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The CC & Immobilize spam needs to stop.

X T D.6458

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Seriously who thought it was a good idea to add more immobilize to this game? It wasn't bad enough when this ridiculous condition was changed to allow its duration to stack, but now you add it to the conversion table....just why? Did you think there wasn't enough of it or something?


I am getting fed up with this CC spam in every fight, getting constantly thrown around all over the place. What is the point of stun breaks and stability anymore? Stun breaks do little if you are getting chain cc'ed, there is little access to stability between classes and it is likely to get corrupted.

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I agree with this, the CC spam is the most annoying thing to deal with. Getting frozen on the spot, then knocked backed, picked up/put down, pulled, dazed etc.. There needs to be some sort of internal cool down that blocks all incoming CC for a second or two after you've been subjected to it.


Out of all the conditions though, Immobilize has to be the most annoying of the bunch.

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Something like immobilize shouldn't be in the game, not when you build the game relying on dodge to be your main damage blocker for every class. Or if anything it should be in the same table as stuns, so you can use a stun breaker to get out of it rather than having to rely on condition cleanses, which can get ridiculous with the garbage condition spam in the game now. To put it as the corrupted boon of resistance was also one of the dumbest changes they've made.

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I don't mind that its in the game. I don't, however, feel it should be a condition in the traditional sense.

It should act like a brief control effect, like daze, stun and knockback, **should be negated by stunbreaks**, and probably not have pulsing/spammable options. (I feel the same way about stun, daze etc.)


Some stunbreaks also need to be a little more potent, perhaps granting ½ second of immunity to hard control or something akin -- so that players can respond to being chain CC'd, which _is_ an issue in larger fights.


~ Kovu

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You're welcome!


Like every other nuissance in the game immobile has multiple counters which have counters itself.


rock paper scissors...


After 2 addons there are a lot of mechanics in the game now (It could be called a "mess"). This is of course the most present in large scale and trust me: it will get worse with every addon. Simplifying stuff would need a rework of everything and would be rather pointless because it would remove one of the key components of the addons which is alternative gameplay while still keeping classes unique.

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> Stab needs some general buffing for sure, and I for one, would be happy to have old stab back. But a good start would be to have it work on immobs in addition to the other CC effects that it's supposed to protect against.


And then after we do that, we can add chill and cripple to the list... not sure what people would call for next after that.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Resistance.


> You're welcome!


> Like every other nuissance in the game immobile has multiple counters which have counters itself.


> rock paper scissors...


> After 2 addons there are a lot of mechanics in the game now (It could be called a "mess"). This is of course the most present in large scale and trust me: it will get worse with every addon. Simplifying stuff would need a rework of everything and would be rather pointless because it would remove one of the key components of the addons which is alternative gameplay while still keeping classes unique.


LOL the most annoying part is.... Resistance is the one boon that's being corrupted into IMMOBZ


with all the corruption from necro shades it's constant immobilizes. no matter if you are on the same pixel as your commander or not.

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There are really two problems with this. The first being some classes have pretty easy access to low CD CC that is quiet spamable. This results in troll builds or duos running these builds locking someone down without any skill or timing because they are fast cast, low CD so the lock down requires no skill. If you are in a team in coms, calling targets, your pulls, stuns, immobilize etc, I am fine with being able to lock someone down. Second issue being necro spam and corruption that makes the issue seem worse.


There are also a small number of classes/builds that can just about ignore all CC in a 1vs1 or even 2vs1 fight, unless you are running one of those troll builds, worse part being many of those builds the counters are auto triggered, making for great skilled game play (sarcasm). I think both extremes need to be looked at and tamed a bit.

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Its true these suggestions have been made in the past. The problem is that this seems to be an unfortunate byproduct of PvE content. Since the change to breakbars, they have added more cc's to the game as well as cc spam to PvE in order to make fights boss fights last longer. The problem is that this does not go over well in PvP and WvW. They really need to update the mechanics, and tone down the cc skills in these game modes, I have never seen it this bad.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Seriously who thought it was a good idea to add more immobilize to this game? It wasn't bad enough when this ridiculous condition was changed to allow its duration to stack, but now you add it to the conversion table....just why? Did you think there wasn't enough of it or something?


> I am getting fed up with this CC spam in every fight, getting constantly thrown around all over the place. What is the point of stun breaks and stability anymore? Stun breaks do little if you are getting chain cc'ed, there is little access to stability between classes and it is likely to get corrupted.


This is the primary reason why nerfing passive stunbreaks (see other thread) is just going to make zerg frontlining laughable. I can't tell you how many times a night when blobs collide, my skills go on cd and even when I manage to hit my one active stunbreak, I get chain cc'd again and have to sit there and watch myself die in a matter of 2 seconds. Nerf the passives and it becomes one second with nothing to be done to counter it other than running away from the commander ahead of time instead of actually acting like, you know, frontline.

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> @"Euryon.9248" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Seriously who thought it was a good idea to add more immobilize to this game? It wasn't bad enough when this ridiculous condition was changed to allow its duration to stack, but now you add it to the conversion table....just why? Did you think there wasn't enough of it or something?

> >

> > I am getting fed up with this CC spam in every fight, getting constantly thrown around all over the place. What is the point of stun breaks and stability anymore? Stun breaks do little if you are getting chain cc'ed, there is little access to stability between classes and it is likely to get corrupted.


> This is the primary reason why nerfing passive stunbreaks (see other thread) is just going to make zerg frontlining laughable. I can't tell you how many times a night when blobs collide, my skills go on cd and even when I manage to hit my one active stunbreak, I get chain cc'd again and have to sit there and watch myself die in a matter of 2 seconds. Nerf the passives and it becomes one second with nothing to be done to counter it other than running away from the commander ahead of time instead of actually acting like, you know, frontline.


Its already difficult, this just promotes pirate shipping. The constant chain cc's, are not only annoying they make it impossible to keep proper positioning and stay with your group. Meanwhile your stab gets stripped or corrupted, you get immobilized and spammed with conditions and die before you can react.

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I’m avenging all of you scourge victims out there.


Kneel, spam #2 rifle from 1500range. Immobilize lock 100% to 0%, wasting all their lifelforce in futile attempt to prolong their ultimate agony.

Sand portal to me in attempts to close the gap and be within range? I’ll copy your dance move with a retreat/withdrawal and repeat.

A scourge within range is a deathtrap.



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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Euryon.9248" said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > Seriously who thought it was a good idea to add more immobilize to this game? It wasn't bad enough when this ridiculous condition was changed to allow its duration to stack, but now you add it to the conversion table....just why? Did you think there wasn't enough of it or something?

> > >

> > > I am getting fed up with this CC spam in every fight, getting constantly thrown around all over the place. What is the point of stun breaks and stability anymore? Stun breaks do little if you are getting chain cc'ed, there is little access to stability between classes and it is likely to get corrupted.

> >

> > This is the primary reason why nerfing passive stunbreaks (see other thread) is just going to make zerg frontlining laughable. I can't tell you how many times a night when blobs collide, my skills go on cd and even when I manage to hit my one active stunbreak, I get chain cc'd again and have to sit there and watch myself die in a matter of 2 seconds. Nerf the passives and it becomes one second with nothing to be done to counter it other than running away from the commander ahead of time instead of actually acting like, you know, frontline.


> Its already difficult, this just promotes pirate shipping. The constant chain cc's, are not only annoying they make it impossible to keep proper positioning and stay with your group. Meanwhile your stab gets stripped or corrupted, you get immobilized and spammed with conditions and die before you can react.


It would not be so bad if the boon strip immobs corruptions and the like had to be done on the basis wherein the person at the receiving end has to be targeted for the same. This would add some sort of skilled gameplay where priority targets picked off. The issue is that "Nearby" stuff via AOE wherein groups of people receive that treatment with little input from the person dishing it out.

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Self stab needs to be brake bar aimed and support stab should stay the same. We may need a self anty soft cc too that some how ties into a brake bar. If 5 ppl try to cc you soft or hard you should be cc as its 1 v 5 and there nothing but evasion, block or invaibtly should stop that. Its the chain cc that start to become a problem where you have no time in-between to deal with the next hit.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> I also hate this change resistance should just convert to vulnerability or something.


It actually converts into two conditions taunt and immobilize...I just cannot understand how anyone thought it was a good idea to do this. This is one of the dumbest changes I have ever seen them make.

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