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Dhuum Greens

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Since I've been pugging Dhuum a lot recently I've noticed that that strategies for dealing with the Green circle mechanic tends to differ each time. each time i enter a pug for dhuum I'm praying that I'm not on a role they want to do greens (need to get around to practicing it more before i can confidently do it in a pug going for a kill).


figured the purpose of this pole is to find out what is the preferred method that the community sends to deal with the mechanic.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> > We send BS , kiter and the chrono. Its the most efficient and least time/dps wasted


> Mmm we might try that next week..


Its in that order 1- BS 2- kiter (someone else for the pre-event)3- chrono. It syncs with the cooldowns and the BS can but down the bubble for boonstrip at split if he is spellbreaker.

*Shadowsteps away*

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Meh, sending a kiter or healer seems like overkill, if your damage is so low you have to send one of them to do greens then you may aswell start looking for a new team,i usually kite at Dhuum and i have never/will never do greens when im kiting, im already doing my mechanic im not gonna run around like a madman doing everything because someone does 5kdps and enrages Dhuum

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Delete this mechanic and add another one or increase the spawn rate of orbs. Another idea is to put people into downstate, let an additional enforcer spawn and not instakill them. ^^


> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> Meh, sending a kiter or healer seems like overkill, if your damage is so low you have to send one of them to do greens then you may aswell start looking for a new team,i usually kite at Dhuum and i have never/will never do greens when im kiting, im already doing my mechanic im not gonna run around like a madman doing everything because someone does 5kdps and enrages Dhuum


Yeah, I can support that. It's okay for speed clearing attempts or very progressive statics near benchmark dps. I'm also kiting almost every time and I wish people would actually learn to play some mechanics instead of silently playing their dps role with tunnel vision and have to be picked up by me because they eat dhuum circles, glowing lines, not stacking at soul split or something else. I'm tired of putting responsibility on 1-3 people while the rest just need to press some buttons because let's be honest most dps players don't even come close to benchmarks so in my opinion they are way underperforming than kiters, tanks and often healers.

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> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> Meh, sending a kiter or healer seems like overkill, if your damage is so low you have to send one of them to do greens then you may aswell start looking for a new team,i usually kite at Dhuum and i have never/will never do greens when im kiting, im already doing my mechanic im not gonna run around like a madman doing everything because someone does 5kdps and enrages Dhuum


No... Its not about the low dps... Its about the kiter having enough time to do the green.

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Every 30 seconds, a _green_ circle will spawn under one of the reapers and one player has to stand in it, otherwise it's an insta-wipe. This player is turned into a spirit ball (like at the Eater of Souls, but only one layer) and has to catch five orbs, one of which should be a big one to prevent the spawn of a nasty mob. The problem is, time is rather limited (you're dead if you don't catch the orbs), there's a zone of insta-death in the middle of the circle which has rather fuzzy boundaries, the orbs (especially the crucial big ones) have horrible collision detection and, last but not least, sometimes the RNG spawn of the orbs screws you badly.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Havent see any guides in dhuum an havent really done him myself so i feel the need to ask whats the green(mechanic) and why do some ppl think its terrible?


Made a video of green while ago.

Zealex. Dhuum arena and mechanic is very very nicely done. I don't think we should spoil it for you. It's not that hard if you know the mechanic just that someone need to be assign for such job. I mean we hv many other bosses that has specific task too.. 6 months later ppl will not complain much about it :p

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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> We do 2 druids and kiter doing greens. Druid buffs are 10 men anyway so having 1 in the group is enough to maintain the buffs when sending offchrono or dps is a bigger dps loss.


Yeah I used to do green as healer but hasn't done any since Ben done some tweaking not long ago.. currently we send off chrono bs and a dps to green which somehow works for us too. Next week I wanna try some adjustment see how we go xD

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Havent see any guides in dhuum an havent really done him myself so i feel the need to ask whats the green(mechanic) and why do some ppl think its terrible?


> Made a video of green while ago.

> Zealex. Dhuum arena and mechanic is very very nicely done. I don't think we should spoil it for you. It's not that hard if you know the mechanic just that someone need to be assign for such job. I mean we hv many other bosses that has specific task too.. 6 months later ppl will not complain much about it :p



Music from? As for the mechanic i find it fitting but id would find easier to implememt if the hard teleported you in a seperate room with an add and u just have to kill the add to come back.


Or like an upper room where the fleshgolems come from and you can kill some so they dont apear and then take a gate to go back down.

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Depends on your composition... If you're using two healers, you generally send them + your off chrono (or banner slave if you'd rather make sure you don't lose Q/A uptime). If you're only using one druid healer, you send your bannerslave/lowest dps/off chrono.


I've seen videos where people use their kiter, but I've never been lucky enough to be in one of those groups... But if the person who goes before him is always able to get 2 big orbs to stop the messenger from spawning, there's really no reason to not use the kiter.

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> @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > I've only seen off-tank chrono, bs and 1 random dps being used. Though it makes sense to send the kiter if the group can handle that to minimize the dps downtime.


> You raided with us so you know its not an issue


Oh, you're TBT. Yeah, you guys were doing it fine.

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