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Do you think we will ever see endgame content for groups larger than 10?

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Imagine something with raid level difficulty that requires larger groups. There could be scenarios where the groups have to go to completely different areas and essentially fight two or more mini bosses at once in order to proceed. It would require a bit more coordination with the more people and it could potentially open up more group comps than just the strict metas we have now.


I am not really pushing for this to be done. I was just thinking about what new things could be added and how it would be done.

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Sure. It's called Heart of Thorns.


It may not be "raid difficulty", but it's "open to more group comps than the strict metas". Sadly, you can't have both. And as you suggested, it requires multiple groups in different areas working towards the same goal. Sometimes even having to coordinate to meet the goals together (see: Octovine).

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We kinda already do in terms of certain Guild Mssions Triple Trouble, Dragon Stand, Gerent and Serpents Ire (or any world boss, these jst require the higher end coordination, albeit not raid level.)


There comes a point where too many players makes things too busy fir instanced content and the focus on skills and rotations becomes lost. We see that already in zerg based activities.


Ultimately they chose 10 for a reason. Now that they have, i cannot see an additional mode with more player numbers or any gain in doing so.


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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> I mean, there are already meta events that are pretty much exactly what you described. Not sure what you are asking for that's any different?


I suppose the difference would be that most meta events can be completed by people regardless of skill. If a bunch of randoms can come along and kill something then it really isn't raid level difficulty. And most meta events are more people than I had in mind. I was thinking like 20-25 people, not a full maps worth number of people.

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Have you tried Triple Trouble, Tequatl, The Shatterer, Tarir or Serpants Ire? Those might be up your alley.


I don't really count Gerent, because it got nerfed pretty hard.


Still, people have trouble forming 10 man groups for content; think of the nightmare organising 20-50 man groups would bring for instanced combat. Playing the game woiuld be more like a job.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Have you tried Triple Trouble, Tequatl, The Shatterer, Tarir or Serpants Ire? Those might be up your alley.


> I don't really count Gerent, because it got nerfed pretty hard.


> Still, people have trouble forming 10 man groups for content; think of the nightmare organising 20-50 man groups would bring. Playing the game woiuld be more like a job.


I do triple trouble every day. Organize it in fact xD


But as I said before, the main difference is in a raid most everyone needs to really pull their weight. Meta events like TT have the part about needing to organize people down right, but for the most part people do not need to be particularly skilled at doing things in order to kill it.

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The more people you have the less people have to "pull their weight".


Back in the 40 man WoW days, for example, one or more people could be dead for the entire fight and unless it was a tank or main healer you'd barely notice.


Having different group sizes for this type of hard content is also a pain; back in Burning Crusade we found that trying to progress from 10 man raids to 25 man raids was a pain.


I'd also wonder how many GW2 raid guilds could even field 20 players, seems like you'd be making content for a niche of a niche.

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Not without a queuing mechanism. There is already a limited audience for raids and creating groups of even 10. I asked this a while back ago in the Fractal Raids/Section and got 660 votes, 33% indicated they raid with only 21% saying regular. I know forums are a small fraction of the player base but it can be directional at times. Trying to get that many people together in a scheduled fashion can be challenging. Personally I would prefer time like this spent on new dungeons/fractals, PvP or WvW maps, or world bosses. I think that would be a better bang for the buck.


And as a reference: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/22945/do-you-raid/p1

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I would love some Raid content that can be up to 30-40 players, from playing wow recently it's nice to have such a big team so you can bring new people to learn mechanics without too much pressure on them and if you scale it correctly it doesn't necessarily have to be any easier. It could make for some pretty epic guild content! I would say before this ever enters the game though they would need to add a graphics option to really tone down other players skill effects, for the benefit of peoples eyes and their FPS.

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> @"Polarfairy.8046" said:

> I would say before this ever enters the game though they would need to add a graphics option to really tone down other players skill effects, for the benefit of peoples eyes and their FPS.


Too true! Flash and shine is nice, but excess is a mess.

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As much as I would like it. I really don’t know. And think the raids won’t change that much since many people were already furious with ascended gear. If their were more content that added more people, it would probably mean we would need better gear then ascended, or legendary to kill the bosses if it was in raiding or fractal content.


People already want to bash it before not trying it. Or willing to take the commitment to do it. If arenanet does, I’ll be happy to try more people in raids, and a easy, medium and hard mode with 30-40 people. However idk if that will happen. If it did happen. I don’t think so soon.

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