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since i get told over and over again that mesmer burst is super easy to avoid because it has such large flashing tells. So i would like to know, since there are no pulsing rings of orange or red that actually show the burst, what are mesmer tells. What should i be looking for when a mesmer does it's burst thats so easy to avoid.


especially when they go invisible, what are the tells for being invisible.

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Shatters are noted by the clones running towards you. There's also a pretty flashy effect on the mesmer when they shatter, so dodge into the clones and they'll pop on your dodge.


Stealth is useful to know what they stealthed from, but generally the case is that they'll be in stealth for no more than 3 seconds. Watch for an animation coming out of stealth or a daze/stun, then immediately stunbreak and/or dodge to avoid the full burst.


Just remember, this isn't PvE, you don't get pulsing rings of orange (disregarding the eye-cancer that is scourges) and you don't get 3 seconds of windup before needing to dodge. You actually have to react *quickly*.

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To add onto Pyros advice, if you still have problems with mesmer shatters try not to stand in the middle of a load of clones, get some distance between you and the clones so you can react when they do get told to shatter and do a brisk walk to you. If you’re in melee in the middle of a lot of clones you’re making it very easy for them to detonate instantly as they don’t have to run to you.

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> @"Lexan.5930" said:

> since i get told over and over again that mesmer burst is super easy to avoid because it has such large flashing tells. So i would like to know, since there are no pulsing rings of orange or red that actually show the burst, what are mesmer tells. What should i be looking for when a mesmer does it's burst thats so easy to avoid.


> especially when they go invisible, what are the tells for being invisible.


You listen for the Mesmer tell, it takes practice...

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> @"yiksing.9432" said:

> One of the best tells in the game against stealth class is "Turn up the volume of your headphones", the game produce sound of most skills before they are done executing is the best tell.


This so much. Sounds offer better tells than visuals when it comes to a number of mesmer skills.


And mesmer has very clear sound effects for stealth - you can hear prestige go off from a long distance, you can hear mass invis easily. SoM has a very distinct sound. Together with knowing stealth durations and if you have a rough idea of the mesmer's position it's easier to understand what they are likely to do or be able to do from a stealth - unless they stack several and gank, but the only way to survive that is having and knowing panic buttons (ie immediate stunbreak or invuln) and being able to react very quickly especially if hearing MoD squirty sound effect.


Same goes for people complaining about mirage cloak and not being able to see the effect (which I find a bit stupid because that is the whole point of mirage) - it has a very clear sound effect in addition to the visual effect.


So yeah, using your ears is the best way to prevent mesmer burst.

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To me its a matter of timing. Meta mesmers are still incredibly predictable. Stealth, 1s, 2s, block and you probably negated all damage. From there its ~10s to next burst. You can usually tell when they are about to set it up by their movement. Some mesmers I have been able to kill while taking 0 dmg because they run on rails - the same mesmers that can kill me in a second. The glassier they are the better as its quickier to retaliate.

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i will add this for the tell of mes if you ever see a mes raise the sword up dodge that is the tell for shater. if you still cant tell then get the range on the mes/ clones so you can see when to dodge. beyond that not mutch more i can tell you other then use a guildie or a friend that plays mes so you can train on seeing the tells

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My only rebuttal pyro's statement is that clones at different distances can make it hard to dodge a completely 3 stock shatter because they can come in at different time points. When a mesmer uses the chorono trait that gives them super speed its a bit easier to dodge max clone shatters from a distance at once because they arrive to you at a closer time frame and its 10 times more obvious. Cone shatters in general do not have good tells. They have them but not good ones.


IF the shatter burst is done from stealth you cant avoid it unless you avoid the power lock attempt. Even if you stunbreak its often too late to avoid most of the damage at that point because of how fast it happens. (Unless you have blocks or invuln) Even if you see the mesmer go into stealth its still becomes a guessing game of when the power lock will come out because mesmer has such good mobility yo dont know if they will blink next to you to save time or simply walk up before attempting the burst.


Ideally if you can avoid the power lock starter you avoid the whole burst an you have time to fight them back.


Mesmer tells are very deceiving imo and mirage can cover itself long enough between burst attempts which makes it harder to deal with them.

The only things that have true tells now are most of the weapon skill phantasm summons and the mirage ambush attacks. Everything else not so much.

Assuming a mesmer will always power lock after 2-3 seconds after stealth is a good strategy but its not a true tell.


Depends on when you happen to encounter them too. Obviously if you hear or see them channeling power lock or a mantra of any kind you know what kind of mesmer you are dealing with right out the gate.


I wouldnt say mesmer burst are easy to avoid though. Even if you avoid the burst can you deal with the sustained pressure damage they can put out some times they dont need a direct burst to win a fight.


Mesmer is kind of up in the air right now with how phants have no limits along side clones it can make it very hard to deal with in general


I personally dont find them fun to fight against in the current state of the game. Even if some of their style is obvious

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