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Suggestion: ascended box exchange.

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Currently we get a lot more glove boxes from fractals than anything else. I used them to start ascended sets for my alts, but now I'm done with that and the gloveboxes are starting to pile up quite badly. It doesn't feel great to just salvage them.


Do you think we could get some kind of exchange system? Even if it wasn't equivalent - say, 1 grandmaster mark for a glovebox? It takes 3 marks to make a glove item so that would be condensing the value in exchange for some flexibility. Or maybe some integrated matrices, or ascended salvage kits? I don''t know. It would just be nice to still get some kind of value out of these once-very-exciting drops.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The drop rates of the armor box types is intended, according to ANet. They want coats to drop less often than any of the others. Accordingly, it's hard to imagine that they'd provide a way to change one type into another.


Not necessarily, it just wouldn't be anywhere close to a 1:1 ratio.

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Is there not an extremely luxurious and toxic™ title exclusive to salvaging ascended equipment for a very rare drop? Also I'm not sure an exchange is the best option (if you are at the point where you can safely bank forever and/or wish you never got an ascended box, you no longer need to rely on an influx of ascended drops), but perhaps a _sink_ would work, such as what they did with augmentation.


This is actually not only related to Fractals but, there are plenty of items that accumulate endlessly and we _still_ have no sink for them, such as Dark Matter and the dark balls of energy

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