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Give Druid and Pets Their Damage Back

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Ranger feels insanely watered down right now. Everything since HoT has either been doubled in cooldown or halved in effectiveness.


Our pets hit for literally nothing compared to the PoF specs and we don't have as much:


1. Utility/Damage/Mobility/Survivability as a mesmer

2. Damage/Mobility as a thief

3. Damage/Survivability/Utility as an engi


Like what do we have? CA has been nerfed so much all we can hope to do is stalemate a fight. And if you can't stalemate, you'll die because druid can't kill anything. We used to have a cool rez mechanic with SnR but that got nerfed to potato-ness. We used to have good damage and healing. But we don't have anything more and now ranger is in an awkward place because it literally does NOTHING.

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Nerfing pets sustain is not good, cuz it will limit druid teamfight capabilities even further. The dmg of pets is actually not too bad for a variety of pets, but a lot of pets are also utterly useless. I don't think that druid is as bad as OP describes, but their role is a bit ambiguous for now it seems.

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Oh no the spec that was designed as a support build/ healer/ node holder can no longer win every 1v1, even though they can still survive in outnumbered situations and have great disengage and mobility :'( :'( :'(


It probably feels watered down because it was so OP to begin with :/

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No problems from my end... Didn't change a thing in the build (surging back to water) and still playing same way... I felt mainly the Buff in SoS than any other change... Main problem now in taking side nodes are the amount of mesmers... I don't think Druid is underperforming just that Mesmer is over performing. However there are few that I have problems with...

Pets are useless against Mesmers also...

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> Did this many people really die to staff autos lmfao? People so salty towards a no damage, mediocre support spec like druid xD


> Druid offense has been nerfed, healing in CA has been nerfed, CA has had it's CD disgustingly increased again. Get over it and l2p


Mediocre compared to what Mirage and Scourge? All that stuff nerfed yet still stronger then most builds. The guy I see crying is a Druid. Everyone else is saying the nerfs were justified and the build is still strong. Both true statements.

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> @"brannigan.9831" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > Did this many people really die to staff autos lmfao? People so salty towards a no damage, mediocre support spec like druid xD

> >

> > Druid offense has been nerfed, healing in CA has been nerfed, CA has had it's CD disgustingly increased again. Get over it and l2p


> All that stuff nerfed yet still stronger then most builds. The guy I see crying is a Druid. Everyone is saying the nerfs were justified and the build is still strong. Both true statements.


Yeah I haven't even played druid this season lol. Nice try though. I play thief mesmer revenant (sitting out but came back a bit this season) druid and firebrand so good luck trying to peg my bias.


The nerfs were probably needed but all the responses in this thread say druid is still very strong and imply that it needs more nerfs. It does NOT. It is literally turning into a potato.

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Druids are still very good at what they do. They are however overshadowed by the almighty Chaos Traitline along with 9k Disenchanters on paladins amulet.


With mesmer being brought down to this plane of existance, Druids will more than likely be the go-to side-noder.

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I say keep all your nerfs in PvP, but reverse all the same nerfs in PvE. There's no reason to punish PvE players 'cause of the complaints of 'overpowered' anything in PvP. It's was a ridiculous thing to do then, and to keep it that way after the split is a ridiculous thing to continue now.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> I say keep all your nerfs in PvP, but reverse all the same nerfs in PvE. There's no reason to punish PvE players 'cause of the complaints of 'overpowered' anything in PvP. It's was a ridiculous thing to do then, and to keep it that way after the split is a ridiculous thing to continue now.


Druids are still the go-to support for all end-game content. They also were not touched in PvE / WvW in the last patch. So, I'm not entirely sure what you're on about.

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> Did this many people really die to staff autos lmfao? People so salty towards a no damage, mediocre support spec like druid xD


> Druid offense has been nerfed, healing in CA has been nerfed, CA has had it's CD disgustingly increased again. Get over it and l2p


Nobody ever died to staff auto. Not entirely sure why that particular skill got nerfed.


If you want actual damage instead of just having the ability to tank a point for an increasingly short duration, roll a Soulbeast these days.

Or play down in the wood league where players are actually hit by your pets.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > Did this many people really die to staff autos lmfao? People so salty towards a no damage, mediocre support spec like druid xD

> >

> > Druid offense has been nerfed, healing in CA has been nerfed, CA has had it's CD disgustingly increased again. Get over it and l2p


> Nobody ever died to staff auto. Not entirely sure why that particular skill got nerfed.


> If you want actual damage instead of just having the ability to tank a point for an increasingly short duration, roll a Soulbeast these days.

> Or play down in the wood league where players are actually hit by your pets.


> ~ Kovu


I believe that skill got nerfed because it contributed to their CA pool.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > Did this many people really die to staff autos lmfao? People so salty towards a no damage, mediocre support spec like druid xD

> > >

> > > Druid offense has been nerfed, healing in CA has been nerfed, CA has had it's CD disgustingly increased again. Get over it and l2p

> >

> > Nobody ever died to staff auto. Not entirely sure why that particular skill got nerfed.

> >

> > If you want actual damage instead of just having the ability to tank a point for an increasingly short duration, roll a Soulbeast these days.

> > Or play down in the wood league where players are actually hit by your pets.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> I believe that skill got nerfed because it contributed to their CA pool.


Then nerf the astral force generation, not the damage.

Not that generating astral force in time is ever going to be a problem when the mechanic is gated by a 20s cooldown.


I don't even use a staff anymore, it only really has one decent skill on it, 2 if projectiles are really that much of an issue.


~ Kovu

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So the actual player has to kill stuff now instead of just sitting there healing themselves. Wow, who would have thought players would actually have to kill things themselves. And FYI pet dmg is still over the top. Druid is a HEALING spec and shouldn't be able to put out much damage.

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> @"Rufo.3716" said:

> So the actual player has to kill stuff now instead of just sitting there healing themselves. Wow, who would have thought players would actually have to kill things themselves. And FYI pet dmg is still over the top. Druid is a HEALING spec and shouldn't be able to put out much damage.


I mean so is weaver but it still nukes a point.


Holo is a damage spec but its as tanky as a Druid.


Mesmer literally has everything + utility.


Druid is just a potato right now. It literally does nothing except self heal.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Not last patch . . . all patches. And they were definitely touched in PvE due to prior patches because of the complaints in PvP.

Our pets, in particular, have been nerfed into the ground because of PVP whining. Now that they're apparently splitting skills again, they need to revert all those smokescale/bristleback nerfs and the rock gazelle charge nerf for PVE.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Rufo.3716" said:

> > So the actual player has to kill stuff now instead of just sitting there healing themselves. Wow, who would have thought players would actually have to kill things themselves. And FYI pet dmg is still over the top. Druid is a HEALING spec and shouldn't be able to put out much damage.


> I mean so is weaver but it still nukes a point.



Weaver is a bruiser, and it doesn't nuke a point. Sword weaver doesn't hit hard at all, and glass weaver is single target and squishy af.


> Holo is a damage spec but its as tanky as a Druid.



Nice joke. Druid has far greater sustain and tankiness than Holo.


> Mesmer literally has everything + utility.


Druid still has greater sustain and team sustain.



> Druid is just a potato right now. It literally does nothing except self heal.


Stop with this please. Druid doesn't only self-heal - and if that's all you can do with it then you're playing wrong. They still have great 1v1 potential (even greater with longbow), great node holding, good team support, good mobility etc etc

The fact that you complain druid doesn't have as much dps as mesmer/holo/thief shows that you just want the spec to be ridiculously OP - insane sustain and healing + top damage? Nice joke.

Druid wasn't meant to be a dps spec. It was meant to be a support spec. It finally is.


Stop whining.

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