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WvW builds for Mesmers


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Hey everyone!


With the recent updates to mesmer, it's hard to find sites with up to date material on WvW builds. I usually go to Metabattle for help, but some of the builds haven't been updated in years. Honestly I've just built my first legendary (bifrost) so I really didn't want to switch to Greatsword but that's all I see nowadays. Im open to all suggestions to what I should run as my secondary weapon. I typically enjoy running with zerg groups but I also want to be able to survive on my own (especially if there aren't any groups running). I'm just starting to work on building ascended armor too so I don't want to build the wrong thing. Any advice would be helpful (even if it means switching out bifrost :( ) Thanks!

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There are plenty of good builds that never make it to MetaBattle and MB does tend to list some WvW builds that aren't commonly used or even accepted by the "serious" WvW guilds. Once you accept the limitations of a site curated by volunteers, it's still a good first choice for those wanting a decent place to start. If you want something more specific, I'd recommend visiting some of the websites & discords of the bigger guilds to see what they recommend. For example: [EZ Discord EU](https://ez.gw2discord.eu/builds.html).


> @"Celac.4893" said:

> I usually go to Metabattle for help, but some of the builds haven't been updated in years.


The curators at the site regularly go through the builds, removing stuff that's outdated (or finding someone to update the details). Just because a build is old doesn't mean that it's superseded by others.



For what it's worth, I went through [all seven WvW mesmer builds on MetaBattle](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Mesmer):

* Support Chrono: created 22 May 17, last updated 3 April 18

* Glamour Chrono: 31 July 2016 | 15 March 2018

* Burst Shatter: 7 August 2014 | 15 February 2018

* Condi Roamer: 6 December 2016 | 21 September 2017

* PU Condi Roamer: 6 July 2015 | 11 January 2018

* Shatter Mirage: 22 November 2017 | 15 March 2018

* Deceptive Mirage: 11 November 2017 | 25 November 2017


So every single build has been updated within the last seven months, four within the last month or two. The oldest exception is the Condi Roamer, which arguably isn't much affected by recent changes (although someone should probably update it just to say that). The only other "old" build is a test build, which probably should be removed, but the curators are going out of their way to leave newer builds up for longer, to give more people a chance to propose new ideas.

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I'm not an expert on mesmer , but if it were me. I'd prolly go with something like this..




but running axe/torch + staff instead of pistol. I looked at the PU condi roamer build and youre right it looks outdated. Though I liked the idea of running trailblazer gear (scourge players are running that now in wvw). The axe/scepter + torch would be good for 1 v 1s while staff would likely be the best option for condi bombing with the zerg. The only problem with making trailblazer gear imo is the cost of the maguuma lilies (6.85g a piece). Hopefully someone with more in depth knowledge of the profession can add to this.

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> @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> while staff would likely be the best option for condi bombing with the zerg.

There is no such thing as "condi bombing with the zerg" on a mesmer. 1v1 its fine (and decently strong assuming you dont meet anyone with condi cleanse) but it's useless for anything else. The staff is so hopeless in zergs its like a peashooter, compared to the greatsword that can literally kill the enemy heavy hitters (such as eles casting meteor) at 1200 range in a couple of seconds, or worst case scenario scare them off. Even in melee range the ramp up for damage is so slow the enemy zerg will run over you before you got any meaningfull condi in. Considering even the modest of condi scourges does much more ranged damage *and* offer constant barriers to the zerg *and* can spec one of the best zerg healers at the same bloody time if they so choose there is absolutely no contest here.


Most will run power shatter mirage or minstrel tank chrono nowadays with minor variations within each archetype. The former makes for an excellent focus party member while the latter is bunker enough to go in the frontline and support the melee with boons/veils/cc.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> > while staff would likely be the best option for condi bombing with the zerg.

> There is no such thing as "condi bombing with the zerg" on a mesmer. 1v1 its fine (and decently strong assuming you dont meet anyone with condi cleanse) but it's useless for anything else. The staff is so hopeless in zergs its like a peashooter, compared to the greatsword that can literally kill the enemy heavy hitters (such as eles casting meteor) at 1200 range in a couple of seconds, or worst case scenario scare them off. Even in melee range the ramp up for damage is so slow the enemy zerg will run over you before you got any meaningfull condi in. Considering even the modest of condi scourges does much more ranged damage *and* offer constant barriers to the zerg *and* can spec one of the best zerg healers at the same bloody time if they so choose there is absolutely no contest here.


> Most will run power shatter mirage or minstrel tank chrono nowadays with minor variations within each archetype. The former makes for an excellent focus party member while the latter is bunker enough to go in the frontline and support the melee with boons/veils/cc.


I see. so yea, this is why i added the part about hoping someone that mains mesmer would chime in. Various other professions will aoe bomb groups, I didnt know mesmer was an exception. The staff skills look like they would work for it is all. The op wanted a staff build and its all I could think of .

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> @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> > > while staff would likely be the best option for condi bombing with the zerg.

> > There is no such thing as "condi bombing with the zerg" on a mesmer. 1v1 its fine (and decently strong assuming you dont meet anyone with condi cleanse) but it's useless for anything else. The staff is so hopeless in zergs its like a peashooter, compared to the greatsword that can literally kill the enemy heavy hitters (such as eles casting meteor) at 1200 range in a couple of seconds, or worst case scenario scare them off. Even in melee range the ramp up for damage is so slow the enemy zerg will run over you before you got any meaningfull condi in. Considering even the modest of condi scourges does much more ranged damage *and* offer constant barriers to the zerg *and* can spec one of the best zerg healers at the same bloody time if they so choose there is absolutely no contest here.

> >

> > Most will run power shatter mirage or minstrel tank chrono nowadays with minor variations within each archetype. The former makes for an excellent focus party member while the latter is bunker enough to go in the frontline and support the melee with boons/veils/cc.


> I see. so yea, this is why i added the part about hoping someone that mains mesmer would chime in. Various other professions will aoe bomb groups, I didnt know mesmer was an exception. The staff skills look like they would work for it is all. The op wanted a staff build and its all I could think of .


Mesmer has poor AoE abilities outside of wells which is why it isn’t the best choice for zergs but is superb in roaming/small group.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> but is superb in roaming/small group.

I would hesitate to call a staff mesmer (assuming condi) suberb in small groups. Boon chrono can do fine in a small guild group (about as immortal as a spellbreaker when played well, except with like 1/10th the damage) but for a random small group fight its just dead weight. The more people fighting you the more they will have AoE cleanses and the worse a condi mesmer becomes. Again, just like the zerg it becomes a matter of ramp up speed. If there is a 5v5 fight (whatever) in front and you engage them with a mesmer, the power mesmer will have pretty much downed someone before the condi mesmer has even started engaging. And that's the summary on how you win fights, because unlike the later scenario where the enemy will go "oh look someone is lazily trotting toward us doing nothing and oh there is a circle at our feet doing no damage lets just keep hitting these people", they will go "OH =%)/"! FRANK INSTADOWNED PLS RES OMG THEY ALL DIED AROUND HIM RUN WE CANT TAKE THIS DAMAGE WHILE 5 PEOPLE ARE HITTING US!".


I mean workable sure even a stock engineer is workable, but suberb... meh.

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Staff is a hybrid weapon, it works for both condi and power builds. It might not have the burst of the Greatsword but it's superior to it in every other aspect. Play a power Mirage with Staff and Sword/Torch for extra mobility and stealth it will work fine, it's okish in zergs and better at duels than the GS counterpart is.

You can always go with both GS and Staff in Zergs since it's so forgiving to be among a bunch of other people with your only purpose being to deal dmg.

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For reference I solo roam with this (and sometimes dip in and out of group play but it's not efficient at supporting allies if they go down or focus bursting down fast enough like power mirage, though you can do some juicy axe shatter combo bursts - but it's good and self sufficient if you have allies that can take care of themselves): http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vhQQNAnfWnsnBlphFoBGMDMMjlZDrMAcbSGmjgVQLxv+1/CgA-jFyHQB/UFn5oEcJK/qp+mEpegyOlC7Y/BA8kCeHcAcVra1VZ1VXd1ru6qru6qGwqru6qru6qru6qxAUF-w


One day when something like writ of masterful speed becomes affordable or they put some kind of other speed boost like dbl shrines in wvw I'll swap Signet of Inspiration for a better utility. Sadly it's necessary for this build at the moment. :/

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> There are plenty of good builds that never make it to MetaBattle and MB does tend to list some WvW builds that aren't commonly used or even accepted by the "serious" WvW guilds. Once you accept the limitations of a site curated by volunteers, it's still a good first choice for those wanting a decent place to start. If you want something more specific, I'd recommend visiting some of the websites & discords of the bigger guilds to see what they recommend. For example: [EZ Discord EU](https://ez.gw2discord.eu/builds.html).


> > @"Celac.4893" said:

> > I usually go to Metabattle for help, but some of the builds haven't been updated in years.


> The curators at the site regularly go through the builds, removing stuff that's outdated (or finding someone to update the details). Just because a build is old doesn't mean that it's superseded by others.


> ****

> For what it's worth, I went through [all seven WvW mesmer builds on MetaBattle](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Mesmer):

> * Support Chrono: created 22 May 17, last updated 3 April 18

> * Glamour Chrono: 31 July 2016 | 15 March 2018

> * Burst Shatter: 7 August 2014 | 15 February 2018

> * Condi Roamer: 6 December 2016 | 21 September 2017

> * PU Condi Roamer: 6 July 2015 | 11 January 2018

> * Shatter Mirage: 22 November 2017 | 15 March 2018

> * Deceptive Mirage: 11 November 2017 | 25 November 2017


> So every single build has been updated within the last seven months, four within the last month or two. The oldest exception is the Condi Roamer, which arguably isn't much affected by recent changes (although someone should probably update it just to say that). The only other "old" build is a test build, which probably should be removed, but the curators are going out of their way to leave newer builds up for longer, to give more people a chance to propose new ideas.


I don't know why you rmeove the last meta from spvp builds ( condi with staff, sw/torch). It is played till now by ThelordHelseth and it is still really strong ... also for wvw roaming it is great if you mix dire with some rampage for having power ...

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> @"EUmad.7645" said:

> I don't know why you rmeove the last meta from spvp builds ( condi with staff, sw/torch). It is played till now by ThelordHelseth and it is still really strong ... also for wvw roaming it is great if you mix dire with some rampage for having power ...


I haven't done anything; I am not a curator or contributor of any sort on MetaBattle. Further, the OP was asking about WvW, so I only reported on what I found there.


If you want to give feedback to MetaBattle, the site has a section for contact info.

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