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[suggestion] Map full possible solution

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We all know how annoying full maps are, 3 squads for Istan, can't join any of them because maps are all full. I know it's not easy to solve it, Anet can't simply increase maps capacity, that would require rebalancing of every single event.


But I had very simple idea. **Implement the system of rewarding solo players to change map instance to less crowded one**

How could it work:

If there is at least XX (let's say 40) players in squad(s) in one map instance and map is full (or close to full), show solo players (not in party/squad) volunteer reward prompt (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Volunteer%27s_Blessing) but with different text ofc, maybe something like: "You are not part of any large group, change to another version of this same map to let other players join their squads".


I know it's not exactly a bulletproof solution, but I know people are using this just to make it go away :) That could create some flow of players participating in events and solo roamers and could allow some more players to join their squads.

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The advanced solution is phasing, which is how a real megaserver works, but that's something only GW3 may have chance of seeing. For comparison, GW2 currently uses multiple map instances which fit around 100 people. For the real implementation, imagine if the different areas within a map were the instances, allowing for the entire map to feel populated no matter where you went. Using this concept, large events would take place within their own instance and you'd never know any of this is happening. Since GW2 likely couldn't manage this however, they'd have to treat it as a separate map, bounding it like a story instance.


Considering these events are balanced for like 1/4 of the map however, chances are ArenaNet isn't going to bother changing anything. If you want to fix full maps, do volunteering in reverse and forcibly split them in two. The best thing they could do at this point is add a simple instance selector and have the megaservers actually fill maps rather that prioritizing worlds/guilds/friends playing together, which only creates several dead instances.


> @"Czokalapik.6091" said:

> Anet can't simply increase maps capacity, that would require rebalancing of every single event.


They can't simply increase the caps because it's exponential growth when everyone is nearby. They don't actually care about event balancing, they're only goal is to keep the content relevant. If they actually balanced events fairly, zerging would be the worst thing you could do.

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the thing is maps have different population cap size


when you have an organised squad, instead of asking the player to move to a different map or increase the map limit, maybe the squad leader have the option to start a private map instance, and the only way other can get in is taxi via squad leader or someone who (taxied via squad leader) already is in the instance

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Something sits wrong with this suggestion in me, but i'm too tired to think of the proper words to convey that.


Hm. First of all, there are tonnes of solo players who do events outside of squad. Next, only player decides their business. Someone may tag onto a populated thing just to get something important after- eg HoT meta maps, best time to ask for mushroom queen HP...is as soon as the chak gerents die. And, being that NOTHING requires anything close to 100 people to do, why should that be disallowed? People just have to have the sense to create new squads in other IPs themselves. Most people who care about this stuff are kind enough to find a way to get onto another IP anyway, and those who don't care are just gonna be annoyed that anet wants to control their business (you're not doing the Important Thing so you should change maps, potentially giving you a dead map and failure to do events you need that aren't what the squad is for.)


The worst killer is that the only choice over map instance we have is joining squads...leaving map to character select and coming back is a very unreliable method of switching IPs.


Best solution i can think of has already been suggested- squad leaders getting the ability to force create a new instance (perhaps only if squad is 40 members or more for initial creation as to stop people just spam force creation of instances, and likely with a cooldown per map to stop exploitation of multiple IPs- to not stop meta trains in HoT for example), perferably with no priority to new instance until 15 minutes after it's creation- that is, no one who wanders into the map looking to do something else can enter without taxi-ing in until 15 minutes after it's creation.

Could potentially fix some instance related bugged metas in core tyria as a side effect? : o


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I'd rather see a Queue system applied to full maps as the most annoying thing for me is the constant necessity to spam "Join" on a friend or party/squad member I wonna join to, and when I get tired of it, I stop for a minute or two, which might be the times which a slot opens for me but I ain't spamming "Join" during these minutes so I miss the chance to get in. It's already there- WvWvW queue. Just apply it to all maps please.


And add an LFG Silverwastes and Dry Top tabs please, it's about damn time.

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> @"Grimegg.1297" said:

> I'd rather see a Queue system applied to full maps as the most annoying thing for me is the constant necessity to spam "Join" on a friend or party/squad member I wonna join to, and when I get tired of it, I stop for a minute or two, which might be the times which a slot opens for me but I ain't spamming "Join" during these minutes so I miss the chance to get in. It's already there- WvWvW queue. Just apply it to all maps please.


> And add an LFG Silverwastes and Dry Top tabs please, it's about kitten time.


That could go in pair with my idea tbh, imagine solo players getting popup, some of them will choose to change the map, meanwhile you are in queue to join the map where your squad is, and when enough players will change the map to less populated, ppl in queue will join their respective squads.


But the idea of giving squad leaders option to change map instance is also great, it could be done like ready check (only ready players will "teleport" to new instance when leader will trigger the transfer).


Edit: I see some of you don't fully get the idea. I don't want to force solo players out of the map, I simply want to add an option to change instance. If anyone wants to stay, go ahead, stay, click "no".

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