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PvP Special Tournaments

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folks! I wanted to take a few minutes this morning to talk about special event tournaments.


We've been holding back on doing special tournaments until we had swiss format complete. Unfortunately, swiss is taking longer than I'd hoped. Because of this, I'm considering running special tournaments before swiss.


My main concern is that the swiss format provides a much better player experience. If you lose, you're not immediately booted from the tournament. Without swiss, people could be waiting hours to join a 2v2 tournament just to get knocked out within 5 minutes.


The discussion I'd like to see is: Do you think it's better to wait for swiss or should we move forward on event tournaments sooner? How much do you think we jeapardize future participation by running event tournaments with a less than ideal format?


I'm very curious to see your thoughts!

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How long is "longer than expected"? Are we talking about like 2 months, 6 months, or even a year? Because my answer would vary based on the timeframe. If it's more like 2 months, I would want to wait, if closer to or over 6 months I'd say let's get this ball rolling, and have a test run to see how it feels.

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A varied and incomplete experience sooner versus a varied and completed experience later (varied as in different from conquest).


I think it makes the most sense to wait until you can put your best foot forward, even if that means a longer than ideal wait, considering it may be a new experience for many interested. For these players, I think being taken by surprise without a chance to adapt and come back could leave a lingering foul taste in their mouth, especially considering the game mode and that special tournaments do not appear as though they will be as common.

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I'd say if you can get swiss done before summer then swiss it is, but I realize that it's probably going to take longer.


Well, I like conquest but we've been playing it for more than 5 years now, I think the sooner we get something to spice things up the better.


Swiss may improve the experience overall, but I doubt that it'll pump those participation numbers up by much, while special tournaments will most certainly bring in tons of people.


**TL;DR** I'd vote for special tournament before swiss.


_One last thing I'd add - if you're gonna do a 2v2 or 3v3, just reduce outgoing healing by 33-50% and I think balance won't be a problem_

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Pvp is ded currently and season 11 with the same old circlequest maps bound to fight one 3 single points on a map. I'd say wait for a few months or a year to try again. Takie your time to work on something besides a circlequest map then we can try again. 2v2 3v3 5v5 tdm sounds amazing. Then you have the possibility of a new stronghold map if you ever have time away from making flashy skins. But pvp is the lowest of low priorities so i understand why it is the crudhole it is now.

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just a reminder that wintrading is still the problem no.1, even with the recent "bans". pvp is full of it, wether known wintrade figure or casual player that decided to cheat himself into top10/25. with each season the titles get less prestigeous and players get more frustrated that they have to deal with this and end up quitting. even after a big patch like the recent one i hear people say they skip seasons or drop pvp because the problem is still the same. do something drastic like deleting all season titles e.g., and hand out instant permanent bans for mm/wintrading. you need to keep doing something or we wont even come to swiss format..speaking of it i'd guess waiting for its completion is better

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I think you should do the Swiss style tournaments when it's possible, or some type of tournament rather than waiting for it to get polished out before realeasing... Because if it is realsed earlier you can just get feedback from the community and polish it out that way ?

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Just to clarify:

-By Swiss it would be best of 3, correct? Would this apply to all tiers of the tournaments? Like every single match up would be Bo3?

-By special tournaments, do you mean 2v2s and 3v3s? I know you've talked about this in the past but I'd just like it to be clear.


Now me personally, I would rather have the special tournaments come before the Swiss. I play pretty casually at the moment and would like to be able to, for example, queue up for a 2v2 with my fiancé or a friend. I wouldn't be heartbroken about being booted within the first 5 minutes. It would also be nice to have an alternative game mode out sooner.

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It depends how long should it take to be implemented. I mean, if we consider the following case :

- Swiss will be implemented in september

- Special tournaments can be implemented in may, but then swiss tournaments will be implemented in november


Then obviously, we should have special tournaments. Alternatively, if swiss tournaments were to be implemented in june, i'd wait for them !

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Milan.9035" said:

> > why not do both, put out what you got and continue working on the swiss?


> Doing special event tournaments before swiss won't stop us from continuing work on swiss.


maybe it's not better do some special tournament outside at system in personal arena? i know that this way you need some ppl to check the rooms and organize stuff , but i think it's the better choice at the moment....

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> Just to clarify:

> -By Swiss it would be best of 3, correct? Would this apply to all tiers of the tournaments? Like every single match up would be Bo3?

> -By special tournaments, do you mean 2v2s and 3v3s? I know you've talked about this in the past but I'd just like it to be clear.


> Now me personally, I would rather have the special tournaments come before the Swiss. I play pretty casually at the moment and would like to be able to, for example, queue up for a 2v2 with my fiancé or a friend. I wouldn't be heartbroken about being booted within the first 5 minutes. It would also be nice to have an alternative game mode out sooner.


Swiss is a system where all teams play a certain number of rounds. You aren't eliminated immediately for losing. We would have a certain number of swiss rounds based on number of participants and then cut to top X teams based on record. The tournament then would move to a single elim tournament until finals. Finals will be best of 3.


By special tournaments, I do mean 2v2's, 3v3's, potentially courtyard, etc.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > Just to clarify:

> > -By Swiss it would be best of 3, correct? Would this apply to all tiers of the tournaments? Like every single match up would be Bo3?

> > -By special tournaments, do you mean 2v2s and 3v3s? I know you've talked about this in the past but I'd just like it to be clear.

> >

> > Now me personally, I would rather have the special tournaments come before the Swiss. I play pretty casually at the moment and would like to be able to, for example, queue up for a 2v2 with my fiancé or a friend. I wouldn't be heartbroken about being booted within the first 5 minutes. It would also be nice to have an alternative game mode out sooner.


> Swiss is a system where all teams play a certain number of rounds. You aren't eliminated immediately for losing. We would have a certain number of swiss rounds based on number of participants and then cut to top X teams based on record. The tournament then would move to a single elim tournament until finals. Finals will be best of 3.


> By special tournaments, I do mean 2v2's, 3v3's, potentially courtyard, etc.


Just do special tournaments now. No downsides.

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Id prefer special tournaments, because i think that they have the potential to get more players into pvp.

Btw would it be possible to make the rewards increase/desrase with the ammount of teams playing in an at.

Its unfair imo that a tournament with 30 teams has the same rewards as a tournament with 8 teams

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