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Pvp builds that needs to be gone/nerfed

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- Deadeye thief damage nerf

- Mesmer damage output nerf, reduce dodging frames and stealth

- Make the fields of scourge smaller and less spammable

- Bunker guard heal output

- Bunker druid tank output



- Pistol/pistol thief

- Condi evade thief spam



SINGLE PICK PROFESSION. Fighting a team with 2 mesmers/scourges constantly is killing the pvp.


Got more put them bellow?



I'm so sick of these cheese builds

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> A build cannot be remeved this is nonsense.

> I agree that bunker druid and reve are unkillable, need some fixing.


Yeah that sounds reasonable eno-


> I agree that bunker druid and reve are unkillable, need some fixing.


Something's not quite right..


> reve are unkillable, need some fixing.


are you serious..?

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> @"King xiuras.3615" said:


> - Deadeye thief damage nerf

> - Mesmer damage output nerf, reduce dodging frames and stealth

> - Make the fields of scourge smaller and less spammable

> - Bunker guard heal output

> - Bunker druid tank output



> - Pistol/pistol thief

> - Condi evade thief spam



> SINGLE PICK PROFESSION. Fighting a team with 2 mesmers/scourges constantly is killing the pvp.


> Got more put them bellow?

> Discuss.


> I'm so sick of these cheese builds


Yo remember when DH longbow true shot and berserker rifle f1 got destroyed cause cause cause "we want to lower one shot potential in pvp and wvw" ???? Ahahahahahaha.

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> @"King xiuras.3615" said:


> - Deadeye thief damage nerf

> - Mesmer damage output nerf, reduce dodging frames and stealth

> - Make the fields of scourge smaller and less spammable

> - Bunker guard heal output

> - Bunker druid tank output



> - Pistol/pistol thief

> - Condi evade thief spam



> SINGLE PICK PROFESSION. Fighting a team with 2 mesmers/scourges constantly is killing the pvp.


> Got more put them bellow?

> Discuss.


> I'm so sick of these cheese builds


P/P thief? Lmao ok, can't take you seriously now.

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Bloodmagic necro: ress ability is ridiculous and can be gamebreaking (same with ranger pet res, why this pets just instant restart res after interrupting and have no icd on res?)

Core guard: is just for dummies, very forgiving, ez to play and strong asf, with stupid instant meditations incl a max range teleport without the need of LoS that can be combined with a high burst precasted. Who needs stealth then, in particular when still be able to facetank with lot of blocks and heal.

Mesmer: all phantasm spam builds need to go. Just revert the new phantasm rule already (except that phantasms turn into clones after one attack), this broken mechanic can't be balanced in pvp/wvw. Don't nerf core or elitespec traits (chronophantasma) by trying to balance this broken stuff. All traits/ skills give 2 instead 1 phantasms now (Staff3, Imagined Burden) get revert/changed to only 1 phantasm.

Haven't met a Deadeye or Reaper in the very few games i did, so this is the list for the moment. Maybe i forgot something. Still too many passives around btw, not more cd just delete completely!

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> @"Hylo.1968" said:

> > @"King xiuras.3615" said:


> > - Pistol/pistol thief

> > - Condi evade thief spam

> they are waaaaay easy to counter




One thing to the, easy to counter thing. I myself play a thief and am probably the best target for p/p as it can nearly 1shot or fully 1shot me. But then i find p/p first and then i 1shot it, or nearly anyway.

Personally no matter how easy it is to kill p/p when im on him, i would still want it to be changed drastically. Having your exchanges and pvp matches depend on "whoever sees who first" is absolutely pathetic of a game design.


To the topic:

Remove condi evade thief spam. This game should go away from builds that rely on spamming a single ability, specially when its an evade ability. I would be perfectly fine with everything about condi thief, if every single "offense" they do isnt an evade.

This game has too many damaging iframes and its getting out of hand.

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Nobody uses dodge spam condi thief anymore really but I agree if built right it can be really annoying.


Pistol pistol is only good on glass people with no reflects or invulns though and you have to catch someone completely off guard so it actually takes a lot of skill with timing even if it’s just spamming one ability.


Scourge spam can be ridiculous but it’s generally if they’re really aggressive and playing the way scourge should be played instead of standing back at the beginning of the fight for mid and waiting to be focused down before you even press a button. (Sometimes there isn’t really a choice I know but if you’re not charging after them to stay in melee range to get shade and self effects you’re not being as efficient. At least from what I’ve seen and experienced.)


And firebrand support is good but really skill dependent. People complain about this all the time but I don’t think they’ve actually tried playing one. I’m pretty amazed when I see a good firebrand because the profession is very complex and clunky. I don’t have a problem focusing them down and that’s just what you have to do with any bunker. Lock them out of abilities and then spike. They’re far from overpowered and I would hate to see such a unique profession be repeatedly gutted with nerfs. Especially given that they’re generally only good in group fights, or you’re better off with core guard non-support.


As far as Druid goes, I think it’s still a bit too strong but it’s mainly particular builds that are the issue. Strong stealth builds that allow you to heal up from stealth frequently and sword evade spamming endless mobility builds are the two biggest offenders for me.



If we’re really talking about things that need another balance pass, my personal pick is holo. It still has a lot of damage, very high sustain and mobility, potentially two invulns, and if built for it nearly spammable cc. I’d be fine with the damage and tankiness if they didn’t have endless gap closers and cc or could disengage every time they get low and then make it to the other side of the map in 20 seconds only to come back and harass the point or just regen to full in the time it takes your cool downs to finish.



Any build that does a lot of damage with a tank amulet is kind of broken though, whether it’s the paladin chrono build, holo, or some warrior whirlwind cleaving through everything and sticking to you like white on rice with invuln after invuln and permanent immunity to cc while dazing or interrupting you every 3 seconds with dagger, shield, a utility, or full counter.






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> @"King xiuras.3615" said:


> - Deadeye thief damage nerf

> - Mesmer damage output nerf, reduce dodging frames and stealth

> - Make the fields of scourge smaller and less spammable

> - Bunker guard heal output

> - Bunker druid tank output



> - Pistol/pistol thief

> - Condi evade thief spam



> SINGLE PICK PROFESSION. Fighting a team with 2 mesmers/scourges constantly is killing the pvp.


> Got more put them bellow?

> Discuss.


> I'm so sick of these cheese builds


The p/p thief is needed and I disagree with you. Scourge is already OP with stupid conditions and aoes everywhere and giving barriers to nearby teammates... I like when a p/p thief is on my team so they can kill those annoying Scourges.

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Nerf scourge because my team likes to stand in shades and not use condition clears or defensive cooldowns, ever.


Ugh. Honestly, I play scourge and still think something needs to be done about sand savant. Since it triggers at the character already, that should be all it does, or the shade itself only comes out and periodically bleeds or something. Force scourge to fight face to face if you're going to give it that sort of firepower, or tone it down significantly if you want to be able to keep it ranged.

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Why remove P/P and condi spam thieves? Builds shouldn't be nerfed because of aesthetical reasons. On mesmer, I have the impression that this profession has it all: Damage, mobility, utility and even stealth. Personally, I don't know how they can be fixed, but many experienced players have pointed out its current flaws. Hopefully ANet is taking notes.

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I agree with nerfing the Scourge in PvP SO much that its not even funny. Maybe not the barrier aspect, but definitely with the size of the greater shade. While on the topic of AoE, please don't zerg that much in PvP. Its boring, OP and makes the match no fun if your on the receiving end of it. Another thing I feel that needs to be nerf a tiny bit is the Holosmith. Not a whole lot, but just enough to make it not so OP at times.

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