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Unlimited Gathering Tool Update is a nice surprise!

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This is a nice update. I purchased many unlimited gathering tools before purchasing the unbound magic gathering tools. Ever since I purchased those (which was when they first came out) I have been using them exclusively. With the update it seems like we have freedom, however, I would like to apply the unbound magic glyph to my other unlimited tools (I have so many that have been collecting dust in the bank). It's my understanding that in order to get another unbound magic glyph I must purchase the unbound magic tools, again, from the gem store, but the problem is I don't want the tools again, just the glyph so I can apply it to my other unlimited tools.


At the moment my other unlimited tools still feel useless. If we already have the unlimited unbound magic tools, then we should be able to get an unlimited number unbound magic glyphs for free to apply them to other unlimited gathering tools. I can then equip the other tools on other characters in lieu of placing the unbound tools in my shared slots and swapping them in and out on my characters which gets old.

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If you have a glyph in a tool and try to select another glyph, that tool will be grayed out. So its impossible to loose a glyph by overwriting. You must right click the tool to remove it's glyph first before replacing it with another.


Still I prefer a system where it can use the tools from your inventory if you don't have any equipped.

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> @"WeedyZeGreedy.8635" said:

> Why do the glyphs have to be locked behind a rng wall? Did you not learn your lesson with mounts skins?


I agree but it's nice that they can be sold before they are used. The market price will go crazy with them at first because they are new but I would imagine the price will drop on them.

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The Glyph of the Leatherworker is going to change how people farm since it depends on your level and the map as to what you get. I was in Bloodstone Fen and got thick leather sections exclusively. I'm sure someone will put together a list of which maps give which leathers. I applied mine to my logging tool for my main scrapper. It didn't make sense on the plant gathering tool since you get one hit on those. I might move it to my pick though because of rich nodes.

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Just got the kids off to school and thought 'awesome update lets check it out'. However it seems that my current unlimited tools, Molten Alliance Mining Pick, Chop-it-all logging axe and Consortium harvesting sickle cannot be upgraded. I have them in my inventory but when I go to the trader guy there is no option to upgrade these ones :(

Yet if I was prepared to buy them again for 1000 gems each I get the glyph slot. Is this something that will be fixed? Or will I have to spend more gems on more tools?

Sorry if I missed it somewhere.

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> @"DkzAngelfire.7586" said:

> Just got the kids off to school and thought 'awesome update lets check it out'. However it seems that my current unlimited tools, Molten Alliance Mining Pick, Chop-it-all logging axe and Consortium harvesting sickle cannot be upgraded. I have them in my inventory but when I go to the trader guy there is no option to upgrade these ones :(

> Yet if I was prepared to buy them again for 1000 gems each I get the glyph slot. Is this something that will be fixed? Or will I have to spend more gems on more tools?

> Sorry if I missed it somewhere.


You may have soul-bound versions. Trade them in to the appropriate NPC for account-bound versions, and you should find they have upgrade slots.


From the Wiki: _Soulbound versions of this item can be exchanged for account bound versions at the Black Lion Weapons Specialist in any major city's bank (not The Vaults in Lion's Arch), but the tool must first be unequipped and in your inventory_.


Good luck.

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Regarding the new _Glyph of the Tailor_ and _Glyph of the Leatherworker_, they state: **Material types are determined by your character level and location in the world.**


Its a bit... odd... that the tier of the leather and cloth gathered doesn't correspond to the tier of the wood or ore gathered. I'd have thought/hoped/assumed that gathering Hard Wood (T4), for instance, would yield the _same tier_ of leather (Rugged) and cloth (Linen). But it doesn't work that way, unfortunately. I can gather Hard Wood in one zone and get a different type of leather or cloth than I get when I gather Hard Wood in a different zone.


Meanwhile, I've yet to gather any T6 leather or cloth, regardless of which level 80 zone I am in--has anyone else gotten any T6 leather or cloth yet?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"DkzAngelfire.7586" said:

> > Just got the kids off to school and thought 'awesome update lets check it out'. However it seems that my current unlimited tools, Molten Alliance Mining Pick, Chop-it-all logging axe and Consortium harvesting sickle cannot be upgraded. I have them in my inventory but when I go to the trader guy there is no option to upgrade these ones :(

> > Yet if I was prepared to buy them again for 1000 gems each I get the glyph slot. Is this something that will be fixed? Or will I have to spend more gems on more tools?

> > Sorry if I missed it somewhere.


> You may have soul-bound versions. Trade them in to the appropriate NPC for account-bound versions, and you should find they have upgrade slots.


> From the Wiki: _Soulbound versions of this item can be exchanged for account bound versions at the Black Lion Weapons Specialist in any major city's bank (not The Vaults in Lion's Arch), but the tool must first be unequipped and in your inventory_.


> Good luck.


Thanks so much for the reply, worked a treat :) Off to test out how the glyph works :) hope you have a great day :D

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> @"Nep Leet.5491" said:

> Regarding the new _Glyph of the Tailor_ and _Glyph of the Leatherworker_, they state: **Material types are determined by your character level and location in the world.**


> Its a bit... odd... that the tier of the leather and cloth gathered doesn't correspond to the tier of the wood or ore gathered. I'd have thought/hoped/assumed that gathering Hard Wood (T4), for instance, would yield the _same tier_ of leather (Rugged) and cloth (Linen). But it doesn't work that way, unfortunately. I can gather Hard Wood in one zone and get a different type of leather or cloth than I get when I gather Hard Wood in a different zone.


> Meanwhile, I've yet to gather any T6 leather or cloth, regardless of which level 80 zone I am in--has anyone else gotten any T6 leather or cloth yet?


I put a leather glyph in my molten pick and got both t5 and t6 leather from mithril nodes in Frostgorge. Remember it depends on your character level and node level. It's why you get t5 and t6 mats and items in sub 80 zones. If you really want to make sure on a certain tier be in a zone of the correct level and be at the level for that zone to basically guaranteed you'll get mats of that level.

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I have to say, I'm a bit confused about 'character level and location'. Is it determined by level OR location? Or is it kind of RNG between the two? Does a L80 character always acquire T5 and T6 no matter the map? If so, what difference does location have? What about a L20 character in a L80 map? Always T1 or T2? What about Guild Hall synthesizers or WvW synthesizers?

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I'm a bit confused about being able to transmute limited-use gathering tools in addition to unlimited gathering tools - I don't know if I'd want to spend a transmute charge on changing the appearance of an item that eventually gets consumed, that just feels like I'm wasting a transmute charge. If it were a case of transmuting the tool slot so that any tool in that slot gets that skin, though, I could work with that.

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Love the upgrade.... but.. It totally pains me to see "Remove Upgrade" mocking me on my watchwork pick, but not on my Bitfrost, Dreamer, Moot, Quip, etc....


I can't believe we got removable upgrades on gathering tools BEFORE legendary weapons... I wanna curl up and cry now.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I have to say, I'm a bit confused about 'character level and location'. Is it determined by level OR location? Or is it kind of RNG between the two? Does a L80 character always acquire T5 and T6 no matter the map? If so, what difference does location have? What about a L20 character in a L80 map? Always T1 or T2? What about Guild Hall synthesizers or WvW synthesizers?


I am basing this off the way drops are figured for defeating foes on maps. If you are in a level 20 zone, fighting a level 20 foe, on a level 20 character you will get a drop from their level 20 loot table. If you take a level 80 character to that same location and fight the same foe you have a chance to get a level 80 loot table drop or the level 20 loot table drop.


Each zone has varied levels, take Queensdale for instance, it's a level 1-15 zone. If you take a level 80 character through the zone you have a chance to get level 80 loot and you can also get loot from the level of the zone/mob you defeat. The character level loot table will always be the level or your character that you have there. The loot table for the creature you defeat will be the second randomizer. You may get the creature level table or the character level table.


The zone level comes into play due to there being breakpoints (roughly equal to the levels of green items). This is where the harvesting tools will come into play with their glyphs. For example, Bloodtide Coast has both Seasoned (tier 3) and Pine (Tier 4) wood nodes. When you harvest them with a tool using the leather glyph you always have a chance of getting character level loot or node level loot. So when you get that leather on a Seasoned node, you have a chance at tier 3, tier 5 and tier 6 leather. When you harvest a Pine node, you have a chance for tier 4, tier 5 and tier 6 leather. The node will always give you "that" type or wood/ore/plant as it's title suggests but the depending on which zone and which node, the bonus item can vary.


Like I said, I'm basing this on the way the loot tables work from foes and without a clarification from Anet or more extensive testing we won't know for sure until more testing is done.


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> @"Axiom.9742" said:

> Love the upgrade.... but.. It totally pains me to see "Remove Upgrade" mocking me on my watchwork pick, but not on my Bitfrost, Dreamer, Moot, Quip, etc....


> I can't believe we got removable upgrades on gathering tools BEFORE legendary weapons... I wanna curl up and cry now.


Maybe the tools are the test of the system for legendary weapons. Keep your fingers crossed :)

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> @"Bunter.3795" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I have to say, I'm a bit confused about 'character level and location'. Is it determined by level OR location? Or is it kind of RNG between the two? Does a L80 character always acquire T5 and T6 no matter the map? If so, what difference does location have? What about a L20 character in a L80 map? Always T1 or T2? What about Guild Hall synthesizers or WvW synthesizers?


> I am basing this off the way drops are figured for defeating foes on maps. If you are in a level 20 zone, fighting a level 20 foe, on a level 20 character you will get a drop from their level 20 loot table. If you take a level 80 character to that same location and fight the same foe you have a chance to get a level 80 loot table drop or the level 20 loot table drop.


> Each zone has varied levels, take Queensdale for instance, it's a level 1-15 zone. If you take a level 80 character through the zone you have a chance to get level 80 loot and you can also get loot from the level of the zone/mob you defeat. The character level loot table will always be the level or your character that you have there. The loot table for the creature you defeat will be the second randomizer. You may get the creature level table or the character level table.


> The zone level comes into play due to there being breakpoints (roughly equal to the levels of green items). This is where the harvesting tools will come into play with their glyphs. For example, Bloodtide Coast has both Seasoned (tier 3) and Pine (Tier 4) wood nodes. When you harvest them with a tool using the leather glyph you always have a chance of getting character level loot or node level loot. So when you get that leather on a Seasoned node, you have a chance at tier 3, tier 5 and tier 6 leather. When you harvest a Pine node, you have a chance for tier 4, tier 5 and tier 6 leather. The node will always give you "that" type or wood/ore/plant as it's title suggests but the depending on which zone and which node, the bonus item can vary.


> Like I said, I'm basing this on the way the loot tables work from foes and without a clarification from Anet or more extensive testing we won't know for sure until more testing is done.



Thanks; I figured as much. But, with all the posts about only receiving one certain T5 item, I thought I'd ask.

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This change is just meh for me. I see that Anet is trying to profit as always, and I'm okay with that, but can we get a true QoL? Now we also have glyphs to care about when switching between characters while players were asking for a way to use their gems tools in all characters at the same time. And no, shared slots are not a solution for this, they are just a band-aid, a very expensive one.

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