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How long more will Deadeyes go unchecked?

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> Yup unfair that deadeyes have 1500 range. Scourges need 1500 range on their shades. That would definitely balance things out.


They can stack stealth and malice stacks on you from 1500 range for extra damage. Deadeyes mark is way too powerful, I have been playing deadeye recently and have gotten to learn just how ridiculous this skill is.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > Yup unfair that deadeyes have 1500 range. Scourges need 1500 range on their shades. That would definitely balance things out.


> They can stack stealth and malice stacks on you from 1500 range for extra damage. Deadeyes mark is way too powerful, I have been playing deadeye recently and have gotten to learn just how ridiculous this skill is.


And they are also extremely mobile if they choose to and can disengage bad situations easily spamming rifle 4 Death's Retreat on top of their utilities.

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ranged classes are necro nemesis.... druid / soulbeast even core ranger can rape necro without problem.

And deadeye is more than that... necro have low mobility even if you try wurm / sand swell... also necro almost doesnt have usable projectile def...

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> @"intox.6347" said:

> ranged classes are necro nemesis.... druid / soulbeast even core ranger can kitten necro without problem.

> And deadeye is more than that... necro have low mobility even if you try wurm / sand swell... also necro almost doesnt have usable projectile def...


this is true however deadeyes can remain perma invis while roaming until they choose to engage.

In which case, they would be dealing insane amount of damage out of invis with no tell.

They usually cast mark which is a daze/stun and then burst.

This require insane reflexes from the player to break stun and negate their damage or for the player to trait auto-trigger damage immune traits.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"intox.6347" said:

> > ranged classes are necro nemesis.... druid / soulbeast even core ranger can kitten necro without problem.

> > And deadeye is more than that... necro have low mobility even if you try wurm / sand swell... also necro almost doesnt have usable projectile def...


> this is true however deadeyes can remain perma invis while roaming until they choose to engage.

> In which case, they would be dealing insane amount of damage out of invis with no tell.

> They usually cast mark which is a daze/stun and then burst.

> This require insane reflexes from the player to break stun and negate their damage or for the player to trait auto-trigger damage immune traits.


yeah, i sometimes run this perma-stealth deadeye (it have some differences from one shot deadeye build... ) and you can move in stealth all the time.... sometimes i troll ppl run near them ... mark them but dont shoot :D just to see that panic :D but yes... thats strange mechanic. Also if i met lonely necro... i know he is dead... he cant outrun, he cant defend... no projectile hate (not much necros using corrosive poison cloud) , so he is dead.

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See to me I think the perma stealth classes should have to do some major trade offs to make their perma stealth work. They should have to give up skills and traits that give them mobility and invulnerabilities so that they can maintain their perma stealth. I also think in order for them to maintain it they should also not be able to take some of their damage traits because they need to slot stuff in for stealth.

Edit: And yes I'm including Mesmers on this.

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Some classes will have inherent advantages over others in small-scale or 1v1 fights, but stealth deadeye vs necro (and some others as well) is virtually 0 risk/99% reward. You will not die, and you will likely kill him if he's alone or separated. I think being able to do massive attacks from stealth combined with high mobility is a ridiculous combination. Let them keep their mobility and damage, but remove the stealth, so that at least alert players can do something to prevent massive damage or insta-down with no warning.

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> @"Euryon.9248" said:

> Some classes will have inherent advantages over others in small-scale or 1v1 fights, but stealth deadeye vs necro (and some others as well) is virtually 0 risk/99% reward. You will not die, and you will likely kill him if he's alone or separated. I think being able to do massive attacks from stealth combined with high mobility is a ridiculous combination. Let them keep their mobility and damage, but remove the stealth, so that at least alert players can do something to prevent massive damage or insta-down with no warning.


same for mesmer

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"intox.6347" said:

> > ranged classes are necro nemesis.... druid / soulbeast even core ranger can kitten necro without problem.

> > And deadeye is more than that... necro have low mobility even if you try wurm / sand swell... also necro almost doesnt have usable projectile def...


> this is true however deadeyes can remain perma invis while roaming until they choose to engage.

> In which case, they would be dealing insane amount of damage out of invis with no tell.

> They usually cast mark which is a daze/stun and then burst.

> This require insane reflexes from the player to break stun and negate their damage or for the player to trait auto-trigger damage immune traits.


Sorry but there isn’t any insane amount of damage from Stealth with a Deadeye without tells, The facts prove that their “Insane”amounts of Damage come with some of the most Obvious tells in game.



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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > ranged classes are necro nemesis.... druid / soulbeast even core ranger can kitten necro without problem.

> > > And deadeye is more than that... necro have low mobility even if you try wurm / sand swell... also necro almost doesnt have usable projectile def...

> >

> > this is true however deadeyes can remain perma invis while roaming until they choose to engage.

> > In which case, they would be dealing insane amount of damage out of invis with no tell.

> > They usually cast mark which is a daze/stun and then burst.

> > This require insane reflexes from the player to break stun and negate their damage or for the player to trait auto-trigger damage immune traits.


> Sorry but there isn’t any insane amount of damage from Stealth with a Deadeye without tells, The facts prove that their “Insane”amounts of Damage come with some of the most Obvious tells in game.


> .#thosepeskyfacts

You can abuse the action camera to fire deaths judgement without any tell whatsoever.



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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > > ranged classes are necro nemesis.... druid / soulbeast even core ranger can kitten necro without problem.

> > > > And deadeye is more than that... necro have low mobility even if you try wurm / sand swell... also necro almost doesnt have usable projectile def...

> > >

> > > this is true however deadeyes can remain perma invis while roaming until they choose to engage.

> > > In which case, they would be dealing insane amount of damage out of invis with no tell.

> > > They usually cast mark which is a daze/stun and then burst.

> > > This require insane reflexes from the player to break stun and negate their damage or for the player to trait auto-trigger damage immune traits.

> >

> > Sorry but there isn’t any insane amount of damage from Stealth with a Deadeye without tells, The facts prove that their “Insane”amounts of Damage come with some of the most Obvious tells in game.

> >

> > .#thosepeskyfacts

> You can abuse the action camera to fire deaths judgement without any tell whatsoever.


> .#thetruefacts


Show video of this Abusing Action cam to remove all tells from Death’s Judgement, let’s see here:

Revealed applies to Thief Before Attack animation occurs.


Large bright Lazer before Projectile is Fired


Large slow Red Projectile.


Audio Queue on activation of the skill.


and oh yeah for the insane amounts of damage for DJ the giant orange/red Mark above the players head.


Will sit back waiting for your vid showcasing this trick you speak of to remove all those tells.



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It's not Deadeye tbh, it's stealth in general. Without the perma stealth (and for once this truly fits the definition of permanent) they're pretty weak.


Hopefully they can do a big stealth overhaul at some stage in the future, affecting all the classes that use stealth.

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I wouldn't mind stealth getting taken down a notch as long as the defensive and offensive capabilities of the classes reliant on them (mesmer/thief) got tuned up a bit in return. Stealth is a decent mechanic, but I get the feeling it's too difficult to implement in a way that doesn't encourage stack and burst to get the most out of it.


That said, I hardly see any deadeyes in WvW because it's such a vulnerable spec. Any Necro that's been in WvW for a significant period of time should be pretty familiar with fighting/avoiding ranged builds.

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> @"Warkind.6745" said:

> I wouldn't mind stealth getting taken down a notch as long as the defensive and offensive capabilities of the classes reliant on them (mesmer/thief) got tuned up a bit in return. Stealth is a decent mechanic, but I get the feeling it's too difficult to implement in a way that doesn't encourage stack and burst to get the most out of it.


> That said, I hardly see any deadeyes in WvW because it's such a vulnerable spec. Any Necro that's been in WvW for a significant period of time should be pretty familiar with fighting/avoiding ranged builds.


There is a big difference between thief and mesmer . For thief stealth is much more important as mechanic than for mesmer. Mesmer has far less access to stealth and usually, with power gs chrono/mirage, you can use the first attack chain from stealth but if you don't kill you can be in trouble .Thief on the other side has much more access to stealth than mesmer ,but mesmer has much more active defense and sustain . I think in any case stealth as a major thread on thief, less on mesmer .

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I'm pretty sure DEs and SoulBs are supposed to be the hard counter to Scourge. I remember a while back thief and ranger complaining about no being wanted in squad. This is Anets answer. They are a huge obstacle to deal with. I know some guilds I'll fight against whenever I show up they have dedicated DEs and seems all they do is target me, its actually quite effective and very annoying. I have to change some utilities around but its doable while roaming. I can make them run which is the best you'll get if not they will just keep resetting the fight and you will lose eventually(no way to generate enough LF to keep fighting) if they well played. In a zerg they generally will swing out away from the main blob( to avoid insta aoe death) so you kind of have to deal with them which can really throw off the big bomb we all love to throw. Best I can say is make them run and reposition somewhere.

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Deadeye is good for defeating distracted players, finishing downs, and hitting the tail as a group runs away. If I am successful on a deadeye, its because the zerg was already successful. Only distracted players are having problems with the deadeye, and any zerg will only have one or two, anything more becomes a liability. Scourge is still the number one used class, deadeye can not replace its ability to hit multiple targets and will never be the defacto number one zerg toon. Deadeye has trouble with ranged classes, mesmers, and tanky fb, of which deadeye stands little to no chance in defeating. Personally I target scourge, because they want to solo out of the zerg and be distracted in where they are placing huge giant and enormous circles, of which matter little where they are placed. Really, I think it is more of a positioning problem, or wanting to roam on what is now a team oriented build.


I get smashed using deadeye allot, but I see its potential and don't want it to be nerfed before we can have some legitimate fun on it. My suggestion, play a roaming build to roam. Maybe anet can give the necro roaming status and make scourge the zerging build. Like the way I only play daredevil if I choose to roam on my thief, because deadeye has no real mobility and only a few tricks that the player hopes will work. Because against an experienced player newby tricks will not. It sounds like a mobility issue with necro, but whats the fun in having no beatable classes?


Build a holosmith and see deadeye get 1 hit, a mirage, or any warrior with bulls charge and main hand sword or dagger (esp a berserker), you will see deadeye needs a team carry to do anything special. Lets not get into the non skilled game play, that's for open world pve. Lets keep competition in the hands of the competitor, and not in the hands of easy gimmicks to get away from a class that is just doing what its function is. If i am on my warrior, and a deadeye is mispositioned, that's all she wrote folks. And there is no waiting 20 seconds in down state like a necro has, its 2 seconds if anything hits.


Anet seems to be going toward hot for roaming and pof for zergs. I like that change. Mainly because most have used hot builds a lot more than pof, and I notice a lot reverting back to hot. Having a choice of all builds depending on what function you wish to play is nice, not having a guild upset for someone playing a thief is nice. If deadeye is nerfed, zerg thief will be frowned on once more. And it will be even more useless as a solo roaming class. By the way, ever been hit by siege on a deadeye? I say, if they can survive that, they deserve a mispositioned player or two.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Speaking as a Necro main.

> They are a nightmare.

> I have bias.

> But their endless stealth needs nerf.


I think you might biased here. They are a counter to Necros, but overall across multiple classes they are kind of meh. Also have you tried one? Play all classes and most builds and if anything think they could use some adjustments but don't see them as these be-all class. Not saying I am a fan of perma-stealth but don't really worry about them much either.

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> @"EUmad.7645" said:

> > @"Warkind.6745" said:

> > I wouldn't mind stealth getting taken down a notch as long as the defensive and offensive capabilities of the classes reliant on them (mesmer/thief) got tuned up a bit in return. Stealth is a decent mechanic, but I get the feeling it's too difficult to implement in a way that doesn't encourage stack and burst to get the most out of it.

> >

> > That said, I hardly see any deadeyes in WvW because it's such a vulnerable spec. Any Necro that's been in WvW for a significant period of time should be pretty familiar with fighting/avoiding ranged builds.


> There is a big difference between thief and mesmer . For thief stealth is much more important as mechanic than for mesmer. Mesmer has far less access to stealth and usually, with power gs chrono/mirage, you can use the first attack chain from stealth but if you don't kill you can be in trouble .Thief on the other side has much more access to stealth than mesmer ,but mesmer has much more active defense and sustain . I think in any case stealth as a major thread on thief, less on mesmer .


yesterday a team of 5 i was in hit on a mirage for 1 minute 40 seconds before his defenses ran out. He had a few team mates at first, but i also targeted him first. He was the last to die, but it took forever to get through stealth, diamond skin, and blur. Mesmer may not have this much, but mirage is almost immortal in small group game play. But as for the rest of this forum post, maybe necro needs some love, not scourge haha, necro.

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Stealth has always been broken in this game, stealth will always be broken in this game, because anet built an entire class around the mechanic, and have already improved it on other classes since release. It's one of the most poorly implement stealth/invis mechanics done in any game, especially for pvp.


It's never going to change.

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