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What are we fighting for?


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We figthing for redundancy at citical levels, big servers figthing smaller populations so that small population cap back paper stuff and creates "more" objectives for the blob to ktrain.


This is what happens on WvW and what WvW is all about.

It was originality a place for pver's ktrain stuff in blob, just like AB was in gw1.

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Not a thing anymore, but it used to be so that the more points your server earned, the more your world gets server-wide bonus; [Power of the Mists](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_of_the_Mists "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_of_the_Mists")

The boosts to crafting and gathering were nice to have. Check the link for all the boons it gave.


and lore-wise @"BunjiKugashira.9754" 's explanation is right. Every server is considered like an alternate reality in the universe (kinda like the theory of Multiverses) and you fear they'll invade your world, so you fight to push them back.

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Seriously though, yesterday I kept encountering this engi, the first time I killed him...he swung first, but I felt bad none the less because he wasn't even bronze yet.


We kept encountering each other over the next 4 hours, sometimes he had buddies, sometimes I had buddies and sometimes the fights were even, but still not over 5 per side anytime, the last time I saw him, he'd hit bronze. I was so proud of this stranger for sticking in there despite the numerous deaths I know he must've incurred he will learn the ways and be a great roamer one day :)



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Winning matchups is pointless these days. Server pride or the point of PPT ended around 2014 and died once they brought server linkings; so that players could bandwagon another way. The old ways we used to get mass transfers were, when we had free or cheaper transfer periods, besides a couple of times we actually paid 1800 gems to transfer; to a highly populated server.


So it's best go enjoy the loot and fights, as long as the fights aren't full of siege, chasing after players or zergs and one sided fights.

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I do hope part of the upcoming rework will include better rewards for actually winning the weekly matchup.

Right now its 100% pointless to win, you literally get nothing.

Server pride and all that stuff died when they added server links.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> More seriously, does WvW need a primary goal other than to win the match up? I find it fun to try to outplay opponents


The trouble is that it's been over a year since I've been in a match were all three sides were actually trying to win. Where's the fun in outplaying someone who wants to lose . . ?

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> > More seriously, does WvW need a primary goal other than to win the match up? I find it fun to try to outplay opponents


> The trouble is that it's been over a year since I've been in a match were all three sides were actually trying to win. Where's the fun in outplaying someone who wants to lose . . ?


I think people are catching on that there's no point in winning. Even the fights are few and far between. No reason to even try to fight when you can bandwagon to the best fight server and get carried.

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I like to come to WvW, because I like the strategy, the approach, the way to manage a fight, the search for a solution to difficulties like those d... scourges, or those thieves I cannot survive for more than one second in a 1 vs. 1 fight, the feeling when I achieve to remain alive in an apparently lost situation, improving with experience growing, be with a group, well organized, enjoying to win together - or to die together! LOL - and so on... I also like a lot the more global view of it, like hearing the info in the chat, moving to next step accordingly, responding to emergency calls, responding to call for help, ...

However, it is true that I am part of a group practicing regularly, so of course, it makes it a bit different. When I was alone and joining whatever zerg was available, I was enjoying too, but not as much as now.

Thanks to all that, I do not need a global target. I get enough fun just as it is. Now don't misunderstand all that positive: I do not mean that I find it perfect. I just answer to the specific point: Why do I get fun in WvW without an overall goal. :)

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