is a learn to play issue.

> > Dear silver division player: Thanks for the laugh!

> >

> > If you were skillful enough to use your classes full potential, you would have noticed that you can do an almost perfect rotation of range, distorsion and evades while spamming and shatter stuff. Even if your opponent tracks you for about 90% of the fight (which is super easy but useless), it is impossible to pressure you enough to force you into defense (and create momentum) or even kill you.

> >

> > This class has more training wheels than warrior ever had.


> Silver Division player? Yes, proudly so. I fought my way from Bronze 1 to Silver 3, learning the hard way at every step. This is in spite of having physical problems with my left hand and the fact that I choose to play a core Mesmer, ( partly in protest of the way Chronomancer was treated with respect to nerfs and alacrity and partly simply because I like core Mesmer. ) I hope to be in Gold next season.


> For the rest; **Let me put it this way, I can beat a Mirage or Chronomancer as often as not on a core Mesmer. I A SILVER DIVISION PLAYER can force them into defensive mode and often intimidate them on a core class.**


> This is a learn to play issue.


Here is the thing though, you are only up against SILVER Mirages and Chronomancers who most likely have no idea what they are doing. The POTENTIAL of mirages and chronomancers are much higher compared to other classes in the hands of a good player. Have an equally good player use a different class such as Ele or Rev and they wont do as well.

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High burst, high mobility, instant cast shatters/mantras, decent sustain and very difficult to CC. I really don't understand why Mirage was given so much in each category. Similar high burst builds like PP deadeye/FA ele have no where no the same amount of sustain. Either significantly tone down the damage or significantly tone down the sustain. The changes listed in the recent split are inconsequential. Mirage will still be god tier, maybe even better because meta side noders got hit hard. It sucks when you have to nuke a certain aspect of a class rather than slightly tone it down, but that's exactly what they need to do, because at this rate it's going to take multiple balance patches to bring it in line.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:


> i don't see a single reason why phantasms shouldn't count into the max of 3 limit TOGETHER with clones anymore.


Seeing such people like you im actually happy that you have no impact on balance, otherwise for example hated thief/engi would had 1 year cd on steal and forge or had cast time of 5 seconds both, do you get what i mean ? ;)

> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Phantasms need 60% damage nerfs minimum. There's no reason why single attacks from random AI should hit for 11k repeatedly while stripping boons and ccing.

im tired to discuss stuff with ppl that have no understanding and whatsoever and claim that memser hacking game and using all traitlines possible , you two. Now disenchanter absorbed defender ,doesnt get destroyed after 1 hit and keep smashing you till you die obsly ... (i will just point out meme moments from now on :D)

There is alot of skills fall under category '99% damage nerf minimum' since you love exaggerating everywhere


> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> It’s only certain phantasms. Sword, zerker, defender and disenchanter are the culprits. A 10-15% nerf to base damage is how I would start. For instance is disenchanter hits a target with no boons it’s base power is a bit over 2k but consider how much boon spam is in game now its not bad.

They nerfing might generation and phantasm trait ,illusion damage trait etc thats affect all phantasms. (thats correct but WHY INCREASE CD ON IT????)

Phantasms must do high damage (staff phantasms suddenly doesnt do much damage ...dissapointment) because they self destruct after hit/being interrupted. Swordsman must do high damage otherwise TF he is melee,stationary and can be interrupted and dodged that easly ? (why increase cd once again ?)

Disenchanter-> they could nerf damage by whatever % but keep cd ,but no... increase cd...

Defender phantasm -(reduce damage if they are lazy to rework) l2p ? Small radius , dont explode right after taunt, cleanse/breakstun/ walk away/block it ? Honestly its need another rework ... Something like you chose a place where this phantasm would be summoned and he would reduce damage taken for some % from all damage sources in aoe while having stability/high health. Something like that.

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Why you people never learn? Mesmer is conceptually over powered and always has been. It wont get nerfed and even if it does then another equally good build will just pop up and dominate. The only way to do the job is to nerf their f1-f4 skills but anet wont do this because they all like mesmer. No point crying about it, just do like the rest of us and move on to other games :D

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> @"Kahyos.1437" said:

> > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > > It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.

> > > >

> > > > This is a learn to play issue.

> > > Dear silver division player: Thanks for the laugh!

> > >

> > > If you were skillful enough to use your classes full potential, you would have noticed that you can do an almost perfect rotation of range, distorsion and evades while spamming and shatter stuff. Even if your opponent tracks you for about 90% of the fight (which is super easy but useless), it is impossible to pressure you enough to force you into defense (and create momentum) or even kill you.

> > >

> > > This class has more training wheels than warrior ever had.

> >

> > Silver Division player? Yes, proudly so. I fought my way from Bronze 1 to Silver 3, learning the hard way at every step. This is in spite of having physical problems with my left hand and the fact that I choose to play a core Mesmer, ( partly in protest of the way Chronomancer was treated with respect to nerfs and alacrity and partly simply because I like core Mesmer. ) I hope to be in Gold next season.

> >

> > For the rest; **Let me put it this way, I can beat a Mirage or Chronomancer as often as not on a core Mesmer. I A SILVER DIVISION PLAYER can force them into defensive mode and often intimidate them on a core class.**

> >

> > This is a learn to play issue.


> Here is the thing though, you are only up against SILVER Mirages and Chronomancers who most likely have no idea what they are doing. The POTENTIAL of mirages and chronomancers are much higher compared to other classes in the hands of a good player. Have an equally good player use a different class such as Ele or Rev and they wont do as well.


Not true. I often play unranked and play against all ranks of players. *In fact I have a recent screenshot of myself, having just killed a certain ex-esl engineer and standing over the body.* https://www.dropbox.com/s/972gfyfnqaup0tw/Chaith%20Kill.jpg?dl=0 ( Note the build and my health. I'm nowhere near as unskilled as some posters here have implied. )


Mirage is nowhere near as powerful as it's made out to be. The fact that some dislike playing against it is not justification for a nerf.



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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:


> > i don't see a single reason why phantasms shouldn't count into the max of 3 limit TOGETHER with clones anymore.


> Seeing such people like you im actually happy that you have no impact on balance, otherwise for example hated thief/engi would had 1 year cd on steal and forge or had cast time of 5 seconds both, do you get what i mean ? ;)


Lel i am not hating here, i play mesmer often enough myself not as main but i understand the class. When you think the new phantasm rule is not broken than you have no clue here. With the meta phantasm spam builds even carrried by a passive traitline like chaos (what should also get nerfed even more than they are planning to do) every noob can play this class and get higher ranked then they deserve.

I am not one of the ppl calling the mesmer gs burst op like all newbies or just bad player do, a burst what exist since game release and never was near viable since hot (not even before, looking at helseth video- "Mesmer is not viable but i am" from pre hot). I guess you are just one of the player not having enough skill for a not op power mesmer spec in pvp but dw after anet finally nerfed this npc spam build enough you will for sure find another ez class you can switch to, that will carry you.


For the power dmg superiority complex need to be looked at when all other classes get nerfed in sustain and have no passive carry anymore, but thats it for pure glass power shatterbuilds what is nothing more than a noobkiller but not viable vs half decent player when not played godlike.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > @"Kahyos.1437" said:

> > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > > > It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.

> > > > >

> > > > > This is a learn to play issue.

> > > > Dear silver division player: Thanks for the laugh!

> > > >

> > > > If you were skillful enough to use your classes full potential, you would have noticed that you can do an almost perfect rotation of range, distorsion and evades while spamming and shatter stuff. Even if your opponent tracks you for about 90% of the fight (which is super easy but useless), it is impossible to pressure you enough to force you into defense (and create momentum) or even kill you.

> > > >

> > > > This class has more training wheels than warrior ever had.

> > >

> > > Silver Division player? Yes, proudly so. I fought my way from Bronze 1 to Silver 3, learning the hard way at every step. This is in spite of having physical problems with my left hand and the fact that I choose to play a core Mesmer, ( partly in protest of the way Chronomancer was treated with respect to nerfs and alacrity and partly simply because I like core Mesmer. ) I hope to be in Gold next season.

> > >

> > > For the rest; **Let me put it this way, I can beat a Mirage or Chronomancer as often as not on a core Mesmer. I A SILVER DIVISION PLAYER can force them into defensive mode and often intimidate them on a core class.**

> > >

> > > This is a learn to play issue.

> >

> > Here is the thing though, you are only up against SILVER Mirages and Chronomancers who most likely have no idea what they are doing. The POTENTIAL of mirages and chronomancers are much higher compared to other classes in the hands of a good player. Have an equally good player use a different class such as Ele or Rev and they wont do as well.


> Not true. I often play unranked and play against all ranks of players. *In fact I have a recent screenshot of myself, having just killed a certain ex-esl engineer and standing over the body.* https://www.dropbox.com/s/972gfyfnqaup0tw/Chaith%20Kill.jpg?dl=0 ( Note the build and my health. I'm nowhere near as unskilled as some posters here have implied. )


> Mirage is nowhere near as powerful as it's made out to be. The fact that some dislike playing against it is not justification for a nerf.




I love reading your posts. They're always so amusing.

Thanks for the laugh.


Keep up the strong silver mentality!


PS If you think dealing with mirage/ chrono is simply a "learn to play issue", then you are in fact the one who needs to learn to play and realise what your class is capable of in the hands of semi-competent players.


Bring on the mesmer nerfs.

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> @"Kahyos.1437" said:

> > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > > It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.

> > > >

> > > > This is a learn to play issue.

> > > Dear silver division player: Thanks for the laugh!

> > >

> > > If you were skillful enough to use your classes full potential, you would have noticed that you can do an almost perfect rotation of range, distorsion and evades while spamming and shatter stuff. Even if your opponent tracks you for about 90% of the fight (which is super easy but useless), it is impossible to pressure you enough to force you into defense (and create momentum) or even kill you.

> > >

> > > This class has more training wheels than warrior ever had.

> >

> > Silver Division player? Yes, proudly so. I fought my way from Bronze 1 to Silver 3, learning the hard way at every step. This is in spite of having physical problems with my left hand and the fact that I choose to play a core Mesmer, ( partly in protest of the way Chronomancer was treated with respect to nerfs and alacrity and partly simply because I like core Mesmer. ) I hope to be in Gold next season.

> >

> > For the rest; **Let me put it this way, I can beat a Mirage or Chronomancer as often as not on a core Mesmer. I A SILVER DIVISION PLAYER can force them into defensive mode and often intimidate them on a core class.**

> >

> > This is a learn to play issue.


> Here is the thing though, you are only up against SILVER Mirages and Chronomancers who most likely have no idea what they are doing. The POTENTIAL of mirages and chronomancers are much higher compared to other classes in the hands of a good player. Have an equally good player use a different class such as Ele or Rev and they wont do as well.


Not true, at least the pure glass shatterbuilds (ofc not the npc spam builds we have now) need a lot of skill to play well. These builds never were near viable aside from killing some noobs in low ranked pvp or in wvw. How many pure glass power shatter mesmer we had in top 250 in season 5-9 in EU? I didn't know a single but was told around max 3. For that you had to play this build like a god. And the reason was not that mesmer just had stronger builds, the biggest reason is that the build itself simply was/ is trash and way harder to play compared to everything else that is used in pvp.

The thing with power shatter mes is, that the player which did not give up on that build, did not switch to other stronger and easier classes or mesmerbuilds are just very good player, they had to get very good to make an up build work. Means in the moment pure glass shattermes is not utterly trash (not op but also not utterly trash anymore) these ppl will just rekt everything ez. They are used to do well under way worse conditions. This together with mesmer being very confusing to new and bad player are the 2 reasons for mesmer getting so much hate since game release even when its up.

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> @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > @"Kahyos.1437" said:

> > > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > > > > It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is a learn to play issue.

> > > > > Dear silver division player: Thanks for the laugh!

> > > > >

> > > > > If you were skillful enough to use your classes full potential, you would have noticed that you can do an almost perfect rotation of range, distorsion and evades while spamming and shatter stuff. Even if your opponent tracks you for about 90% of the fight (which is super easy but useless), it is impossible to pressure you enough to force you into defense (and create momentum) or even kill you.

> > > > >

> > > > > This class has more training wheels than warrior ever had.

> > > >

> > > > Silver Division player? Yes, proudly so. I fought my way from Bronze 1 to Silver 3, learning the hard way at every step. This is in spite of having physical problems with my left hand and the fact that I choose to play a core Mesmer, ( partly in protest of the way Chronomancer was treated with respect to nerfs and alacrity and partly simply because I like core Mesmer. ) I hope to be in Gold next season.

> > > >

> > > > For the rest; **Let me put it this way, I can beat a Mirage or Chronomancer as often as not on a core Mesmer. I A SILVER DIVISION PLAYER can force them into defensive mode and often intimidate them on a core class.**

> > > >

> > > > This is a learn to play issue.

> > >

> > > Here is the thing though, you are only up against SILVER Mirages and Chronomancers who most likely have no idea what they are doing. The POTENTIAL of mirages and chronomancers are much higher compared to other classes in the hands of a good player. Have an equally good player use a different class such as Ele or Rev and they wont do as well.

> >

> > Not true. I often play unranked and play against all ranks of players. *In fact I have a recent screenshot of myself, having just killed a certain ex-esl engineer and standing over the body.* https://www.dropbox.com/s/972gfyfnqaup0tw/Chaith%20Kill.jpg?dl=0 ( Note the build and my health. I'm nowhere near as unskilled as some posters here have implied. )

> >

> > Mirage is nowhere near as powerful as it's made out to be. The fact that some dislike playing against it is not justification for a nerf.

> >

> >


> I love reading your posts. They're always so amusing.

> Thanks for the laugh.


> Keep up the strong silver mentality!


> PS If you think dealing with mirage/ chrono is simply a "learn to play issue", then you are in fact the one who needs to learn to play and realise what your class is capable of in the hands of semi-competent players.


> Bring on the mesmer nerfs.


I can deal with Mirages and chronos reasonably well, on a core build. So, yes, I do think it's a learn to play issue.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

You are beyond salvation ,not even joking ...You are from NA right ? I wouldnt be surprised at all given how much hate i get just by simply showing your absurd claims that clearly show how delusional you are about your so called 'understanding the class' .

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > > @"Kahyos.1437" said:

> > > > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > > > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > > > > > > It's about time that other players actually had to think to play against a Mesmer and target the real Mesmer instead of simply cleaving the clones with auto attack, ( or any type of aoe, ) and ignoring them.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This is a learn to play issue.

> > > > > > Dear silver division player: Thanks for the laugh!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you were skillful enough to use your classes full potential, you would have noticed that you can do an almost perfect rotation of range, distorsion and evades while spamming and shatter stuff. Even if your opponent tracks you for about 90% of the fight (which is super easy but useless), it is impossible to pressure you enough to force you into defense (and create momentum) or even kill you.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This class has more training wheels than warrior ever had.

> > > > >

> > > > > Silver Division player? Yes, proudly so. I fought my way from Bronze 1 to Silver 3, learning the hard way at every step. This is in spite of having physical problems with my left hand and the fact that I choose to play a core Mesmer, ( partly in protest of the way Chronomancer was treated with respect to nerfs and alacrity and partly simply because I like core Mesmer. ) I hope to be in Gold next season.

> > > > >

> > > > > For the rest; **Let me put it this way, I can beat a Mirage or Chronomancer as often as not on a core Mesmer. I A SILVER DIVISION PLAYER can force them into defensive mode and often intimidate them on a core class.**

> > > > >

> > > > > This is a learn to play issue.

> > > >

> > > > Here is the thing though, you are only up against SILVER Mirages and Chronomancers who most likely have no idea what they are doing. The POTENTIAL of mirages and chronomancers are much higher compared to other classes in the hands of a good player. Have an equally good player use a different class such as Ele or Rev and they wont do as well.

> > >

> > > Not true. I often play unranked and play against all ranks of players. *In fact I have a recent screenshot of myself, having just killed a certain ex-esl engineer and standing over the body.* https://www.dropbox.com/s/972gfyfnqaup0tw/Chaith%20Kill.jpg?dl=0 ( Note the build and my health. I'm nowhere near as unskilled as some posters here have implied. )

> > >

> > > Mirage is nowhere near as powerful as it's made out to be. The fact that some dislike playing against it is not justification for a nerf.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I love reading your posts. They're always so amusing.

> > Thanks for the laugh.

> >

> > Keep up the strong silver mentality!

> >

> > PS If you think dealing with mirage/ chrono is simply a "learn to play issue", then you are in fact the one who needs to learn to play and realise what your class is capable of in the hands of semi-competent players.

> >

> > Bring on the mesmer nerfs.


> I can deal with Mirages and chronos reasonably well, on a core build. So, yes, I do think it's a learn to play issue.


You will be utterly and completely destroyed by a Platinum or Legendary Mesmer before you had time to react. Any average PvP player can handle Silver or Gold tier players regardless of the class used but these players simply aren't a reflection of the true power of a class.

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